diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b6a6583..36c784b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ docker run -dit mynttt/updatetool ``` +[Where is the data folder of the Plex Media Server located on my system?](https://support.plex.tv/articles/202915258-where-is-the-plex-media-server-data-directory-located/) + [TVDB API Key](https://thetvdb.com/dashboard/account/apikey) *"/mnt/data/Plex Media Server" and "/mnt/data/imdpupdaterconfig" are just sample paths! Set your own paths there or it will probably not work!* @@ -199,19 +201,6 @@ Provides a watchdog that once started will run every N hours over all IMDB suppo - Java >= 11 -# Created files in PWD - -- cache-tmdb2imdb.json - If TMDB fallback is enabled this file will contain the resolved TMDB <=> IMDB mappings. -- cache-tvdb2imdb.json - TVDB to IMDB mapping. -- cache-cache-tmdbseries2imdb.json - TMDB TV Shows to IMDB mapping. -- cache-tvdbBlacklist.json - Items that TVDB provides no IMDB id for or that fail being looked up. The blacklist is reset every 14 days. -- cache-tmdbseriesBlacklist.json - Items that TMDB TV Shows provides no IMDB id for or that fail being looked up. The blacklist is reset every 14 days. -- state-imdb.json - Set of jobs that have not finished -- xml-error-{uuid}-{library}.log - List of files that could not be updated by the XML transform step (not important tbh, plex reads from the DB) -- updatetool.{increment}.log - Log file -- rating_set.tsv - latest IMDB rating set -- ratingSetLastUpdate - UNIX timestamp of last rating set update - # Usage ### Docker mode: @@ -242,12 +231,3 @@ java -jar UpdateTool-xxx.jar imdb-docker {} # Run every 5 hours java -jar UpdateTool-xxx.jar imdb-docker {schedule=5} ``` - -# Other stuff - -[Where is the data folder of the Plex Media Server located on my system?](https://support.plex.tv/articles/202915258-where-is-the-plex-media-server-data-directory-located/) - -You can either build the tool yourself using the command below in the root folder or get it [here](https://github.com/mynttt/UpdateTool/releases/latest) as an already packaged .jar file. -```bash -gradle build -```