- Scrum Master - Brian Ruff
- Backend Dev - Tyrone Cartwright
- React App - Josuha Disney
- React App - Chelsea Tolnai
- UI Dev - Thomas Hessburg
- UI Dev - Terrell Tullis
- UI Dev - Victor Goico
- Landing Page - https://angry-cray-eb6e34.netlify.com/
- React App Page - https://mytop9.herokuapp.com/login
- Backend NodeJS - https://my-top-9.herokuapp.com/api/users
yarn global add knex
yarn install
knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
yarn server
--- To get all users type in localhost:5000/api/users
..* This will give you all users in the database
--- To get users by ID type in localhost:5000/api/users/{ID}
---make sure when you using this endpoint, you include the ID number after the forward slash, for example api/users/2
--- To log a user out, the endpoint is localhost:5000/api/logout
..* No parameters needed to logout
--- To register a new user, the register endpoint is localhost:5000/api/register
..* username and password is required
--- To login a user, the endpoint is localhost:5000/api/login
.._ After registration, use those credentials to login
.._ username and password is required to login
--- To update category, use the following endpoint
.._ localhost:5000/api/updateRank/{usersId}
.._ Use rankInTop9
for old category rank
..* Use newCategoryId
for new category rank
--- localhost:5000/api/updateRank/2
.._ rankInTop9: 3
.._ newCategoryId: 1
--- So category that was in rank 3 will not be placed in rank1
--- To update a users username and password
.._ Use endpoint localhost:5000/api/update/id
.._ Then pass in new username and password as follows
.._ localhost:5000/api/update/1
.._ username: kevinSmith
..* password: java
then submit
--- This will update user with a ID of 1 to kevinSmith with a password of java
--- To delete a user, use endpoint localhost:5000/api/delete/id
.._ Select a specified user by ID
.._ localhost:5000/delete/3
.._ Once you pass the ID in the URL
.._ That specified user will be deleted once submitted
--- To get all categories type in localhost:5000/api/categories
..* This will give you all the category information
..* Including id, img, name, description
--- To get categories by id use
.._ localhost:5000/api/categories/id
.._ Make sure when using the endpoint to pass in the ID
..* localhost:5000/api/categories/2
..* This will return id, img, name of category: celebrities, description
--- To add a new category use endpoint
.._ localhost:5000/api/categories
.._ Pass in img, name, description
.._ Once request is sent should receive a 1
.._ Then check localhost:5000/api/categories
to make sure your category was added
--- To update an category use endpoint
.._ localhost:5000/api/categories/id
.._ When you specify the categories id number
.._ Include img, name, description
.._ Example: localhost:5000/api/categories/2
..* img: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0Zy21Fa9jms1CxV1JSneA2-4mRv2SqTRQqYgWt6h_4tKXacgp-w, name: sallySmith, description: Travel
..* This will update category at rank 2
--- To delete a user, use endpoint localhost:5000/api/categories/id
.._ Select a specified category by ID
.._ localhost:5000/categories/3
.._ Once you pass the ID in the URL
.._ That specified category will be deleted once submitted