Toolbox for bulk operation around the RapidPro API (see
You should have a similar directory structure:
getGSheet-<your credentials>.json
Sample keys.ini:
credentials = datasets/GSheet/getGSheet-<your credentials>.json
root = /path/to/parent
raw_contacts = datasets/contacts.csv
raw_flows = datasets/flows.csv
raw_fields = datasets/fields.csv
raw_groups = datasets/groups.csv
raw_messages = datasets/messages.csv
raw_runs = datasets/
rp_api = Token 1pm12yp4uoig2jl34y2ptoio4jk23e24n
This should get you up and running.
download/ allows you to download and export in .csv format almost all datasets provided by the RapidPro API: contacts, groups, fields, flows, messages and runs. Any nested data structures are flattened before exporting to .csv.
Runs are treated aside because of their complex data structure and added a couple of useful variables: (i) chronological order of steps within a run (order); (ii) flow name of run (flow_name); (iii) run duration, in seconds (run_time); (iv) step duration, in seconds (step_time); (v) number of contact mistakes in step (mistakes)
Example use case (using IPython):
In [1]: run
In [2]: inst = GetContacts()
In [3]: inst.export_contacts()
These commands would download, flatten and export datasets/contacts.csv. The process to retrieve groups.csv, fields.csv, flows.csv and messages.csv is analogous.
Only retrieving runs.csv is a bit different:
In [1]: run
In [2]: inst = ExportRuns()
In [3]: inst.export_runs()
post/ provides a set of tools to run selected RapidPro API post requests, with emphasis on integration with Google Spreadsheets.
It allows you to read an external dataset with contact information (such as a .csv or a Google Spreadsheet) and (i) Update contacts' selected contact fields with user-specified columns (ii) Add and remove contacts from groups (iii) Start contacts in a flow
Example use case. Suppose my.csv looks like:
"age", "phone"
12, "tel:+525512345678"
43, "tel:+521234567890"
And suppose that rp_age is a contact field key in RapidPro. Then the following would update (or create and update if contacts are not yet incorporated) rp_age with the values of column "age" for each of the contacts:
In [1]: run
In [2]: df = io('my.csv')
In [3]: update_fields(df, {'age': 'rp_age'})
If my.csv is instead a Google Spreadsheet located in then the following would execute the same procedure:
In [1]: run
In [2]: df = read_gspread('')
In [3]: update_fields(df, {'age': 'rp_age'})
You ought to use OAuth2 for authorization to read the Google Spreadsheet (see for more information).