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adding jet charge analysis
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mverwe committed Apr 14, 2021
1 parent 464cca1 commit 74d325a
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Showing 4 changed files with 555 additions and 1 deletion.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions include/JetCharge.hh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#ifndef __Angularity_HH__
#define __Angularity_HH__

/// jet charge
/// This is defined as in

class JetCharge {
/// default ctor
JetCharge(double kappa = 0.5) :

/// compute the function
virtual double result(const fastjet::PseudoJet &jet) const {
// check the jet is appropriate for computation
if (!jet.has_constituents()) {
Printf("Angularities can only be applied on jets for which the constituents are known.");
return -999.;
vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constits = jet.constituents();
double sumcharge = 0.;
double sumpt = 0.;
for(fastjet::PseudoJet p : constits) {
const int & ch = p.user_info<PU14>().charge(); //three_charge()
//std::cout << "charge: " << ch << " three_charge: " << p.user_info<PU14>().three_charge() << " pdg: " << p.user_info<PU14>().pdg_id() << std::endl;
sumcharge += ch*std::pow(,_kappa);
sumpt += std::pow(,_kappa);
double charge = sumcharge/sumpt;
return charge;

double _kappa;

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion include/pythiaEvent.hh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pythiaEvent::pythiaEvent(double pthat, unsigned int tune, double rapMin, double

// Generator. LHC process and output selection. Initialization.
// tunes:
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 5002.");
pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 5020.");
pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
pythia.readString(Form("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = %.1f",pthat_));
pythia.readString("Next:numberShowInfo = 0");
Expand Down
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TMath.h"

#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceArea.hh"

#include "include/ProgressBar.h"

#include "PU14/EventMixer.hh"
#include "PU14/CmdLine.hh"
#include "PU14/PU14.hh"

#include "include/jetCollection.hh"
#include "include/softDropGroomer.hh"
#include "include/softDropCounter.hh"
#include "include/treeWriter.hh"
#include "include/JetCharge.hh"

using namespace std;
using namespace fastjet;

// This class runs time reclustering with background

// ./runJetCharge -hard PythiaEventsTune14PtHat120.pu14 -nev 1

int main (int argc, char ** argv) {

auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

CmdLine cmdline(argc,argv);
// inputs read from command line
int nEvent = cmdline.value<int>("-nev",1); // first argument: command line option; second argument: default value
//bool verbose = cmdline.present("-verbose");

std::cout << "will run on " << nEvent << " events" << std::endl;

// Uncomment to silence fastjet banner

//to write info to root tree
treeWriter trwSig("jetTreeSig");

bool runFull = false;
bool runCharged = true;

//Jet definition
double R = 0.4;
double ghostRapMax = 6.0;
double ghost_area = 0.005;
int active_area_repeats = 1;
fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec ghost_spec(ghostRapMax, active_area_repeats, ghost_area);
fastjet::AreaDefinition area_def = fastjet::AreaDefinition(fastjet::active_area,ghost_spec);
fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, R);

double jetRapMax = 100.;//3.0;
fastjet::Selector jet_selector = SelectorAbsRapMax(jetRapMax);

JetCharge jetCharge(0.5);

ProgressBar Bar(cout, nEvent);

EventMixer mixer(&cmdline); //the mixing machinery from PU14 workshop

// loop over events
int iev = 0;
unsigned int entryDiv = (nEvent > 200) ? nEvent / 200 : 1;
while ( mixer.next_event() && iev < nEvent )
// increment event number


std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particlesMergedAll = mixer.particles();

std::vector<double> eventWeight;

// extract hard partons that initiated the jets
fastjet::Selector parton_selector = SelectorVertexNumber(-1);
vector<PseudoJet> partons = parton_selector(particlesMergedAll);

// extract hard partons from first splitting
fastjet::Selector parton_selector_split = SelectorVertexNumber(-2);
vector<PseudoJet> partonsFirstSplit = parton_selector_split(particlesMergedAll);

// select final state particles from hard event only
fastjet::Selector sig_selector = SelectorVertexNumber(0);
vector<PseudoJet> particlesSig = sig_selector(particlesMergedAll);

// select final state particles from background event only
fastjet::Selector bkg_selector = SelectorVertexNumber(1);
vector<PseudoJet> particlesBkg = bkg_selector(particlesMergedAll);

vector<PseudoJet> particlesMerged = particlesBkg;
particlesMerged.insert( particlesMerged.end(), particlesSig.begin(), particlesSig.end() );

//charged particles
fastjet::Selector charged_selector = SelectorIsCharged();
vector<PseudoJet> particlesSigCh = charged_selector(particlesSig);

//std::cout << "#particles: " << particlesSig.size() << " of which charged: " << particlesSigCh.size() << std::endl;

// look at first splitting of hard partons
std::vector<double> drsplit;
std::vector<double> tfsplit;
double hbarc = 0.19732697;
double GeVtofm = 1./hbarc; //~5.068;
int id = 0;
for(int ip = 0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip) {
PseudoJet p = partons[ip];
PseudoJet d1 = partonsFirstSplit[id];
PseudoJet d2 = partonsFirstSplit[id+1];
double dr = d1.delta_R(d2);
double z1 = max(d1.e(),d2.e())/p.e();
double z2 = min(d1.e(),d2.e())/p.e();


trwSig.addCollection("eventWeight", eventWeight);

trwSig.addPartonCollection("partons", partons);
trwSig.addPartonCollection("partonsFirstSplit", partonsFirstSplit);
trwSig.addDoubleCollection("drSplit", drsplit);
trwSig.addDoubleCollection("tfSplit", tfsplit);

// jet clustering

if(runFull) {
// run the clustering, extract the signal jets
fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea csSig(particlesSig, jet_def, area_def);
jetCollection jetCollectionSig(sorted_by_pt(jet_selector(csSig.inclusive_jets(10.))));

//find closest parton for each jet
std::vector<int> partonmatch;
std::vector<double> partonmatchdr;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sigJets = jetCollectionSig.getJet();
for(fastjet::PseudoJet p : sigJets) {
int ipmin = -1;
double drmin = 999.;
for(int ip = 0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip) {
double dr = p.delta_R(partons[ip]);
if(dr<drmin) {
drmin = dr;
ipmin = ip;
jetCollectionSig.addVector("sigJetRecur_partonMatchID", partonmatch);
jetCollectionSig.addVector("sigJetRecur_partonMatchDr", partonmatchdr);

//Calculate jet charge
vector<double> jetChargeSig; jetChargeSig.reserve(jetCollectionSig.getJet().size());
for(PseudoJet jet : jetCollectionSig.getJet()) {
jetCollectionSig.addVector("jetChargeSig", jetChargeSig);

trwSig.addCollection("sigJet", jetCollectionSig);

if(runCharged) {
// run the clustering, extract the signal charged jets
fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea csSigCh(particlesSigCh, jet_def, area_def);
jetCollection jetCollectionSigCh(sorted_by_pt(jet_selector(csSigCh.inclusive_jets(10.))));

//find closest parton for each charged jet
std::vector<int> partonmatchCh;
std::vector<double> partonmatchdrCh;
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sigJetsCh = jetCollectionSigCh.getJet();
for(fastjet::PseudoJet p : sigJetsCh) {
int ipmin = -1;
double drmin = 999.;
for(int ip = 0; ip<partons.size(); ++ip) {
double dr = p.delta_R(partons[ip]);
if(dr<drmin) {
drmin = dr;
ipmin = ip;
jetCollectionSigCh.addVector("sigJetChRecur_partonMatchID", partonmatchCh);
jetCollectionSigCh.addVector("sigJetChRecur_partonMatchDr", partonmatchdrCh);

//Calculate jet charge
vector<double> jetChargeSigCh; jetChargeSigCh.reserve(jetCollectionSigCh.getJet().size());
for(PseudoJet jet : jetCollectionSigCh.getJet()) {
jetCollectionSigCh.addVector("jetChargeSigCh", jetChargeSigCh);

// write tree

//Give variable we want to write out to treeWriter.
//Only vectors of the types 'jetCollection', and 'double', 'int', 'fastjet::PseudoJet' are supported
trwSig.addCollection("sigJetCh", jetCollectionSigCh);

}//event loop


TFile *fout = new TFile("JetToyHIResultJetCharge.root","RECREATE");


double time_in_seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time).count() / 1000.0;
std::cout << "runFromFile: " << time_in_seconds << std::endl;

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