Releases: mustakshif/Asri
Releases · mustakshif/Asri
- 大幅提升亮暗色模式间平滑切换流畅度
- 更新题头图样式,新增视差滚动效果
- 全宽显示图片新增视差滚动效果
- 新增文字编辑工具条动画
- 优化文档树条目展开动画卡顿的问题
- 从右至左 UI 布局模式适配更多对话框
- 优化块标出现时的动画曲线
- 优化按钮点击动画
- 未激活页签内容改为居中显示
- 调整引述块样式
- 微调设置面板样式
- 移动端禁用侧栏面板空间自动隐藏
- 修复 emoji 边缘裁切的问题
- 修复「打字机模式」插件样式适配问题
- 修复侧栏面板控件动画闪烁的问题
- 修复反链面板筛选输入框显示不全的问题
- 修复打开代码片段对话框时渲染进程崩溃的问题
- Significantly improved the smoothness of transitions between light and dark modes
- Updated header image style, added parallax scrolling effect
- Added parallax scrolling effect for full-width displayed images
- Added animations for text editing toolbar
- Optimized laggy document tree item expansion animations
- Adapted more dialogs for right-to-left UI layout mode
- Optimized animation curves for block icon appearances
- Optimized button click animations
- Changed inactive tab content to center alignment
- Adjusted blockquote styles
- Fine-tuned settings panel styles
- Disabled auto-hide functionality for sidebar panel space on mobile devices
- Fixed emoji edge clipping issues
- Fixed style compatibility issues with the "Typewriter Mode" plugin
- Fixed flickering animations in sidebar panel controls
- Fixed incomplete display of filter input box in backlink panel
- Fixed render process crashes when opening code snippet dialog
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1
- 新增从右至左 UI 布局模式,应用语言为阿拉伯语等从右至左语言时自动适配
- 新增聚焦块视觉标识
- 新增页签切换过渡动画
- 新增侧栏面板控件自动隐藏
- 优化代码片段对话框元素布局
- 优化提示条动画曲线
- 优化通知样式和动画曲线
- 适配「打字机模式」插件
- 调整账号页面简介文字色
- 调整数据库部分菜单顶部边距
- 调整暗色模式下对话框边框眼色
- 取消停靠栏和侧边面板隐藏时的页面左右边距
- 修正停靠栏和侧边面板隐藏时的状态栏定位
- Added right-to-left UI layout mode, which automatically adapts when the application language is set to Arabic or other right-to-left languages
- Added visual indicators for focused blocks
- Added transition animations for tab switching
- Added auto-hide functionality for sidebar panel controls
- Optimized the layout of code snippet dialog elements
- Optimized tooltip animation curves
- Optimized notification styles and animation curves
- Added compatibility with the "Typewriter Mode" plugin
- Adjusted the text color of descriptions on the account page
- Adjusted the top margin of certain database menus
- Adjusted the dialog border color in dark mode
- Removed page left and right margins when the docks and side panels are hidden
- Fixed status bar positioning when docks and side panels are hidden
Full Changelog: v3.1.23...v3.2.0
- 适配思源 v3.1.16 样式改动
- Updated styles to be compatible with SiYuan v3.1.16
Full Changelog: v3.1.22...v3.1.23
- 增强亮色模式下菜单外框质感
- 视觉平衡菜单列表首尾项的边距
- 视觉平衡代码块内边距
- 调整代码块语言显示样式
- Enhanced menu border texture in light mode
- Balanced visual margins for the first and last items in menu lists
- Balanced internal padding of code blocks
- Adjusted the display style of code block language indicators
Full Changelog: v3.1.21...v3.1.22
- 文档属性面板新增溢出渐隐
- 适配思源 v3.1.15 样式改动
- Updated styles to be compatible with SiYuan v3.1.14
- Added overflow fadeout effect in Doc Attribute panel
Full Changelog: v3.1.20...v3.1.21
- 适配思源 v3.1.14 样式改动
- 修复文档树条目展开动画卡顿的问题
- 修复 PDF 文档属性面板按钮样式
- Updated styles to be compatible with SiYuan v3.1.14
- Fixed laggy animation when expanding document tree items
- Fixed button styles in PDF document properties panel
Full Changelog: v3.1.19...v3.1.20
- 微调亮色模式下数据库标签背景色
- 修复移动端数据库表头背景色差异的问题
- 修复打开新页面时顶栏元素重叠的问题
- Adjusted database tag background color in light mode
- Fixed inconsistent database header background color on mobile devices
- Fixed overlapping header elements when opening new pages
Full Changelog: v3.1.18...v3.1.19
- 适配「反链过滤面板」插件底部间距
- 调整勾选列表中已勾选项目颜色变化逻辑
- 修复文档头部有标签时「添加标签」按钮位置异常的问题
- 修复列表块中引用块的上下外边距异常的问题
- 修复全宽显示下数据库勾选框列一直可见的问题
- Set bottom margin for "Backlink Panel" plugin
- Adjusted the color change logic for checked items in checklists
- Fixed the positioning issue of the "Add Tag" button when document headers contain tags
- Fixed abnormal top and bottom margin issues of quote blocks within list blocks
- Fixed the issue where database checkbox columns remained visible in full-width display
Full Changelog: v3.1.17...v3.1.18
- 调整块标在鼠标悬停时的颜色
- 统一「状态异常」对话框按钮样式
- 修复任务列表中的代码块操作按钮丢失的问题
- 修复任务列表勾选框不可见的问题
- 修复多列斜杠菜单布局错位
- 修复文档设置对话框「复制ID」按钮不可见的问题
- Adjusted block icon hover color
- Unified button styles in "Status Error" dialog
- Fixed missing code block operation buttons in task list
- Fixed invisible task list checkboxes
- Fixed misaligned multi-column slash menu layout
- Fixed invisible "Copy ID" button in document settings dialog
Full Changelog: v3.1.15...v3.1.16