Releases: mustakshif/Asri
Releases · mustakshif/Asri
- 微调行内标签样式
- 微调行内键盘样式
- 修复预设配色主题中,标题块制作闪卡后颜色失效的问题
- Fine-tuned the inline label styles.
- Fine-tuned the inline keyboard styles.
- Fixed the issue where the color of title blocks in preset color themes would fail after creating flashcards.
Full Changelog: v3.3.6...v3.3.7
- 调整块引用+删除线样式时的文本透明度
- 修复插件导致的任务列表复选框颜色异常问题
- 修复 Emoji 被裁切的问题
- 修复 iOS 端暗色模式下系统 UI 背景色问题
- Adjusted text opacity for blockquote + strikethrough styles
- Fixed abnormal checkbox color in task lists caused by plugins
- Fixed issue where Emojis were being clipped
- Fixed system UI background color issue in dark mode on iOS
Full Changelog: v3.3.5...v3.3.6
- 调整行内代码背景色
- 微调文档树笔记本条目字重
- 微调文字工具条动画时长
- 修复思源 v3.1.22 滑动块样式异常的问题
- 修复 Linux 端右侧停靠栏边框线超出顶栏的问题
- 修复反链面板块标不显示的问题
- Adjusted the background color of inline code.
- Fine-tuned the font weight of notebook entries in the document tree.
- Fine-tuned the animation duration of the text toolbar.
- Fixed the abnormal style of the slider block in SiYuan v3.1.22.
- Fixed the issue where the border line of the right dock exceeded the top bar on Linux
- Fixed the issue where the block reference in the backlink panel was not displayed
Full Changelog: v3.3.4...v3.3.5
- 修复思源 v3.1.21 列表项前圆点、块属性错位的问题
- 修复待更新集市卡片中的按钮对其方式不统一的问题
- Fixed the misalignment of bullet points and block attributes in list items in SiYuan v3.1.21.
- Fixed the inconsistent alignment of buttons in the pending update marketplace cards.
Full Changelog: v3.3.3...v3.3.4
- 修复代码块工具条不显示的问题
- 修复嵌入块工具条透明度问题
- Fixed the issue where the code block toolbar was not displaying
- Fixed the transparency issue with the embedded block toolbar
Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.3.3
- 新增:展示非笔记文档页面时底部状态栏自动收缩
- 调整文档标题文字色至强调色
- Added: Bottom status bar automatically collapses when displaying non-note document pages
- Adjusted the document title text color to the accent color
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.2
- 为「岁禧」添加标题元素强调色
- 修复数据库列固定时的内容显示问题,以及复选框定位问题
- 修复数据库主键复制按钮不显示的问题
- 修复 Windows 端部分 emoji 无法正确显示的问题
- Added heading element highlight color for "Everbliss".
- Fixed content display issues when database columns were fixed, as well as checkbox positioning issues.
- Fixed the issue where the database primary key copy button was not displayed.
- Fixed the issue where some emojis could not be displayed correctly on Windows.
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.3.1
- 新增春节主题配色方案:岁禧、鎏金
- 支持亮暗色模式分设不同主题色配置
- 修改文档属性样式显示,现置于文档标题下方
- 调整行内备注样式
- 修复部分类型的页签失焦时图标不向中位移的问题
- Added Spring Festival theme color schemes: Everbliss, Auriflow
- Supported separate theme color configurations for light and dark modes
- Modified the display of document property styles, now placed below the document title
- Adjusted inline memo styles
- Fixed the issue where icons did not center when certain types of tabs lost focus
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v3.3.0
- 优化亮暗色模式切换流畅度,切换时不再闪现默认配色
- 优化上下标文字字重,视觉上更匹配普通文本字重
- 优化设置窗口较宽时设置项的显示效果
- 微调滑动条样式
- 修复高亮块的边框线偶尔被遮挡的问题
- 修复 v3.2.2 主题卸载不完全的问题
- 修复文字编辑时鼠标点击失效的问题[issue 139][issue 140]
- Improved the smoothness of light/dark mode switching, eliminated default color flashing during transitions
- Optimized the font weight of superscript and subscript text to better match regular text weight visually
- Enhanced the display of settings items when the settings dialog is wide
- Refined slider styles
- Fixed an issue where highlight block borders were occasionally obscured
- Fixed incomplete theme uninstallation issues from v3.2.2
- Fixed mouse click failures during text editing [issue 139][issue 140]
Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.2.3
- 新增“/”菜单弹出动画
- 添加低版本 Webview 中题头图的回退样式
- 优化亮暗色模式切换流畅度
- 优化集市包下载进度条样式
- 优化通知按钮样式
- 调整更多组件的动画曲线
- 调整 Emoji 面板布局
- 取消设置面板按钮宽度限制,优化多语言显示
- 侧栏面板适配从右至左布局模式
- 修复 Mac 端全屏后顶栏左间距缺失的问题
- 修复「打字机模式」插件启用后聚焦块指示条闪现的问题
- 修复滚动条被容器圆角裁切的问题
- Added animation for "/" menu popup
- Added fallback styles for header images in older Webview versions
- Optimized light/dark mode transition smoothness
- Improved marketplace package download progress bar styles
- Optimized notification button styles
- Adjusted animation curves for more components
- Adjusted Emoji panel layout
- Removed width restriction for settings panel buttons and optimized multilingual display
- Adapted side panels for right-to-left layout mode
- Fixed missing left margin in Mac fullscreen top bar
- Fixed focus block indicator flash issue when "Typewriter Mode" plugin is enabled
- Fixed scrollbar clipping issues with container rounded corners
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2