diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 02b32af..3e8cc8d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+### v3.0.13
+* 优化只读模式下 HTML 块工具条样式
+* 采用思源自带的 emojis 对话框属性作为选择器
+* 移除部分多余 js 功能
+* 修复文档顶部 `添加标签` 按钮错位问题
+* Optimized the toolbar style of HTML blocks in read-only mode.
+* Adopted SiYuan's built-in emojis dialog properties as selectors.
+* Removed some redundant JavaScript functionalities.
+* Fixed the misalignment issue of the "Add Tag" button at the top of the document.
### v3.0.12
* 统一对话框和页签中资源文件搜索列表样式
@@ -9,6 +25,8 @@
* 修复提示条内容为长文本时无法滚动的问题
* 修复在部分缩放比例下开关把手不居中的问题
* Standardized the resource file search list style in dialogs and tabs.
* Centered dialog titles.
* Optimized the layout of the `Settings - Search` page.
@@ -18,12 +36,18 @@
* Fixed the issue where long text in tooltips could not be scrolled.
* Fixed the issue where the toggle handle was not centered under certain scaling ratios.
### v3.0.11
* 修复 pdf 导出结果的字体色和背景色问题
* Fixed font color and background color issues with PDF exports.
### v3.0.10
* 添加 PDF 阅读器侧边导航列表的溢出渐隐效果
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2db057b..89f9230 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,16 +10,12 @@ An ultra-modern theme for [SiYuan Note](https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan),
## Latest Updates
-### v3.0.12
-* Standardized the resource file search list style in dialogs and tabs.
-* Centered dialog titles.
-* Optimized the layout of the `Settings - Search` page.
-* Removed the separator line below dialog titles.
-* [Adjusted the `/` menu width and column count under wide viewports](https://github.com/mustakshif/Asri/issues/68).
-* [Fixed the issue with outline level indicators being misaligned when titles were empty](https://github.com/mustakshif/Asri/issues/69).
-* Fixed the issue where long text in tooltips could not be scrolled.
-* Fixed the issue where the toggle handle was not centered under certain scaling ratios.
+### v3.0.13
+* Optimized the toolbar style of HTML blocks in read-only mode.
+* Adopted SiYuan's built-in emojis dialog properties as selectors.
+* Removed some redundant JavaScript functionalities.
+* Fixed the misalignment issue of the "Add Tag" button at the top of the document.
### ...
diff --git a/README_zh_CN.md b/README_zh_CN.md
index 82b113e..ce1e010 100644
--- a/README_zh_CN.md
+++ b/README_zh_CN.md
@@ -10,16 +10,12 @@ Asri 是一款极富现代感的[思源笔记](https://github.com/siyuan-note/si
## 最近更新
-### v3.0.12
-* 统一对话框和页签中资源文件搜索列表样式
-* 对话框标题改为居中
-* 优化 `设置 - 搜索` 页面布局
-* 去除对话框标题下的分割线
-* [调整宽视口下 ](https://github.com/mustakshif/Asri/issues/68)[`/`]()[ 菜单宽度和栏数]()
-* [修复标题为空时大纲层级标识位置偏移的问题](https://github.com/mustakshif/Asri/issues/69)
-* 修复提示条内容为长文本时无法滚动的问题
-* 修复在部分缩放比例下开关把手不居中的问题
+### v3.0.13
+* 优化只读模式下 HTML 块工具条样式
+* 采用思源自带的 emojis 对话框属性作为选择器
+* 移除部分多余 js 功能
+* 修复文档顶部 `添加标签` 按钮错位问题
### ...
diff --git a/theme.json b/theme.json
index 493f306..bcf83c3 100644
--- a/theme.json
+++ b/theme.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Asri",
"author": "MUSTAKSHIF",
"url": "https://github.com/mustakshif/Asri",
- "version": "3.0.12",
+ "version": "3.0.13",
"displayName": {
"default": "Asri",
"zh_CN": "Asri",