The Almaren Framework provides a simplified consistent minimalistic layer over Apache Spark, while still allowing you to take advantage of native Apache Spark features. You can even combine it with standard Spark code.
The Almaren Framework provides a simplified consistent minimalistic layer over Apache Spark, while still allowing you to take advantage of native Apache Spark features. You can even combine it with standard Spark code.
To add Almaren Framework dependency to your sbt build:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "almaren-framework" % "0.9.11-3.5"
To run in spark-shell:
For scala version(2.12):
spark-shell --packages ""
For scala version(2.13):
spark-shell --packages ""
Almaren connector is available in Maven Central repository.
version | Connector Artifact |
Spark 3.5.x and scala 2.13 | |
Spark 3.5.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 3.4.x and scala 2.13 | |
Spark 3.4.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 3.3.x and scala 2.13 | |
Spark 3.3.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 3.2.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 3.1.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 2.4.x and scala 2.12 | |
Spark 2.4.x and scala 2.11 | |
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val almaren = Almaren("App Name")
val spark = almaren.spark
.config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "1")
val df:DataFrame = almaren.builder
.sourceSql("select monotonically_increasing_id() as id,* from movies")
.sql("""SELECT * FROM table WHERE actor NOT IN ("the","the life of")""")
val almaren = Almaren("Streaming App")
val streaming = almaren.builder
.sourceSql("select CAST(value AS STRING) as json_column FROM __STREAMING__")
| entitie.hashtags@hashtag
| hashtag.text$hashtag:StringType""".stripMargin).alias("table")
.sql("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM table").alias("table1")
.sql("""SELECT sha2(concat_ws("",array(*)),256) as unique_hash,*,current_timestamp from table1""")
almaren.streaming(streaming,Map("kafka.bootstrap.servers" -> "localhost:9092","subscribe" -> "twitter", "startingOffsets" -> "earliest"))
To debug the code you can turn on
, so you can see the state of each component.
You also can setup the debug from Scala code:
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
val df:DataFrame = almaren.builder
.sourceSql("select monotonically_increasing_id() as id,* from movies")
.sql("""SELECT *,current_timestamp as date FROM table WHERE actor NOT IN ("the","the life of")""")
The output:
20/10/08 11:57:10 INFO SourceSql: sql:{select monotonically_increasing_id() as id,* from movies}
| id| cast| genres| title|year|
| 0| []| []|After Dark in Cen...|1900|
| 1| []| []|Boarding School G...|1900|
| 2| []| []|Buffalo Bill's Wi...|1900|
| 3| []| []| Caught|1900|
| 4| []| []|Clowns Spinning Hats|1900|
| 5| []|[Short, Documentary]|Capture of Boer B...|1900|
| 6| []| []|The Enchanted Dra...|1900|
| 7| [Paul Boyton]| []| Feeding Sea Lions|1900|
| 8| []| [Comedy]|How to Make a Fat...|1900|
| 9| []| []| New Life Rescue|1900|
| 10| []| []| New Morning Bath|1900|
| 11| []| []|Searching Ruins o...|1900|
| 12| []| []|The Tribulations ...|1900|
| 13| []| [Comedy]|Trouble in Hogan'...|1900|
| 14| []| [Short]| Two Old Sparks|1900|
| 15|[Ching Ling Foo]| [Short]|The Wonder, Ching...|1900|
| 16| []| [Short]| Watermelon Contest|1900|
| 17| []| []| Acrobats in Cairo|1901|
| 18| []| []| An Affair of Honor|1901|
| 19| []| []|Another Job for t...|1901|
only showing top 20 rows
20/10/08 11:57:10 INFO Dsl: dsl:{id$id:LongType
| id| title|year| actor|support_actor| genre|credit_name|
| 0|After Dark in Cen...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 1|Boarding School G...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 2|Buffalo Bill's Wi...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 3| Caught|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 4|Clowns Spinning Hats|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 5|Capture of Boer B...|1900| null| null| Short| null|
| 6|The Enchanted Dra...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 7| Feeding Sea Lions|1900| Paul Boyton| null| null| null|
| 8|How to Make a Fat...|1900| null| null|Comedy| null|
| 9| New Life Rescue|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 10| New Morning Bath|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 11|Searching Ruins o...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 12|The Tribulations ...|1900| null| null| null| null|
| 13|Trouble in Hogan'...|1900| null| null|Comedy| null|
| 14| Two Old Sparks|1900| null| null| Short| null|
| 15|The Wonder, Ching...|1900|Ching Ling Foo| null| Short| null|
| 16| Watermelon Contest|1900| null| null| Short| null|
| 17| Acrobats in Cairo|1901| null| null| null| null|
| 18| An Affair of Honor|1901| null| null| null| null|
| 19|Another Job for t...|1901| null| null| null| null|
only showing top 20 rows
20/10/08 11:57:11 INFO Sql: sql:{SELECT *,current_timestamp as date FROM __TABLE__ WHERE actor NOT IN ("the","the life of")}
| id| title|year| actor| support_actor| genre|credit_name| date|
| 7| Feeding Sea Lions|1900| Paul Boyton| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
| 15|The Wonder, Ching...|1900| Ching Ling Foo| null| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|105| Alice in Wonderland|1903| May Clark| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|142| Nicholas Nickleby|1903|William Carrington| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|242|The Automobile Th...|1906|J. Stuart Blackton|Florence Lawrence| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|245|Humorous Phases o...|1906|J. Stuart Blackton| null| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|250| Ben-Hur|1907| William S. Hart| null|Historical| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|251| Daniel Boone|1907| William Craven|Florence Lawrence| Biography| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|252|How Brown Saw the...|1907| Unknown| null| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|253| Laughing Gas|1907| Bertha Regustus| Edward Boulden| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|256|The Adventures of...|1908| Arthur V. Johnson| Linda Arvidson| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|257|Antony and Cleopatra|1908| Florence Lawrence|William V. Ranous| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|258| Balked at the Altar|1908| Linda Arvidson| George Gebhardt| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|259|The Bandit's Wate...|1908| Charles Inslee| Linda Arvidson| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|260| The Black Viper|1908| D. W. Griffith| null| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|261|A Calamitous Elop...|1908| Harry Solter| Linda Arvidson| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|262|The Call of the Wild|1908| Charles Inslee| null| Adventure| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|263| A Christmas Carol|1908| Tom Ricketts| null| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|264|Deceived Slumming...|1908| Edward Dillon| D. W. Griffith| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|265|Dr. Jekyll and Mr...|1908| Hobart Bosworth| Betty Harte| Horror| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
only showing top 20 rows
20/10/08 11:57:11 INFO TargetJdbc: url:{jdbc:postgresql://localhost/almaren}, driver:{org.postgresql.Driver}, dbtable:{movies}, user:{None}, params:{Map()}
| id| title|year| actor| support_actor| genre|credit_name| date|
| 7| Feeding Sea Lions|1900| Paul Boyton| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
| 15|The Wonder, Ching...|1900| Ching Ling Foo| null| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|105| Alice in Wonderland|1903| May Clark| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|142| Nicholas Nickleby|1903|William Carrington| null| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|242|The Automobile Th...|1906|J. Stuart Blackton|Florence Lawrence| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|245|Humorous Phases o...|1906|J. Stuart Blackton| null| Short| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|250| Ben-Hur|1907| William S. Hart| null|Historical| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|251| Daniel Boone|1907| William Craven|Florence Lawrence| Biography| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|252|How Brown Saw the...|1907| Unknown| null| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|253| Laughing Gas|1907| Bertha Regustus| Edward Boulden| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|256|The Adventures of...|1908| Arthur V. Johnson| Linda Arvidson| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|257|Antony and Cleopatra|1908| Florence Lawrence|William V. Ranous| null| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|258| Balked at the Altar|1908| Linda Arvidson| George Gebhardt| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|259|The Bandit's Wate...|1908| Charles Inslee| Linda Arvidson| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|260| The Black Viper|1908| D. W. Griffith| null| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|261|A Calamitous Elop...|1908| Harry Solter| Linda Arvidson| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|262|The Call of the Wild|1908| Charles Inslee| null| Adventure| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|263| A Christmas Carol|1908| Tom Ricketts| null| Drama| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|264|Deceived Slumming...|1908| Edward Dillon| D. W. Griffith| Comedy| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
|265|Dr. Jekyll and Mr...|1908| Hobart Bosworth| Betty Harte| Horror| null|2020-10-08 11:57:...|
only showing top 20 rows
Read from an existing DataFrame
Read native Spark/Hive tables using Spark SQL.
sourceSql("select monotonically_increasing_id() as id,* from database.tabname")
Read files like CSV,Avro,JSON and XML
sourceFile("csv","/tmp/file.csv",Map("header" -> "true"))
Read from JDBC using Spark JDBC
sourceJdbc("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/almaren","org.postgresql.Driver","select * from table_name",Some("user"),Some("password"))
Read from Solr using Solr Connector
Read from MongoDB using MongoDB Connector
Read from BigQuery using BigQuery Connector
Read from Neo4j using Neo4j Connector
Cache/Uncache both DataFrame or Table
Cache Dataframe with Storage Level
cache(true,storageLevel = MEMORY_AND_DISK)
Decrease the number of partitions in the RDD to numPartitions. Useful for running operations more efficiently after filtering down a large dataset.
Reshuffle the data in the RDD randomly to create either more or fewer partitions and balance it across them. This always shuffles all data over the network.
Pipe each partition of the RDD through a shell command, e.g. a Perl or bash script. RDD elements are written to the process's stdin and lines output to its stdout are returned as an RDD of strings.
pipe("""perl -npE 's/(?:\d+)\s+([^\w]+)/:$1/mg'""")
Creates a temporary view using the previews component, createOrReplaceTempView
Deserialize the following types XML, JSON and Avro to Spark DataFrame.
deserializer("JSON","column_name","`cast` ARRAY<STRING>,`genres` ARRAY<STRING>,`title` STRING,`year` BIGINT")
Selects a set of SQL expressions, like selectExpr
sqlExpr("*","foo as baz","a as b")
Filters rows using the given SQL expression.
where("age > 15")
Returns a new Dataset with columns dropped.
Spark SQL syntax. You can query preview component through the special table __TABLE__
sql("SELECT * FROM __TABLE__")
DSL(Domain Specific Language) simplifies the task to flatten, select, alias and properly set the datatype. It's very powerful to parse complex data structures.
HTTP Connector to perform HTTP requests.
Write native Spark/Hive tables using Spark SQL.
targetSql("INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE database.table SELECT * FROM __TABLE__")
Write to JDBC using Spark JDBC
Write to Kafka, you must have a column named value, the content of this column will be sent to Kafka. You can specify the topic either with a column named topic or in the option as in the example below. Check the documentation for the full list of parameters
sql("SELECT to_json(struct(*)) as value FROM __TABLE__").targetKafka("localhost:9092",Map("topic" -> "testing"))
Write to Solr using Solr Connector
Write to MongoDB using MongoDB Connector
Write to BigQuery using BigQuery Connector
Write to Neo4j using Neo4j Connector
Write to File, you must have the following parameters: format, path, saveMode of the file and parameters as a Map. For partitioning provide a list of columns, for bucketing provide number of buckets and list of columns, for sorting provide list of columns, and tableName. Check the documentation for the full list of parameters.
Executors are responsible to execute Almaren Tree i.e Option[Tree]
to Apache Spark. Without invoke an executor, code won't be executed by Apache Spark. Follow the list of executors:
Executes the Almaren Tree returning a Dataframe.
val tree = almaren.builder
.sourceSql("select monotonically_increasing_id() as id,* from movies")
.sql("""SELECT * FROM table WHERE actor NOT IN ("the","the life of")""")
val df:DataFrame = tree.batch
Read data from Kafka and execute's Almaren Tree providing the special table __STREAMING__
Column Name | Data Type |
key | binary |
value | binary |
topic | string |
partition | int |
offset | long |
timestamp | long |
timestampType | int |
The streaming(tree,params:Map[String,String]
method params are the options available in readStream.format("kafka").options(params)
you can check all the options here
val tree = almaren.builder
.sourceSql("select CAST(value AS STRING) as json_column FROM __STREAMING__")
| entitie.hashtags@hashtag
| hashtag.text$hashtag:StringType""".stripMargin).alias("table")
.sql("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM table").alias("table1")
.sql("""SELECT sha2(concat_ws("",array(*)),256) as unique_hash,*,current_timestamp from table1""")
almaren.streaming(tree,Map("kafka.bootstrap.servers" -> "localhost:9092","subscribe" -> "twitter", "startingOffsets" -> "earliest"))
To generate DDL for a json string column of a Dataframe, provide dataframe, JSON string column name and the sample ratio.
val schema = Util.genDDLFromJsonString(df, "person_info",0.1)
To generate DDL for a Dataframe , provide dataframe and the sample ratio
val schema = Util.genDDLFromDataFrame(df,0.1)
Default value of sample ratio is 1.0
val almaren = Almaren("appName")
val df:DataFrame = almaren.builder.sourceSql("SELECT * FROM db.schema.table")
| name.firstName$first_name:StringType
| name.secondName$second_name:StringType
| name.lastName$last_name:StringType
.sql("""SELECT *,unix_timestamp() as timestamp from table""")
val almaren = Almaren("appName")
val target1 = almaren.builder.dsl("""uuid$id:StringType
| name.firstName$first_name:StringType
| name.secondName$second_name:StringType
| name.lastName$last_name:StringType
.sql("SELECT *,unix_timestamp() as timestamp from table")
val target2 = almaren.builder.dsl("""uuid$id:StringType
| phone.number$phone_number:StringType
.sql("SELECT *,unix_timestamp() as timestamp from table")
almaren.builder.sourceSql("SELECT * FROM db.schema.table")
val almaren = Almaren("appName")
val sourcePolicy = almaren.builder.sourceHbase("""{
|"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"policy"},
|"rowkey":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"id", "type":"long"},
|"number":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"number", "type":"long"},
|"source":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"source", "type":"string"},
|"status":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"status", "type":"string"},
|"person_id":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"source", "type":"long"}
.sql(""" SELECT * FROM hbase WHERE status = "ACTIVE" """).alias("policy")
val sourcePerson = almaren.builder.sourceHbase("""{
|"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"person"},
|"rowkey":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"id", "type":"long"},
|"name":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"number", "type":"string"},
|"type":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"type", "type":"string"},
|"age":{"cf":"Policy", "col":"source", "type":"string"}
.sql(""" SELECT * FROM hbase WHERE type = "PREMIUM" """).alias("person")
almaren.builder.sql(""" SELECT * FROM person JOIN policy ON policy.person_id = """).alias("table")
.sql("SELECT *,unix_timestamp() as timestamp FROM table").alias("table1")
.targetSql("INSERT INTO TABLE area.premimum_users SELECT * FROM table1")
val almaren = Almaren("appName")
val sourceData = almaren.builder.sourceJdbc("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver","jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe","SELECT * FROM schema.table WHERE st_date >= (sysdate-1) AND st_date < sysdate").alias("table")
.sql("SELECT to_json(named_struct('id', id,))) as __BODY__ from table")
.targetHttp("","post",Map("Authorization" -> "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l"))
Daniel Mantovani