All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Add tests
- Dependency versions
- Bug fixes
- Update tests for gamecontrol
- Update readme file
- Bug fixes
- Tests to complete 95% statement coverage (missing event)
- After event for buttons and axe/joysticks
- Before event for buttons and axe/joysticks
- Refactor code to make library 20% smaller
- New vibration capability (experimental feature)
- New demo page with example for axe/joystick threshold
- Bug fix for Firefox (additional unexisting axe detected)
- Readable axe/joystick value properties (axeValues)
- Ability to set the axe/joystick sensitivity threshold (axeThreshold)
- Tests for new functionality
- New demo page with example for axe/joystick threshold
- Default value/existence check for gamepad to prevent potential bug
- Updated existing tests and added new ones for gamepad class
- Bug fix: when multiple gamepads are connected, all of them work indidually (instead of only the last one)
- Added a new demo for multiplayer (the classic Pong)
- Deleted a couple of demos that were confusing (buttons and joysticks) and merged them into a single one
- Added missing aliases for directional event handlers
- New aliases for front buttons (R1, L1, R2, L2)
- Practical examples based on some from CodePen
- Basic functionality
- Event management for buttons and joystick/axes
- Examples