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eQTL-mapping using QTLtools


Genotype data

Format : bgzip compressed VCF & corresponding tabix index file

Note : Quality control is needed in this step.

remove samples without gene expression data.

remove rare variants (MAF < 0.01) using bcftools as follows:

bcftools view --min-af 0.01:minor geno.vcf.gz -Oz -o geno.maf0.01.vcf.gz --threads 12

Phenotype data

Format : bgzip compressed BED & corresponding tabix index file

Hereafter a general example of 4 molecular phenotypes for 4 samples.

#Chr	start	end	pid	gid	strand	UNR1	UNR2	UNR3	UNR4 
chr1	99999	100000	pheno1	pheno1	+	-0.50	0.82	-0.71	0.83
chr1	199999	201000	pheno2	pheno2	+	1.18	-2.84	1.34	-1.56
chr1	299999	300000	exon1	gene1	+	-1.13	1.18	-0.03	0.11
chr1	299999	300000	exon2	gene1	+	-1.18	1.32	-0.36	1.26

This file is TAB delimited. Each line corresponds to a single molecular phenotype. The first 6 columns are:

  1. Chromosome ID [string]
  2. Start genomic position of the phenotype (here the TSS of gene1) [integer, 0-based]
  3. End genomic position of the phenotype (here the TSS of gene1) [integer, 1-based]
  4. Phenotype ID (here the exon IDs) [string].
  5. Phenotype group ID (here the gene IDs, multiple exons belong to the same gene) [string]
  6. Strand orientation [+/-]

Then each additional column gives the quantification for a sample. Quantifications are encoded with floating numbers. This file should have P lines and N+6 columns where P and N are the numbers of phenotypes and samples, respectively.

Covariate data

Format : bgzip compressed TXT file

Hereafter an example of 4 covariates for 4 samples.

PC1 -0.02 0.14 0.16 -0.02
PC2 0.01 0.11 0.10 0.01
PC3 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.07
BIN 1 0 0 1

Hereafter, some properties of this file:

  1. The file is white space delimited

  2. First row gives the sample ID and each additional one corresponds to a single covariate

  3. First column gives the covariate ID and each additional one corresponds to a sample

  4. The file should have S+1 rows and C+1 columns where S and C are the numbers of samples and covariates, respectively

Covariates commonly used in eQTL analysis:

  • Top 3 genotyping principal components.

    QTLtools pca --vcf inputs/genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --scale --center --distance 50000 --out genotypes.chr22
    head -n 4 genotypes.chr22.pca > top_three_PCs.txt


    • --center and --scale can be used to enforce centering and scaling of the phenotype values prior to the PCA.
    • --maf 0.05 to only consider variant sites with a Minor Allele Frequency (MAF) above 5%
    • --distance 50000 to only consider variant sites separated by at least 50kb
  • PEER factors that calculated for the normalized expression matrices. The number of PEER factors was determined as function of sample size (N): 15 factors for N<150, 30 factors for 150≤ N<250, 45 factors for 250≤ N<350, and 60 factors for N≥350

    Rscript run_PEER.R ${prefix}.expression.bed.gz ${prefix} ${num_peer} 

This R script is provided in /src folder, and the peer source package can be downloaded from, then install with commandline as follows:

R CMD INSTALL R_peer_source_1.3.tgz
  • Genotyping platform (Illumina HiSeq 2000 or HiSeq X).

  • Sex.

    Coded as 1/2

Combine covarites files:

python ${prefix}.PEER_covariates.txt ${prefix} 
    --genotype_pcs ${genotype_pcs} 
    --add_covariates ${add_covariates}

This python script is provided in /src folder.

In this pipeline, you can input genotype,phenotype,output_prefix,N_peers and gender files to produce covariates file (see usage).

Main Steps Interpretation

Step1: Run the permutation pass

for j in $(seq 1 16); do
  echo "cis --vcf ${genotype} --bed ${phenotype} --cov ${covariates} --permute 200 --chunk $j 16 --out tmp/permutations_${j}_16.txt";
done | xargs -P12 -n14 QTLtools

Then, cat all chunks together and run FDR correction:

cat permutations_*.txt | gzip -c > permutations_all.txt.gz
Rscript ../qtltools/script/runFDR_cis.R permutations_all.txt.gz 0.05 permutations_all

From this, you get a file permutations_all.thresholds.txt with the nominal P-value thresholds that you need for the conditional analysis

Step2: Run the conditional analysis

for j in $(seq 1 16); do
    echo "cis --vcf ${genotype} --bed ${phenotype} --cov ${covariates} --mapping tmp/permutations_all.thresholds.txt --chunk $j 16 --out ${condi_output_dir}/conditional_${j}_16.txt" ;
done | xargs -P12 -n14 QTLtools

Now, run all chunks and if you are only interested in the top variant for each signal, you can filter out the results for the column 19 as follows:

cat ${condi_output_dir}/conditional_*.txt | awk '{ if ($19 == 1) print $0}' > conditional_top_variants.txt

column 12 is Rank of the association, this tells you if the variant has been mapped as belonging to the best signal (rank=0), the second best (rank=1), etc ... As a consequence, the maximal rank value for a given phenotype tells you how many independent signals there are (e.g. rank=2 means 3 independent signals).

see detailed output file columns description:

These procedures have been integrated in to shell scripts in /bin folder


# set up
cd bin

# prepare covariates
sh bin/ ${genotype} ${phenotype} ${prefix} ${N_peers} ${gender}
#sh bin/ inputs/genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz inputs/genes.50percent.chr22.expression.bed.gz chr22 45 inputs/sex.txt

# eQTL mapping
bin/ ${genotype} ${phenotype} ${covariates}
#sh bin/ inputs/genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz inputs/genes.50percent.chr22.expression.bed.gz chr22.combined_covariates.txt.gz


White-space delimited file conditional_top_variants.txt for significant eQTLs with independent effects.

With the various columns giving:

    1. Phenotype ID
    1. Phenotype chr ID
    1. Phenotype start position
    1. Phenotype end position
    1. Phenotype strand orientation
    1. Number of variants tested in cis
    1. Distance between the variant and the phenotype
    1. Variant ID
    1. Variant chr ID
    1. Variant start position
    1. Variant end position
    1. Rank of the association. This tells you if the variant has been mapped as belonging to the best signal (rank=0), the second best (rank=1), etc ... As a consequence, the maximal rank value for a given phenotype tells you how many independent signals there are (e.g. rank=2 means 3 independent signals).
    1. Forward nominal P-value
    1. Forward regression slope
    1. Binary flag; 1 means that the variant is the top forward variant of this rank, 0 otherwise
    1. Binary flag; 1 means that the forward P-value is below the threshold of this phenotype, 0 otherwise
    1. Backward nominal P-value
    1. Backward regression slope
    1. Binary flag; 1 means that the variant is the top backward variant of this rank, 0 otherwise
    1. Binary flag; 1 means that the backward P-value is below the threshold of this phenotype, 0 otherwise

For example:

ENSG00000188130.9 chr22 50700254 50700254 - 5139 -93 rs11913279 chr22 50700347 50700347 0 2.25986e-09 -0.278047 1 1 1.58737e-12 -0.724656 1 1
ENSG00000188130.9 chr22 50700254 50700254 - 5139 94985 rs116914202 chr22 50605269 50605269 1 7.6825e-05 -0.533554 0 1 7.58821e-06 -0.602191 1 1
ENSG00000188130.9 chr22 50700254 50700254 - 5139 65061 rs4084288 chr22 50635193 50635193 2 7.29639e-05 -0.347478 1 1 7.29639e-05 -0.347478 1 1

From this, you can see that the gene ENSG00000188130.9 has three significant eQTLs with independent effects: rs11913279 (rank=0), rs116914202 (rank=1) and rs4084288 (rank=2).
