RNA-seq analysis using RNACocktail, from sequencing reads to differential expression genes, including several plots
Pull the docker image using docker pull
command, make sure:
has been installed on the system.- Permission is needed, so
should be used.
# sudo docker pull marghoob/rnacocktail
is used to prepare the pipeline environment.
# The conda environment can be named here
# Create a new environment
conda create -n $NID
# Activate the environment to install softwares
conda activate $NID
conda install samtools r-tidyverse r-ggrepel r-ggfortify r-rcolorbrewer r-pheatmap
# Deactivate it after finish installation
conda deactivate
Reference genome sequence and gene annotation are downloaded from GENCODE.
bash prepare_reference.sh $wd $species
: work directory, the folder path where the reference will be saved to$species
can be configured for specific reference.
NGS PE reads in FASTQ format with suffix of _1.fastq.gz
and _2.fastq.gz
. Prefix is the sample ID.
: The column one is the sample group ID; column two is sample IDs which is seperated by,
(comma, without space).diff.conf
: The column one is the control group (base group), column two is the case group. the group IDs should be same as IDs insamples.conf
. More than one pair comparison can be added. The column two will be used as the baseline.others.conf
: set CPU numbers and others. The column one (key
) should not be changed!
# 1. run RNACocktail
# step1: align and reconstruct with HISAT2; quantify with Salmon
nohup bash bin/01.1_align.sh $path_ref $path_input $path_output >align.log 2>&1 &
# step2: differential expression analysis
nohup bash bin/01.2_diff.sh $path_ref $path_output >diff.log 2>&1 &
# You can run them in on command
# nohup bash bin/01_run_RNACocktail.sh $path_ref $path_input $path_output >RNACocktail.log 2>&1 &
# 2. gather expression data
bash bin/02_gather_expression.sh $path_ref $path_output
# 3. gather differentail expression gene
bash bin/03_gather_deg.sh $path_ref $path_output
# 4. plot figures based on expression data
bash bin/04_plot_expression.sh $path_output
# 5. plot figures based on DEG data
bash bin/05_plot_deg.sh $path_output
: folder path to reference$path_input
: folder path to reads$path_output
: main work directory, folder path to save output
There are 6 folders will be created, which can be grouped to 3 groups.
- RNACocktail folders
: the work folder when RNACocktail was running, which contains all files including temporary and log files.RNACocktail_out
: the result folder for RNACocktail which should be used mainly.
- data folders: these two folders are generated from RNACocktail folders
: the expression data folderdeg
: the DEG data folder
- figure folders: these two folders are generated from data folders
: figures which display the expression data, including samples clustering and sample PCA.plot_deg
: figures which display the differential expression genes' data, including valcano and heatmap, only the top 100 genes are labeled or plotted.
- The cutoff used for filtering differential expression genes (DEG) can be changed in
. The default cutoff used here is:- fold change >=2, that is
>=1; AND - adjust-p value <=0.05.
- fold change >=2, that is
- To use docker without
permission denied
, the user should be added to thedocker
group usingsudo usermod -aG docker $USER
. Then logout and login again. - Reference preparing may take hours (>0.5h)!
They are two groups (
). Each group has three replicates (rep1
). For PE reads, there are two files for each replicate (_1
). -
Make sure each file has the
nohup bash bin/01.1_align.sh reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/input test_data/output >align.log 2>&1 &
nohup bash bin/01.2_diff.sh reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output >diff.log 2>&1 &
bash bin/02_gather_expression.sh reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output
bash bin/03_gather_deg.sh reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output
bash bin/04_plot_expression.sh test_data/output
bash bin/05_plot_deg.sh test_data/output
- RNACocktail's output are saved in
folders. - expression and DEG data are saved in
folders. - The figures including QC are saved in
- Change the hard cutoff for DEG filtering to user's configuration.
- Change
to parameters in configure fileothers.conf
. - Add GEA based on DEG.
Yi Xianfu (yixfbio AT gmail DOT com)
GPL v3 or later