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RNA-seq analysis using RNACocktail, from sequencing reads to differential expression genes, including several plots

Install and configure

Install RNACocktail

Pull the docker image using docker pull command, make sure:

  1. docker has been installed on the system.
  2. Permission is needed, so sudo should be used.
# sudo docker pull marghoob/rnacocktail

Prepare environment

conda is used to prepare the pipeline environment.

# The conda environment can be named here
# Create a new environment
conda create -n $NID
# Activate the environment to install softwares
conda activate $NID
conda install samtools r-tidyverse r-ggrepel r-ggfortify r-rcolorbrewer r-pheatmap
# Deactivate it after finish installation
conda deactivate

Prepare reference

Reference genome sequence and gene annotation are downloaded from GENCODE.

bash $wd $species
  • $wd: work directory, the folder path where the reference will be saved to
  • $species: human or mouse
  • species.conf and others.conf can be configured for specific reference.

Input files

Reads files

NGS PE reads in FASTQ format with suffix of _1.fastq.gz and _2.fastq.gz. Prefix is the sample ID.

Configure files

  • samples.conf: The column one is the sample group ID; column two is sample IDs which is seperated by ,(comma, without space).
  • diff.conf: The column one is the control group (base group), column two is the case group. the group IDs should be same as IDs in samples.conf. More than one pair comparison can be added. The column two will be used as the baseline.
  • others.conf: set CPU numbers and others. The column one (key) should not be changed!

Usage synopsis

# 1. run RNACocktail
# step1: align and reconstruct with HISAT2; quantify with Salmon 
nohup bash bin/ $path_ref $path_input $path_output >align.log 2>&1 &
# step2: differential expression analysis
nohup bash bin/ $path_ref $path_output >diff.log 2>&1 &
# You can run them in on command
# nohup bash bin/ $path_ref $path_input $path_output >RNACocktail.log 2>&1 & 
# 2. gather expression data
bash bin/ $path_ref $path_output
# 3. gather differentail expression gene
bash bin/ $path_ref $path_output
# 4. plot figures based on expression data
bash bin/ $path_output
# 5. plot figures based on DEG data
bash bin/ $path_output
  • $path_ref: folder path to reference
  • $path_input: folder path to reads
  • $path_output: main work directory, folder path to save output

Output files

There are 6 folders will be created, which can be grouped to 3 groups.

  1. RNACocktail folders
    • RNACocktail_work: the work folder when RNACocktail was running, which contains all files including temporary and log files.
    • RNACocktail_out: the result folder for RNACocktail which should be used mainly.
  2. data folders: these two folders are generated from RNACocktail folders
    • expression: the expression data folder
    • deg: the DEG data folder
  3. figure folders: these two folders are generated from data folders
    • plot_expression: figures which display the expression data, including samples clustering and sample PCA.
    • plot_deg: figures which display the differential expression genes' data, including valcano and heatmap, only the top 100 genes are labeled or plotted.

Key notes

Parameters explanation

  • The cutoff used for filtering differential expression genes (DEG) can be changed in bin/, bin/05.1_volcano.R and bin/05.2_heatmap.R. The default cutoff used here is:
    • fold change >=2, that is abs(log2FC) >=1; AND
    • adjust-p value <=0.05.


  • To use docker without permission denied, the user should be added to the docker group using sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. Then logout and login again.
  • Reference preparing may take hours (>0.5h)!

Usage example


  • They are two groups (case vs. ctrl). Each group has three replicates (rep1, rep2 and rep3). For PE reads, there are two files for each replicate (_1 and _2).

  • Make sure each file has the .fastq.gz suffix.

Run pipeline

nohup bash bin/ reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/input test_data/output >align.log 2>&1 &
nohup bash bin/ reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output >diff.log 2>&1 &
bash bin/ reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output
bash bin/ reference/GRCm38_vM22 test_data/output
bash bin/ test_data/output
bash bin/ test_data/output


  • RNACocktail's output are saved in RNACocktail_work and RNACocktail_out folders.
  • expression and DEG data are saved in expression and deg folders.
  • The figures including QC are saved in plot_expression and plot_deg folders.



  1. Change the hard cutoff for DEG filtering to user's configuration.
  2. Change $path_ref and $path_output to parameters in configure file others.conf.
  3. Add GEA based on DEG.


Yi Xianfu (yixfbio AT gmail DOT com)


GPL v3 or later