Dicoding/Front-End Web/Belajar Dasar Pemrograman Web/Submission: Tugas Akhir Membuat Website
This application is a web-based application as a basis for learning web programming. This application takes the theme of educational learning media. This application was made to fulfill the submission of the Learn Basic Web Programmings at Dicoding final project.
- Terdapat elemen header, footer, main, article, dan aside di berkas HTML.
- Masing-masing elemen wajib berisi konten yang peruntukkannya sesuai dengan elemen tersebut (menerapkan konsep semantic HTML dalam menyusun struktur website).
- Wajib menampilkan identitas diri (biodata diri) yang minimal harus berisi foto asli diri dan nama sesuai profil Dicoding. Identitas diri wajib ditampilkan dalam elemen aside.
- Menyusun layout dengan menggunakan float atau flexbox.
- Tema yang ditampilkan bebas, kecuali tema Bandung.
- This application was created to fulfill the final project of the Learn Basic Web Programmings at Dicoding.
- This application is made for self-study and there is no intention to imitate to make it commercial.
- I am not responsible for what happens outside this application if the code used is misused.
- The assets used are from https://sekolah.penggerak.kemdikbud.go.id/.
Muhammad Akbar Hamid