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Initial Conversion Progress
Below is a one to one function table from NASA’s Astronomy Library1. This table will be updated as functions are chosen to be included into the pyAstroLib package and eventually contain links to documentation.
Note: Since some modules outlined before already have mature python implementations or are not applicable to python, not all will be chosen for conversion.
- High Priority
- Medium Priority
- Needs Research
Image Manipulation
- cosmic ray reject
- deconvolution
Image Manipulation
- Fits/Datacube visualization GUI
- pcolor wrapper
- Scroll into Z-axis
- Click array position
- Expand DAOPHOT
- SourceExtractor Wrapper
- wcstools Wrapper
- Echelle Spectroscopy
- Pipeline Example Scripts for observatories
Legend: 50% – Completed without testing
100% – Completed with testing
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | ADSTRING coordinates to Hour Angle and Declination |
| 0% | ARCBAR | Draw an arcbar over an image showing the astronomical plate scale |
| 0% | ARROWS | Given a FITS header, display a “weathervane” showing N-E orientation |
| 0% | ASTDISP | Display formatter for pixel + astronomical coordinates |
| 0% | ASTRO | Interactive driver to compute astronomical precession, or coordinate conversions (calls EULER and PRECESS). |
| 0% | BARYVEL | Compute components of barycentric Earth velocity, given Julian date |
| 0% | BPRECESS | Precess coordinates, proper motion from J2000 to B1950 |
| 0% | CALZ_UNRED | Deredden a galaxy spectrum using the Calzetti et al. (2000) formula |
| 50% | CCM_UNRED | Deredden a spectrum using the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989) parameterization. | Mubdi | March 8, 2009|
| 0% | CO_ABERRATION | Calculate changes to Ra and Dec due to aberration effects |
| 0% | CO_NUTATE | Calculate changes in RA and Dec due to nutation of the Earth’s rotation |
| 0% | CO_REFRACT() | Calculate correction to altitude due to atmospheric refraction |
| 0% | COSMO_PARAM | Derive a full set of cosmological parameters given a subset |
| 0% | CT2LST | Convert from civil time to local sidereal time |
| 0% | DATE |
| 0% | DATE_CONV() | Function to perform various date format conversions |
| 0% | DAYCNV | Convert from Julian Date to calendar date. |
| 0% | DEREDD | Deredden Stromgren indices (called by UVBYBETA) |
| 0% | ECI2GEO coords to local horizon coords (alt-az). |
| 0% | EQPOLE | Convert longitude,latitude to X,Y using polar equal-area projection |
| 0% | EQPOLE_GRID | Create overlay grid using polar equal-area projection |
| 0% | EULER | Astronomical coordinate system conversions |
| 50% | FLUX2MAG parameterization. |
| 0% | GAL_UVW | Calculate the Galactic space velocity (U,V,W) of a star |
| 0% | GAL_FLAT() | Correct a galaxy image for inclination effects. |
| 0% | GALAGE | Derive a galaxy age as a function of redshift for a cosmological model |
| 0% | GCIRC | Compute rigorous great circle distance |
| 0% | GEO2ECI | Convert from geographic to geodetic coordinates |
| 0% | GEO2MAG | Convert from geodetic to geographic coordinates |
| 0% | GET_COORDS | Read in angular input in decimal or sexigesimal format |
| 0% | GET_DATE | Get the current date in CCYY-MM-DD format (FITS standard) |
| 0% | GET_JULDATE | Get the current Julian date as a double precision scalar |
| 0% | GLACTC | Convert between Galactic (or SuperGalactic) and equatorial coordinates |
| 0% | HADEC2ALTAZ | Converts Hour Angle and Declination to Horizon (alt-az) coordinates |
| 0% | HELIO | Compute (low-precision) heliocentric coordinates of the planets |
| 0% | HELIO_JD() | Convert geocentric (reduced) Julian date to heliocentric Julian date |
| 0% | HELIO_RV() | Compute radial velocity given binary star orbit parameters |
| 0% | HOR2EQ | Convert local horizon coords (alt-az) to equatorial (ra-dec). |
| 0% | IMCONTOUR | Contour plots with astronomical labeling (either RA,Dec or arc distance from the image center |
| 0% | IMF | Compute EUV optical depth due to photoionization of HI, HeI and HeII |
| 0% | JDCNV | Convert from calendar date to Julian date. |
| 0% | JPLEPHINTERP | Interpolate position and motion of planetary bodies (JPL Ephemeris) |
| 0% | JPLEPHREAD | Open and read JPL DE200 or DE405 Ephemeride FITS File |
| 0% | JPRECESS | Precess positions & proper motions from B1950 to J2000 |
| 0% | JULDATE | Convert from calendar date to reduced Julian date. |
| 0% | LSF_ROTATE | Create a 1-d convolution kernel to broaden a spectrum from a rotating star |
| 0% | LUMDIST | Return luminosity distance for a given redshift & cosmological model |
| 0% | MAG2GEO | Convert from magnitudes to flux units |
| 0% | MONTH_CNV() | Convert a month name to the equivalent number or vice-versa |
| 0% | MOONPOS | Compute the RA and Dec (and distance) of the Moon at a given date |
| 0% | MPHASE | Compute illuminated fraction of the Moon’s disk for given Julian dates |
| 0% | NUTATE | Compute the nutation in longitude and latitude for given Julian date(s) |
| 0% | OBSERVATORY | Return coordinates, altitude & time zones of an observatory |
| 50% | PLANCK() | Returns a blackbody flux for a given effective temperature |Mubdi | March 9, 2009|
| 0% | PLANETCOORDS | Return low-precision RA and Dec of planets give a date(s) |
| 0% | POSANG | Compute the position angle between sources of specified RA and Dec |
| 0% | PRECESS | Precess RA and Dec to a new equinox |
| 0% | PRECESSCD | Precess the PC (or CD) matrix in a FITS header to a new equinox |
| 0% | PRECESSXYZ | Precess equatorial geocentric rectangular coordinates |
| 0% | PREMAT() | Returns precession matrix from equinox 1 to equinox 2 |
| 0% | QDCBGRID | Create overlay grid using COBE quad cube database coordinates |
| 50% | RADEC | Format RA, Dec as Hours,Min,Sec,Deg,Min,Sec |Mubdi |March 6, 2009|
| 50% | SIXTY | Convert decimal number to sexigesimal |Mubdi| March 7, 2009|
| 0% | SPHDIST |
| 0% | SUNPOS | Compute the RA and Dec of the Sun at a given date |
| 0% | TDB2TDT | Convert sexigesimal number to decimal | Mubdi | March 7, 2009|
| 0% | TENV() | Like TEN but will work on a vector of sexigesimal numbers. |
| 0% | TICPOS | Specify distance between tic marks for astronomical coordinates |
| 0% | TICLABELS | Create labels for astronomical coordinate tick marks |
| 0% | TICS | Compute the optimum distance between tic marks for astronomical labeling |
| 0% | TICONE | Determine optimum position of the first tic in astronomical labeling |
| 0% | UVBYBETA | Use Stromgren indices to derive dereddened colors, metallicity, and effective Temperature. |
| 50% | VACTOAIR | Convert vacuum wavelengths to air wavelengths. | Mubdi | March 8, 2009|
| 0% | XYZ | Compute heliocentric rectangular coordinates at given Julian date. |
| 0% | YMD2DN |
| 0% | YDN2MD | Convert day number of the year to year, month,day |
| 0% | ZANG() | Compute angular size as a function of redshift in a Friedman cosmology |
| 0% | ZENPOS | Compute the RA and Dec of the local zenith at a given date |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 10% | APER | Circular APERture photometry | Rene | March 15, 09 |
| 0% | CNTRD | Obtain the centroid of a star by locating where derivatives go to zero |
| 0% | DAOERF | Calculate the intensity, (and optionally, the derivatives) of a bivariate Gaussian, integrated over pixels. Called by DAO_VALUE |
| 0% | DAO_VALUE | Obtain the value of a DAOPHOT PSF function at a given set of points |
| 70% | FIND | FIND point sources within an image | Rene | March 15, 09 |
| 0% | GCNTRD | Determine centroid by Gaussian fits to the marginal X,Y distributions |
| 0% | GETPSF | Obtain a PSF (Gaussian + residuals) from isolated stars. |
| 0% | GROUP | Place stars with non-overlapping PSF’s in distinct groups |
| 0% | MMM | (Mean, Median, Mode) sophisticated sky background computation |
| 0% | NSTAR | Simultaneous PSF fitting of a group of stars |
| 0% | PIXWT | Compute the area of the intersection of a circle on a rectangle |
| 0% | PKFIT | Fit a Gaussian + residuals to a isolated star (called by GETPSF) |
| 0% | RDPSF | Read a PSF file that was created by GETPSF into an IDL array. |
| 0% | RINTER | Cubic Interpolation at a set of reference points, optionally obtain derivatives. (in /image) |
| 0% | SKY | Compute image sky level using MMM |
| 0% | SRCOR | Correlate the source positions in two different lists |
| 0% | SUBSTAR | Subtract a scaled PSF at specified star positions |
| 0% | T_APER | Driver procedure for APER with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | TFIND | Driver procedure for FIND with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | TGROUP | Driver procedure for GROUP with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | TGETPSF | Driver procedure for GETPSF with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | TNSTAR | Driver procedure for NSTAR with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | TSUBSTAR | Driver procedure for SUBSTAR with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | DBBUILD | Load or append a database with new entry values. |
| 0% | DBCIRCLE | Find entries meeting specified criteria in an IDL database |
| 0% | DBGET | Lower level routine to obtain information on an opened database |
| 0% | DBINDEX | Update the IDL database index file. |
| 0% | DB_ITEM_INFO() | Lower level routine to obtain information on specified item(s) |
| 0% | DB_ITEM | Lower level routine to return item number and other information |
| 0% | DBMATCH | Sort entries in an IDL database |
| 0% | DBTARGET | Combine two catalog entry lists, removing duplicate values |
| 0% | DBVAL | Lower level routine to extract value of specified item from an entry |
| 0% | DBXVAL | Lower level routine to extract values of specified item from an entry |
| 0% | DBWRT | Lower level routine to update or add a new entry to a database |
| 0% | IMDBASE | Find all catalog sources within the field of an astronomical image |
| 0% | DB_ENT2EXTDB_ENT2HOST |/10^. Lower level database procedures |
| 0% | DBEXTDBF |
| 0% | DBEXTIND |
| 0% | DBXPUT |
| 0% | DBFPARSE |
| 0% | DBSEARCH |
| 0% | DBTITLE |
| 0% | DBTITLE() |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | IRAFDIR | Describe IRAF images on specified directory |
| 0% | IRAFRD | Read a disk IRAF image file into IDL variables. |
| 0% | IRAFWRT | Write IDL image and header to an IRAF (.pix & .imh) file |
| 0% | WFPC2READ | Read a Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) image |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | ADD_DISTORT | Add SIP distortion parameters into a FITS header |
| 0% | AD2XY | Use astrometry structure to convert celestial to pixel coordinates |
| 0% | ADXY | Use FITS header to convert celestial (RA,Dec) to pixel coordinates |
| 0% | CONS_DEC() | Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant declination |
| 0% | CONS_RA() | Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant right ascension |
| 0% | EXTAST | EXTract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS header into an IDL structure |
| 0% | FITS_CD_FIX | Update obsolete representations of the CD matrix in a FITS header |
| 0% | GET_EQUINOX() | Return a numeric equinox value from a FITS header |
| 0% | GETROT | GET ROTation and plate scale from a FITS header |
| 0% | GSSS_STDAST | Insert the closest tangent projection astrometry into an STScI Guidestar Survey Image |
| 0% | GSSSADXY | Convert RA, Dec to pixel coordinates for an STScI survey image |
| 0% | GSSSEXTAST | Extract astrometry parameters from an STScI Survey Image |
| 0% | GSSSXYAD | Convert pixel coordinates to RA, Dec for an STScI survey image |
| 0% | HASTROM | Rotate, Congrid, and/or shift an image until astrometry matches that in a reference FITS header. Used to align images. |
| 0% | HBOXAVE | Boxaverage an image and update astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | HCONGRID | CONGRID an image and update astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | HEULER | Convert between Galactic, celestial and ecliptic coordinates in FITS a header |
| 0% | HEXTRACT | Extract a subimage and update astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | HPRECESS | Precess the astrometry in a FITS header to a new equinox. |
| 0% | HREBIN | REBIN an image and update the astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | HREVERSE | Reverse an image about either dimension and update astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | HROT | Rotate an image and update astrometry in a FITS header. |
| 0% | HROTATE | Apply IDL ROTATE function and update astrometry in a FITS header |
| 0% | MAKE_ASTR | Build an astrometry structure from input parameter values |
| 0% | PRECESSCD | Precess coordinate description (CD) matrix in a FITS header to a new equinox. Called by HPRECESS |
| 0% | PUTAST | Put astrometry parameters (e.g. rotation, plate scale) into a FITS header. |
| 0% | STARAST | Obtain an exact astrometry solution given the coordinates and plate position of 2 or 3 stars. |
| 0% | UPDATEDISTORT | Update SIP astrometry coefficients for a linear transformation |
| 0% | WCSGETPOLE | Compute the coordinates of the native pole for non-polar projection | Mubdi | August 1, 2009 |
| 0% | WCSSPH2XY | Convert between longitude,latitude to X,Y angular coordinates for 25 different map projection types |
| 0% | WCSXY2SPH | Inverse of WCSSPH2XY |
| 0% | WCSDEMO | Demo program for WCSSPH2XY and WCSXY2SPH |
| 50% | WCSROTATE | Rotate between standard (e.g. celestial) and native coordinates | Mubdi | August 1, 2009 |
| 0% | XYAD | Use FITS header to convert pixel (X,Y) to celestial(RA, Dec) coordinates |
| 0% | XY2AD | Use astrometry structure to convert pixel to celestial coordinates |
| 0% | XYXY | Convert X,Y values on one image to X,Y values in another image using astrometry in the FITS headers |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | EXTGRP | Extract group parameter information out of SXREAD output |
| 0% | STDISKREAD | Read an HST FITS file and reconstruct a GEIS (STSDAS) file |
| 0% | SXGINFO | Return info on all group parameters in a FITS header |
| 0% | SXGPAR | Read group parameters from an STSDAS file |
| 0% | SXHCOPY | Copy a selected portion of one header into another |
| 0% | SXHMAKE | Create a basic STSDAS header file from an IDL data array |
| 0% | SXHREAD | Read a STSDAS header from disk |
| 0% | SXHWRITE | Write a STSDAS header to disk |
| 0% | SXMAKE | Make a basic STSDAS header from an IDL array |
| 0% | SXOPEN | Open an STSDAS disk file for subsequent I/O |
| 0% | SXREAD() | Read an STSDAS image from disk |
| 0% | SXWRITE | Write an image to STSDAS format |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |_. End Time |
| 0% | FTABDELROW | Delete specified rows in a FITS table extension |
| 0% | FTABEXT | Extract specified columns of a FITS table extension into IDL vectors |
| 0% | FTABHELP | Print info about the fields in a FITS table extension |
| 0% | FTABPRINT | Print specified columns and rows of a FITS table extension |
| 0% | FTADDCOL | Add a new column to a FITS ASCII table |
| 0% | FTCREATE | Create an empty FITS ASCII table header and data array |
| 0% | FTDELCOL | Delete specified column from a FITS ASCII table data array |
| 0% | FTDELROW | Delete specified row(s) from a FITS ASCII table data array |
| 0% | FTGET a FITS ASCII table array |
| 0% | FTPRINT | Print specified columns and rows in a FITS ASCII table array |
| 0% | FTPUT | Update or add data to a field in a FITS ASCII table array |
| 0% | FTSIZE | Return the size and number of fields in a FITS ASCII table array |
| 0% | FTSORT | Sort a FITS ASCII table according to the values in a specified field. |
| 0% | TBDELCOL | Delete specified column from a FITS Binary table array |
| 0% | TBDELROW | Delete specified row(s) from a FITS Binary table array |
| 0% | TBGET() | Extract a specified field from a column in a FITS Binary table |
| 0% | TBHELP | Display the fields in a FITS Binary table header |
| 0% | TBINFO | Return an informational structure from a FITS Binary table header |
| 0% | TBPRINT | Print specified columns and rows in a FITS Binary table array |
| 0% | TBSIZE | Return the size and number of fields in a FITS Binary table array |
|. Progress |. Name |_. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | FXADDPAR | Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array. |
| 0% | FXBADDCOL | Adds a column to a binary table extension. |
| 0% | FXBCLOSE | Close a FITS binary table extension opened for read. |
| 0% | FXBCOLNUM | Returns the dimensions for a column in a FITS binary table. |
| 0% | FXBFIND | Find column keywords in a FITS binary table header. |
| 0% | FXBFINDLUN | Returns the header of an open FITS binary table. |
| 0% | FXBHELP | Prints short description of columns in a FITS binary table. |
| 0% | FXBHMAKE | Create basic FITS binary table extension (BINTABLE) header. |
| 0% | FXBINTABLE | Common block FXBINTABLE used by “FXB” routines. |
| 0% | FXBISOPEN | Returns the state of a FITS binary table. |
| 0% | FXBTDIM | Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header. |
| 0% | FXPARPOS() | Finds position to insert record into FITS header. |
| 0% | FXREAD | Read basic FITS files. |
| 0% | FXWRITE | Write a disk FITS file. |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | CHECK_FITS | Check that array agrees with NAXISi, BITPIX keywords of FITS header |
| 0% | FITSDIR | Display info about primary FITS header(s) on disk |
| 0% | FITSRGB_to_TIFF | Combine separate red, green, blue FITS files into TIFF format |
| 0% | FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM | Add/update the CHECKSUM/DATASUM keywords in a FITS header |
| 0% | FITS_ASCII_ENCODE() | Encode an unsigned longword as an ASCII string |
| 0% | FITS_CLOSE | Close a FITS file defined by a FITS Control Block (see FITS_OPEN) |
| 0% | FITS_HELP | Summarize the primary data units and extensions in a FITS file |
| 0% | FITS_OPEN | Open a FITS file and define a FITS Control Block (FCB) |
| 0% | FITS_READ | Read a FITS file specified by name or FITS Control Block (FCB) |
| 0% | FITS_TESTCHECKSUM() | Verify the values of the CHECKSUM/DATASUM FITS keywords |
| 0% | FITSWRITE | Write a FITS primary data unit or extension |
| 0% | FITSINFO | Display info about disk FITS file(s) at a terminal or in Common |
| 0% | FXMOVE | Open a FITS file positioned to beginning of a specified extension |
| 0% | HEADFITS |
| 0% | MRDFITS() | Read FITS file mapping table columns into IDL structure tags |
| 0% | MRDHREAD | Like FXHREAD but can also read a FITS header from a Unix pipe |
| 0% | MWRFITS | Write a FITS file from a IDL array or structure |
| 0% | RDFITSSTRUCT | Read an entire disk FITS file into an IDL structure |
| 0% | READFITS | Obtain the value of a keyword in a FITS header |
| 0% | WRITEFITS | Write IDL data and header array to a disk FITS file. |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | BOXAVE | Convolve an image with a PSF using the product of Fourier Transforms |
| 0% | CORREL_IMAGES() | Correlation of two images. Called by CORREL_OPTIMIZE |
| 0% | CORREL_OPTIMIZE | Compute the optimal pixel offset of one image relative to another by maximizing the correlation function. |
| 0% | CORRMAT_ANALYZE | Analyze the correlation function made by CORREL_IMAGE |
| 0% | CR_REJECT | General iterative cosmic ray rejection for 2 or more images |
| 0% | DIST_CIRCLE | Create a mask array useful for circular aperture photometry. |
| 0% | DIST_ELLIPSE | Create a mask array useful for elliptical aperture photometry. |
| 0% | FILTER_IMAGE() | Like MEDIAN or SMOOTH but handles edges & allows iteration |
| 0% | FREBIN | Expand or contract an image while conserving flux |
| 0% | IMLIST | Display image pixel values around a specified center |
| 0% | MAXENTROPY | Deconvolution by Maximum Entropy, given a PSF |
| 0% | MAXLIKELIHOOD | Deconvolution by maximum likelihood, given a PSF |
| 0% | MEDARR | Median filter across a set of images (e.g. for cosmic ray removal) |
| 0% | POSITIVITY() | Map an image uniquely and smoothly into all positive values |
| 0% | PSFGAUSSIAN() | Create a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d Gaussian with specified FWHM, center |
| 0% | SIGMAFILTER() | Replaces pixels deviant by more than a specified sigma from its neighbors. Useful for cosmic ray removal. |
| 0% | SKYADJCUBE | Remove the sky level from individual images of a data cube |
| 0% | XMEDSKY | Compute the median sky as a 1-d function of X (for slitless spectra) |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | ASINH | Return the average value of an array or 1 dimension of an array. |
| 0% | CIC | Cloud In Cell interpolation of irregularly gridded data |
| 0% | CSPLINE |
| 0% | FITEXY | Best straight-line fit to data with errors in both coordinates |
| 0% | FLEGENDRE | Evaluate a 1-d Gaussian and optionally its derivative |
| 0% | HERMITE |
| 0% | KUIPERTWO | Compute the two-sided Kuiper statistic (NR) |
| 0% | LINMIX_ERR | Bayesian approach to linear regression with errors in both X and Y |
| 0% | LINTERP | Linearly interpolate X,Y vectors onto a new X grid |
| 0% | MEANCLIP | Compute an iteratively sigma-clipped mean on a data set |
| 0% | MLINMIX_ERR | Bayesian approach to linear regression with errors in both X and Y and multiple independent variables. |
| 0% | MINF_BRACKET | Find 3 points which bracket the minimum of a function |
| 0% | MINF_CONJ_GRAD | Find local minimum of a scalar valued function of several variables using conjugate gradient method |
| 0% | MINF_PARABOLIC | Minimize a function using Brent’s method with parabolic interpolation |
| 0% | MINF_PARABOL_D | Minimize a function using Brent’s method with derivatives |
| 0% | MLINMIX_ERR | Bayesian approach to linear regression with errors in both X and Y and multiple independent variables. |
| 0% | MRANDOMN | Generate random vectors from a multivariate normal density. |
| 0% | MULTINOM | Simulate multinomial random variables |
| 0% | NGP | Nearest Grid Point interpolation of irregularly gridded data |
| 0% | PCA | Perform a principal component analysis (Karhunen-Loeve expansion) |
| 0% | PENT | Generate a Poisson random deviate |
| 0% | POLINT | Polynomial interpolation of an (X,Y) pair |
| 0% | POLYLEG() | Evaluate a Legendre polynomial with specified coefficients |
| 0% | POLYSMOOTH polynomial smoothing filter |
| 0% | PRIME | Return the first N primes (in /jhuapl) |
| 0% | PROBKS | Return the significance of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic |
| 0% | PROBKUIPER | Return the significance of the Kuiper statistic |
| 0% | QSIMP | Integrate using Simpson’s rule to specified accuracy |
| 0% | QTRAP | Integrate using trapezoidal rule to specified accuracy. |
| 0% | QUADTERP | Quadratic interpolation of X,Y vectors onto a new X grid |
| 0% | RANDOMCHI | Generate chi-square distributed random variables |
| 0% | RANDOMDIR | Generate Dirichlet-distributed random variables |
| 0% | RANDOMGAM | Generate random numbers from a gamma distribution. |
| 0% | RANDOMP | Create a vector of random numbers distributed as a power-law |
| 0% | RANDOMWISH | Draw random matrices from a Wishart distribution |
| 0% | SIXLIN | Compute linear regression by 6 different methods. |
| 0% | SPLINESMOOTH | Compute cubic smoothing spline to (weighted) data |
| 0% | TABINV | Find the effective index of a function value. |
| 0% | TRANSFORMCOEFF | Compute new polynomial coefficients under a linear transformation |
| 0% | TRAPZD | Compute Nth iteration of trapezoidal rule. Called by QSIMP, QTRAP |
| 0% | TSC | Triangular Shaped Cloud interpolation of irregularly gridded data onto a regular grid |
| 0% | TSUM | Find the root of a function known to lie between specified limits |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | CLEANPLOT | Reset all plotting system variables to their default (X) values |
| 0% | LEGEND | Create an annotation legend for a plot |
| 0% | LEGENDTEST | Demo program demonstrating the capabilities of LEGEND |
| 0% | LINEIDPLOT | Annotate the identified lines in a spectrum |
| 0% | MULTIPLOT | Create multiple plots with shared axes |
| 0% | OPLOTERROR | Overplot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars |
| 0% | PARTVELVEC | Plot the velocity vectors of a set of particles |
| 0% | PLOTERROR | Plot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars |
| 0% | PLOTHIST | Plot the histogram of an array |
| 0% | PLOTSYM | Define useful plotting symbols not in the standard PSYM definition |
| 0% | RDPLOT | Like intrinsic CURSOR procedure but with a full-screen cursor |
| 0% | SUNSYMBOL() | Return the character string to plot a subscripted Sun symbol |
| 0% | VSYM | Create “Mongo”-like plotting symbols, rotationally symmetric polygons |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | AUTOHIST | Draw a histogram using automatic bin-sizing. |
| 0% | BIWEIGHT_MEAN() | Iterative biweighted determination of mean and standard deviation |
| 0% | HISTOGAUSS | Outlier-resistant autoscaled histogram drawing |
| 0% | MEDSMOOTH() | Median smoothing including the points at the ends |
| 0% | RESISTANT_MEAN | Outlier-resistant determination of mean and std. deviation. |
| 0% | ROBCHECKFIT() | Utility to determine quality of a fit and return biweights |
| 0% | ROBUSTPOLYFIT() | Robust polynomial fit |
| 0% | ROBUSTSIGMA() | Robust analog of the standard deviation |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | COMPARE_STRUCT() | Compare all matching Tag names and return differences |
| 0% | COPY_STRUCT | Copy Fields with matching Tag names from one structure to another |
| 0% | CREATE_STRUCT | Create an IDL structure from a list of tag types and dimensions |
| 0% | MRD_STRUCT() | Like CREATESTRUCT but tag values can be specified in a string |
| 0% | NSTRUCT() | Return number of elements in a structure array and number of tags |
| 0% | PRINTSTRUCT | Print specified tags from structure (to LUN if given) |
| 0% | TAGEXIST() | Determine if a tag exists in a given structure |
| 0% | WHERETAG() | Like WHERE but works on a structure tag names |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | TAB_ADDCOL | Add a new column to a STSDAS table |
| 0% | TAB_COL | Extract column info from a table control block. Called by TAB_READ |
| 0% | TAB_CREATE | Create an empty STSDAS table on disk |
| 0% | TAB_DEL | Delete specified row(s) from an STSDAS table |
| 0% | TAB_EXPAND | Expand the size of an STSDAS table. Called by TABLE_APPEND |
| 0% | TAB_FORTOSPP | Convert a FORTRAN print format to SPP. Called by TAB_MODCOL |
| 0% | TAB_MODCOL | Modify a column name, format or units in an STSDAS table. |
| 0% | TAB_NULL() | Locate null values in a STSDAS table. Called by TAB_PUT |
| 0% | TAB_NULLROW | Place null values into a STSDAS table. Called by TAB_PUT |
| 0% | TAB_PRINT | Print the contents of an STSDAS table in tabular form |
| 0% | TAB_PUT | Put new values into a column of an STSDAS table |
| 0% | TAB_READ | Read table control block and data array from a disk STSDAS table. |
| 0% | TAB_SIZE | Return the size of a STSDAS table. Called by TABLE_LIST |
| 0% | TAB_SORT | Sort a STSDAS table according to the specified column |
| 0% | TAB_SPPTOFOR | Convert SPP print format to FORTRAN. Called by TAB_PRINT |
| 0% | TAB_VAL() | Extract values from a single column of an STSDAS table |
| 0% | TAB_WRITE | Write a STSDAS table to a disk file |
| 0% | TABLE_APPEND | Append a list of STSDAS tables to create a single table. |
| 0% | TABLE_CALC | Add a new table column from an expression using existing columns. |
| 0% | TABLE_DELETE | Delete specified rows from an STSDAS table |
| 0% | TABLEEXT | Extract column(s) of data from an STSDAS table to IDL variable(s) |
| 0% | TABLEHELP | Describe an STSDAS table. |
| 0% | TABLELIST | List the contents of an STSDAS table |
| 0% | TABLEPRINT | Print a disk STSDAS table in tabular form |
| 0% | TABLESORT | Order the contents of an STSDAS table by the specified column |
|. Progress |. Name |_. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | WEBGET | Query the Guide Star Catalog (GSC V2.3.2) at STScI by position |
| 0% | QUERYDSS | Query the digital sky survey (DSS) online at the ESO or STSCI servers |
| 0% | QUERYSIMBAD | Query the SIMBAD or NED name resolver to obtain J2000 coordinates |
| 0% | QUERYVIZIER() | Positional query of any catalog in the VIZIER database. |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |_. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | BLINK | Blink two or more windows in an image display |
| 0% | CURS | Change the shape of the (X windows only) cursor |
| 0% | CURVAL | Interactive display of image intensities and astronomical coordinates |
| 0% | PIXCOLOR | Set specified pixel values to a specified color |
| 0% | SIGRANGE() | Find range of pixel values which contain 90% of the image values |
| 0% | TVBOX | Draw a box of specified size on the image display |
| 0% | TVCIRCLE | Draw a circle of specified radius on the image display |
| 0% | TVELLIPSE | Draw an ellipse of specified axes on the image display |
| 0% | TVLASER | Write an image to postscript file with annotation from a FITS header |
| 0% | TVLIST | Display intensity values surrounding the cursor position |
| 0% | UNZOOMXY | Convert from window coordinates to image coordinates |
| 0% | ZOOMXY | Convert from image coordinates to window coordinates |
|. Progress |. Name |. Description |. Author |. End Time |
| 0% | ASTROLIB | Add the non-standard system variables used in the IDL Astronomy User’s Library |
| 0% | BLKSHIFT | Shift a block of data to a new (possibly overlapping) position in a file |
| 0% | BOOST_ARRAY | Append one array onto another, adjusting dimensions if necessary |
| 0% | BREAK_PATH() | break up a !PATH-like string into individual directories |
| 0% | BSORT |
| 0% | CIRRANGE | Force an angle to be in the range 0 to 360 (or 0 to 2*!PI). |
| 0% | CONCAT_DIR | concatenate directory and file name for current OS |
| 0% | DELVARX | Delete an IDL variable; like DELVAR but works at any calling level |
| 0% | DETABIFY | Expand tilde in UNIX directory names |
| 0% | F_FORMAT() | Find the “best” F format to display an array of REAL*4 numbers. |
| 0% | FDECOMP | Decompose a file name (Disk + Directory + Name + Extension + Version) |
| 0% | FINDPRO | Find all occurrences of a procedure in one’s !PATH |
| 0% | FIND_ALL_DIR | Find all directories under a specified directory |
| 0% | FIND_WITH_DEF | Search for files with default path and extension |
| 0% | FORPRINT | Print a set of vectors by looping over each index value |
| 0% | GETOPT. |
| 0% | GETPRO | Search !PATH directory for a procedure and copy into user’s directory |
| 0% | GETTOK | Get specified item (word) from a string (in /jhuapl) |
| 0% | HGREP | Find a substring in a FITS header or other string array |
| 0% | HOST_TO_IEEE | Convert IDL variable from host machine bit order to IEEE |
| 0% | HPRINT | Pretty terminal display of a FITS header (or other string array) |
| 0% | IDL_VALIDNAME | Emulate intrinsic IDL_VALIDNAME() function for V5.6 and earlier |
| 0% | IEEE_TO_HOST | Convert IDL variable from IEEE bit order to host machine |
| 0% | ISARRAY |
| 0% | IS_IEEE_BIG() | Determine if the host machine is IEEE big endian |
| 0% | LIST_WITH_PATH() | Search for files within specified directory path |
| 0% | MAKE_2D | Change from 1-D indexing to 2-D indexing |
| 0% | MATCH | Find the subscripts where the values of two vectors match. |
| 0% | MATCH2 | Find the matches for each element of two arrays. |
| 0% | MRD_SKIP | Skip a number of bytes from current location in a file or a Unix pipe |
| 0% | MINMAX | Return the number of bytes in an IDL variable |
| 0% | NINT function but returns integer instead of long |
| 0% | NULLTRIM. Called by TAB_PUT. |
| 0% | ONE_ARROW | Draw an arrow labeled with a single character |
| 0% | ONE_RAY | Draw a ray by specifying starting point, angle, and length |
| 0% | ORDINAL |
| 0% | QGET_STRING() | Read a string (eg. password) from the keyboard without echoing it |
| 0% | RDFLOAT | Quickly read an ASCII file with columns of data into IDL vectors |
| 0% | READCOL | Read a file of free-format ASCII columns into IDL vectors |
| 0% | READFMT | Quickly read a file of fixed-format ASCII columns into IDL vectors |
| 0% | READ_KEY() | Like GET_KBRD but returns a code for escape sequences. |
| 0% | RECPOL | Convert from rectangular to polar coordinates (in /jhuapl) |
| 0% | REMCHAR | Remove all appearances of a character from a string. |
| 0% | REM_DUP() | Remove duplicate values from a vector. |
| 0% | REMOVE | Contract a vector or up to 8 vectors by removing specified elements |
| 0% | REPCHR |
| 0% | REPSTR() | Replace all occurrences of one substring in a string by another. |
| 0% | SELECTW | Allow user to interactively select from a list of strings |
| 0% | SPECDIR() | Complete specification of a file name using default disk & directory |
| 0% | STOREARRAY | Insert one array into another, adjusting dimensions if necessary |
| 0% | STRCOMPRESS2 | Convert a number to a string and remove padded blanks. |
| 0% | STRNUMBER() | Determine whether a string is a valid numeric value. |
| 0% | TEXTOPEN | Open a file for text output as specified by TEXTOUT keyword |
| 0% | TEXTCLOSE | Close a file that had been opened by TEXTOPEN. |
| 0% | TOHEX() | Translate a decimal integer to a hex string. |
| 0% | VALIDNUM |
| 0% | VECT | Find points equal to big-endian IEEE NaN (not a number) values |
| 0% | XDISPSTR | Widget display of a string array with a simple search facility |
| 0% | ZPARCHECK | Check the type and size of a parameter |
1 Contents of IDL Astronomy User’s Library , Jan 2009