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Releases: mtkennerly/ludusavi

v0.15.1 (2022-11-25)

24 Nov 17:15
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  • Fixed:
    • The placeholder <winProgramData> was incorrectly interpreted as C:/Windows/ProgramData when it should have been C:/ProgramData. This affected the lookup of the normal location on Windows, but it did not affect Wine/Proton or VirtualStore paths.
    • For Wine prefixes from Heroic and Wine prefixes passed by CLI, the prefix's *.reg files were backed up even if the game in question was not known to have registry-based saves.
  • Changed:

v0.15.0 (2022-11-07)

07 Nov 02:48
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  • Added:
    • Steam shortcuts for non-Steam games are now detected. On all platforms, the shortcut's "start in" folder is used as the <base> path. On Linux, the shortcut's app ID is used to check steamapps/compatdata for Proton saves.
    • In Heroic roots, Ludusavi can now recognize games by their GOG ID. This helps resolve cases where Heroic and Ludusavi use different titles for the same game. The CLI find command now also has a --gog-id option.
    • GUI: On the Steam Deck, an "exit" button has been added to the other screen, to make it easier to exit the program while using game mode. Ludusavi checks if /home/deck exists in order to determine whether it is running on the Steam Deck.
    • CLI: --config option to set a custom config directory. (Contributed by sluedecke)
    • Updated translations. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)
  • Changed:
    • Manifest updates now use gzip compression, cutting the download size to about 10% (e.g., 11.4 MiB -> 1.5 MiB).
  • Fixed:
    • GUI: Notifications did not disappear when the window was inactive.

v0.14.0 (2022-10-29)

29 Oct 11:21
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  • Added:
    • Ludusavi now shows which games and files are new/changed compared to the last backup or restore. This is indicated by a + or Δ badge next to applicable games and files.
    • The Heroic launcher is now supported as a root type. Both GOG and Epic games are detected, as well as any Wine prefixes (on Linux).
      (Contributed by sluedecke)
    • Compression levels can now be customized for zip backups.
    • In addition to restoration redirects, there are now also backup redirects and bidirectional redirects. The redirect editor is now on the "other" screen instead of the "restore" screen.
    • GUI: On startup, Ludusavi will ask if you'd like to add any missing roots. It will remember your choice and won't ask twice for the same root.
    • GUI: The custom games screen now has a button to preview a specific game on demand. This lets you preview a custom game even if it's not yet in the backup screen's main list.
    • GUI: When previewing a specific game on demand, if it disappears from the list because save data can no longer be found for it, then a notification is shown to explain what happened.
    • GUI: The "other" screen now shows when the manifest was last checked/updated. There is also a button to refresh on demand. While the manifest is updating, a small notification is displayed at the bottom of the window.
    • GUI: Tooltips for some icons that may not be self-explanatory.
    • CLI: find command to look up game titles from the manifest. This incorporates the --by-steam-id option from the backup/etc commands and adds some new ones, like --normalized to look up games by an inexact name.
    • CLI: Backup options: --format, --compression, --full-limit, --differential-limit.
    • On startup, Ludusavi will prune any useless blank configurations (e.g., roots with a blank path).
    • Updated translations. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)
  • Changed:
    • Increased scanning speed by 10% by avoiding some duplicate path lookups.
    • CLI: Deprecated --by-steam-id in the backup/backups/restore commands, in favor of the new find command.
    • Ludusavi will no longer migrate pre-v0.10.0 configurations to the current location.
    • A new cache.yaml is now used for some fields from config.yaml, specifically the recent game caching and manifest update tracking.
    • On startup, Ludusavi will only check for manifest updates if the last check was 24 hours ago or longer. Previously, it would check automatically on every startup. This was changed to avoid excess network traffic, because the manifest itself will be updated more frequently.
    • GUI: Styling is now more consistent for disabled buttons.
    • GUI: When adding a new root or custom game, the list automatically scrolls to the end.
  • Fixed:
    • Backup files did not store the correct modification time on Linux and defaulted to the current time. This also affected Windows, but only for zip backups. (Contributed by sluedecke)

    • Zipped backup files did not store the correct permissions on Linux/Mac.

    • Proton and Wine files are now searched case-insensitively on Linux.

    • When Ludusavi tried to find a rough match for an install folder like "Some Game", it did not recognize that "Some - Game" was close enough.

    • GUI: Crash if you started a scan, clicked "find roots", and then clicked "cancel" while the scan was still ongoing.

    • GUI: When the manifest finished updating in the background, any currently open modal would be closed.

    • CLI: If you had the merge option disabled and passed --merge to override and enable it, it would be respected for the main --path folder, but not for game subfolders. When Ludusavi detected that a specific game needed a new backup, that game's subfolder would be cleared out first. If you had the merge option enabled by default, then this did not affect you.

    • CLI mode asked for confirmation when restoring, but backups behaved differently:

      • If the target folder did not exist, then the backup would happen without confirmation.
      • If it did exist, then the --force or --merge option had to be specified, even if you already had merging enabled in your config.

      Now, backups ask for confirmation unless you specify --force or --preview, and the confirmation phrasing is aligned with GUI mode.

v0.13.1 (2022-09-29)

29 Sep 07:08
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  • Fixed:
    • In GUI mode on Windows, an extra console window appeared.
    • In CLI mode, when restoring with redirected paths, the original paths were not shown correctly.

v0.13.0 (2022-09-28)

27 Sep 21:18
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  • Added:
    • File-based logging in the same directory with the config and manifest files. By default, only warnings and errors are logged, but you can customize this by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable (e.g., RUST_LOG=ludusavi=debug). The most recent 5 log files are kept, rotating on app launch or when a log reaches 10 MiB.
    • On Windows, %LocalAppData%/VirtualStore will be checked for potential matches of:
      • C:/Program Files
      • C:/Program Files (x86)
      • C:/ProgramData
      • C:/Windows
    • Updated translations. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)
  • Changed:
    • Removed the option to "exclude save locations that have only been confirmed on another operating system" (config key: excludeOtherOsData). This was primarily meant as an optimization for Windows users, but in practice, it made little difference on Windows and would rarely be desired on other platforms, leading to confusion.
  • Fixed:
    • When looking for game install folders during a full scan, Ludusavi did not recognize partial folder name matches. ([Investigated by sluedecke][])
    • When restoring a backup that was made on a different OS, it could get stuck before completing the process. (Contributed by Hizoul)
    • GUI: Window now appears immediately and updates the manifest in the background, rather than waiting to show the window until the update is complete. If there is no local manifest at all, a loading screen is shown while downloading.

v0.12.1 (2022-08-31)

31 Aug 08:49
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  • Fixed:
    • Updated translations, including new ones for Esperanto and Korean (the latter being experimental via the config file). This was meant to be included in 0.12.0, but was missed during the release preparation. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)

v0.12.0 (2022-08-31)

31 Aug 06:54
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  • Added:
    • GUI: Dark theme.
    • GUI: On app startup, games found during the most recent scan will be displayed in an "unknown" state, allowing you to re-scan any of those specific games on demand without doing a full scan of all games. This is especially useful if full scans are slower on your system and you just want to back up one game.
    • GUI: Added an option to re-preview a specific game on demand. This and other per-game actions have been grouped into a popup menu to save space. You can use keyboard shortcuts to convert the menu into some specific shortcuts:
      • preview: shift
      • backup/restore: ctrl (Mac: cmd)
      • backup/restore without confirmation: ctrl + alt (Mac: cmd + option)
    • CLI: backups command to list backups for each game, and a --backup flag to restore a specific backup by ID.
    • On Linux, GOG roots now additionally check for a game subfolder when parsing the <base> and <game> placeholders. (contributed by sluedecke)
    • The Steam root for Flatpak is now auto-detected.
    • If you set the LUDUSAVI_DEBUG environment variable, then Ludusavi will not detach from the console on Windows. This may be helpful if you want to troubleshoot an issue that involves Ludusavi crashing.
  • Changed:
    • GUI: You can now use folder pickers while a backup/restore is underway.
    • GUI: If all of a game's files are deselected, then the game will show in the same style as a disabled game.
  • Fixed:
    • Performance regressions from v0.11.0 related to duplicate detection and root globbing.
    • CLI: restore --by-steam-id 123 would restore all games with a Steam ID instead of just the game with the matching ID 123.
    • CLI: When using --api, some non-JSON errors would be printed instead of or in addition to the JSON info in certain situations. Now, as long as the CLI input itself can be parsed, the output will either be valid JSON or blank.
    • GUI: Cancelling a backup/restore no longer has a long delay.
    • GUI: Doing a full preview, backing up one game, and then doing a full backup would trigger a full scan instead of reusing the list from the initial preview.
    • GUI: When backing up a single game by using the button next to its name, other games with duplicate files did not update their duplicate status.
    • GUI: When backing up a single game by using the button next to its name, if its information changed, then it would immediately re-sort in the list. While that made sense, it could be hard to use since you would then have to go looking for its new position. Now, the position stays stable unless you do a new full scan or manually change the sorting options.

v0.11.0 (2022-08-20)

20 Aug 05:23
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  • Added:
    • Support for multiple full and differential backups per game.

    • Support for compressed zip backups.

    • Translations for German, Spanish, Filipino, Italian, Polish, and Brazilian Portuguese. (Thanks to contributors on the Crowdin project)

      Note that some of these translations are still incomplete. Also, when using some translations, GUI sizing may not be optimal, but this will be further refined in the future.

      The following translations have also been added, but only have experimental support because of a technical limitation. You can enable them by editing the config file directly: Arabic (ar-SA), Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)

    • During first-time setup, Ludusavi will now automatically detect roots for secondary Steam library folders (Windows/Linux/Mac) and non-default Epic install folders (Windows).

    • It is now possible to ignore paths for backup across all games and/or for specific games.

    • GUI: Button to back up or restore an individual game from the list on demand.

    • GUI: Button to find and add any missing roots. This is the same functionality as the automatic first-time setup, but is now available on demand.

    • Option to sort the game list by file size and to reverse the sorting.

    • Support for Prime Gaming roots.

    • Support for globs in root paths.

    • On Windows, the version field is now set in the executable properties.

    • On Windows, the executable icon is now included in the release as well.

    • CLI: Blank line between games for better readability.

  • Fixed:
    • GUI: Unable to start on KDE 5.25.3 when using Wayland.
    • GUI: Performance has been improved generally, including for very large results (1,000+ games).
    • GUI: Unresponsive while deleting the backup directory with merge disabled if the folder was very large.
    • GUI: Improved spacing/padding consistency between some elements.
    • Removed /games from the end of the default Uplay (Ubisoft Connect) root paths. The new default is C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher.
    • Crash when launching Ludusavi after the user manually deleted the manifest.
    • If duplicate files were found while a game's file list were already open, then the files would not immediately be marked as duplicates until you closed and reopened the file list.
  • Changed:
    • Localization now uses Project Fluent instead of pure Rust code internally. If you'd like to help translate Ludusavi, check out the Crowdin project.

    • Previously, as an optimization, Ludusavi would remember the games it found from its first backup/preview and only re-check those games on subsequent backups, until certain configuration changes were made (e.g., adding a root). However, this had the side effect that newly installed games may not be detected right away without an obvious reason why.

      Now, every preview will trigger a full scan. After a preview, doing a backup will only include the games found in the preview. If you then do another preview or consecutive backup, then it will be a new full scan. This ensures Ludusavi will find newly installed games, but it still optimizes for the common case of doing a preview immediately followed by a backup.

    • Previously, when Ludusavi backed up a symlink, the backup would contain a normal folder with the symlink's name and copies of any files inside of the symlink target. If the symlink target itself were also included in the list of things to back up, then the same files would be duplicated (once under the original directory name and once under the symlink name).

      Now, Ludusavi will still follow symlinks and back up their targets, but it will not back up the symlink itself or duplicate the files.

    • When looking for game install folders, Ludusavi previously checked either the installDir entries from the manifest or the game's name, but never both at the same time, leading to some missed saves when the installDir list was incomplete or was not accurate for all stores.

      Now, Ludusavi applies a heuristic to find any install folder that is sufficiently similar to the game's title or any known installDir value. It picks the best match across all games that the install directory could possibly represent.

    • Previously, for Steam roots, Ludusavi assumed that the <storeUserId> would be a series of numbers. However, for some games, this ID may be from another launcher and may not conform to those rules. Now, Ludusavi just checks for any text, like it does for non-Steam roots.

    • The merge setting is now enabled by default.

    • The app window's minimum size has increased from 640x480 to 800x600. It may be returned to 640x480 in the future, but there are currently some limitations that make it look poor at that size.

    • GUI: Previously, the overall game/size numbers would stay at the values from the last scan, and if you started (de)selecting games, then a separate badge would show the game/size totals for the new selection. Now, the main numbers update progressively and the badge has been removed.

    • GUI: When you launch the program, if the config file is invalid, it gets reset with a default copy. Previously, this would delete the invalid copy without any means of getting it back. Now, the invalid copy is renamed to config.invalid.yaml in case you would like to inspect/fix it.

v0.10.0 (2021-03-12)

13 Mar 04:20
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  • Added:
    • CLI: --wine-prefix option for backups.
    • GUI: Root types are now selected via a dropdown instead of radio buttons.
    • Several new root types have been added for various stores, which will allow for better store-specific path detection in the future. There is also a special type for custom home folders.
    • Custom games can now be individually disabled.
  • Changed:
    • Ludusavi now stores its configuration in a more standard location on each operating system, instead of always using ~/.config/ludusavi. (contributed by micke1m)

      • Windows: %APPDATA%/ludusavi
      • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ludusavi or ~/.config/ludusavi
      • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/ludusavi

      If you've used an older version, your existing configuration will be moved automatically to the new location.

    • GUI: Switched to OpenGL by default and upgraded to Iced 0.2.0.

    • GUI: Custom games are now more visually distinct from each other.

  • Fixed:
    • The 32-bit Windows executable was not properly compatible with 32-bit systems.
    • For Proton and Wine, Ludusavi now looks for multiple variations of a few folders:
      • <winDocuments> checks ~/Documents (in addition to ~/My Documents).
      • <winAppData> checks ~/AppData/Roaming (in addition to ~/Application Data).
      • <winLocalAppData> checks ~/AppData/Local and ~/Local Settings/Application Data (instead of ~/Application Data).

v0.9.0 (2020-08-30)

30 Aug 15:07
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  • Added:
    • An indication when a single file or registry key will be backed up by more than one game.
    • CLI: A complete command for generating shell completion scripts.
    • GUI: Info about how many games are selected, if the number is different than how many games have been processed in the backup/restore.
    • GUI: An edit button next to each game in backup mode to quickly create a custom entry for that game, pre-filled with the default info.
    • GUI: A search option to just see games with matching names.
    • GUI: A button to open a game's PCGamingWiki article so that you can more easily review or update its information.
  • Changed:
    • GUI: Each game's list of files is now a tree with collapsible folders, rather than a plain list of full paths. Performance has also been improved for very large lists.
    • GUI: The backup/restore confirmation screen now has some extra text that recommends doing a preview first.
  • Fixed:
    • When using a custom entry to override a known game, some of the original's non-overridable data would not be inherited by the custom entry (namely its Steam ID and installation directory name).
    • GUI: If the initial full scan found saves for a game, and then you created a custom entry for that game such that no saves would be found, did a scan, deleted the custom entry, and did another scan, then that scan would not find any files for the game. Now, it will correctly revert to the standard data for that game immediately.

(See also: experimental variant with OpenGL)