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mtkennerly committed Oct 29, 2022
1 parent f60c59b commit fff85d7
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Showing 12 changed files with 186 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
* CLI: Backup options: `--format`, `--compression`, `--full-limit`, `--differential-limit`.
* On startup, Ludusavi will prune any useless blank configurations
(e.g., roots with a blank path).
* Updated translations.
(Thanks to contributors on the [Crowdin project](
* Changed:
* Increased scanning speed by 10% by avoiding some duplicate path lookups.
* CLI: Deprecated `--by-steam-id` in the `backup`/`backups`/`restore` commands,
Expand Down
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions lang/ar-SA.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Games
file-size = Size
file-location = Location
overall = Overall
cli-backup-target-already-exists = النسخ الإحتياطي موجود بالفعل ( { $path } ) إما أن تختار مسارا مختلفا أو تحذفه باستخدام --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = لا توجد معلومات عن هذه الألعاب:
cli-confirm-restoration = هل تريد الاستعادة من { $path }؟
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = تعذر طلب التأكيد.
.winpty-workaround = إذا كنت تستخدم محاكي Bash (مثل Git Bash)، فحاول تشغيل winpty.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Cannot specify backup ID when restoring multiple games.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = النسخ المكررة
badge-duplicated = النسخ المكررة
badge-ignored = تجاهل
badge-redirected-from = من: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path }
some-entries-failed = فشلت بعض الإدخالات في المعالجة؛ ابحث عن { badge-failed } في الإخراج للحصول على التفاصيل. تحقق مرة أخرى مما إذا كان يمكنك الوصول إلى هذه الملفات أو ما إذا كانت مساراتها طويلة جدا.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = أعيد توجيهه من: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path }
button-backup = النسخ الاحتياطي
button-preview = معاينة
button-restore = استعادة
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Target (new location)
field-backup-excluded-items = Backup exclusions:
field-redirects = Redirects:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Full:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Full:
field-retention-differential = Differential:
field-backup-format = Format:
field-backup-compression = Compression:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Level:
label-manifest = Manifest
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Checked
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Updated
label-new = New
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Theme
theme-light = Light
theme-dark = Dark
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirectional
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots =
In backups, exclude store-specific screenshots. Right now, this only applies
to { store-steam } screenshots that you've taken. If a game has its own built-in
Expand All @@ -125,3 +135,8 @@ confirm-add-missing-roots = Add these roots?
no-missing-roots = No additional roots found.
preparing-backup-target = Preparing backup directory...
updating-manifest = Updating manifest...
saves-found = Save data found.
no-saves-found = No save data found.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions lang/de-DE.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Spiele
file-size = Größe
file-location = Ort
overall = Insgesamt
cli-backup-target-already-exists = Das Sicherungsziel exitiert bereits ( { $path } ). Wähle einen anderen Ort mit --path oder lösche ihn mit --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = Keine Informationen für diese Spiele:
cli-confirm-restoration = Wollen Sie von { $path } wiederherstellen?
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = Bestätigung konnte nicht angefordert werden.
.winpty-workaround = Wenn du einen Bash Emulator (wie Git Bash) verwendest, versuche winpty auszuführen.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Sicherungs-ID kann nicht angegeben werden, wenn mehrere Spiele wiederhergestellt werden.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = DUPLIKATE
badge-duplicated = DUPLIZIERT
badge-ignored = IGNORIERT
badge-redirected-from = VON: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path }
some-entries-failed = Einige Einträge konnten nicht verarbeitet werden; Suche nach { badge-failed } in der Ausgabe für Details. Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie auf diese Dateien zugreifen können oder ob ihre Pfade sehr lang sind.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = Umgeleitet von: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path }
button-backup = Sichern
button-preview = Vorschau
button-restore = Wiederherstellen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Ziel (neuer Ort)
field-backup-excluded-items = Sicherungsausschlüsse:
field-redirects = Redirects:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Komplett:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Komplett:
field-retention-differential = Differenz:
field-backup-format = Format:
field-backup-compression = Komprimierung:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Level:
label-manifest = Manifest
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Checked
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Updated
label-new = New
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Aussehen
theme-light = Hell
theme-dark = Dunkel
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirectional
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots = Schließe Starterspezifische Bildschirmfotos in Sicherungen aus. Dies gilt momentan nur für { store-steam }-Bildschirmfotos. Wenn ein Spiel eine eigene Bildschirmfotofunktion hat, werden Bildschirmfotos unabhängig dieser Einstellung gesichert.
consider-doing-a-preview =
Falls du es noch nicht getan hast, erwäge zuerst eine Vorschau zu machen, damit
Expand All @@ -120,4 +130,9 @@ confirm-restore =
confirm-add-missing-roots = Diese Wurzeln hinzufügen?
no-missing-roots = Keine zusätzlichen Wurzeln gefunden.
preparing-backup-target = Sicherungsverzeichnis wird vorbereitet...
updating-manifest = Updating manifest...
updating-manifest = Manifest wird aktualisiert...
saves-found = Save data found.
no-saves-found = No save data found.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions lang/eo-UY.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Ludoj
file-size = Grandeco
file-location = Loko
overall = Entute
cli-backup-target-already-exists = La rezerva celo jam ekzistas ( { $path } ). Aŭ elektu alian --vojon aŭ forigu ĝin per --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = Neniuj informoj pri ĉi tiuj ludoj:
cli-confirm-restoration = Ĉu vi volas restarigi de { $path }?
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = Ne eblas peti konfirmon.
.winpty-workaround = Se vi uzas Bash-emulilon (kiel Git Bash), provu ruli winpty.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Cannot specify backup ID when restoring multiple games.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = DUPLIKAĴOJ
badge-duplicated = DUPLIKITA
badge-ignored = IGNORITAS
badge-redirected-from = DE: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path }
some-entries-failed = Kelkaj enskriboj malsukcesis procesi; serĉu { badge-failed } en la eligo por detaloj. Duoble kontrolu ĉu vi povas aliri tiujn dosierojn aŭ ĉu iliaj vojoj estas tre longaj.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = Alidirektita de: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path }
button-backup = Rezervo
button-preview = Antaŭrigardo
button-restore = Restaŭri
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Target (new location)
field-backup-excluded-items = Backup exclusions:
field-redirects = Redirects:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Full:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Full:
field-retention-differential = Differential:
field-backup-format = Format:
field-backup-compression = Compression:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Level:
label-manifest = Manifest
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Checked
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Updated
label-new = New
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Theme
theme-light = Light
theme-dark = Dark
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirectional
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots =
In backups, exclude store-specific screenshots. Right now, this only applies
to { store-steam } screenshots that you've taken. If a game has its own built-in
Expand All @@ -125,3 +135,8 @@ confirm-add-missing-roots = Add these roots?
no-missing-roots = No additional roots found.
preparing-backup-target = Preparing backup directory...
updating-manifest = Updating manifest...
saves-found = Save data found.
no-saves-found = No save data found.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions lang/es-ES.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Juegos
file-size = Tamaño
file-location = Ubicación
overall = Global
cli-backup-target-already-exists = El objetivo de la copia de seguridad ya existe ( { $path } ). Elija un --path diferente o borre con --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = No hay información para estos juegos:
cli-confirm-restoration = ¿Quieres restaurar desde { $path }?
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = No se pudo solicitar confirmación.
.winpty-workaround = Si estás usando un emulador de Bash (como Git Bash), intenta ejecutar winpty.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Cannot specify backup ID when restoring multiple games.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = DUPLICADOS
badge-duplicated = DUPLICADO
badge-ignored = IGNORADO
badge-redirected-from = DESDE: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path }
some-entries-failed = Algunas entradas no se han podido procesar; busca { badge-failed } en la salida para ver los detalles. Comprueba si puedes acceder a esos archivos o si sus rutas son muy largas.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = Redirigido de: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path }
button-backup = Respaldar
button-preview = Previsualizar
button-restore = Restaurar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Destino (nueva ubicación)
field-backup-excluded-items = Backup exclusions:
field-redirects = Redirects:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Full:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Full:
field-retention-differential = Differential:
field-backup-format = Format:
field-backup-compression = Compression:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Level:
label-manifest = Manifest
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Checked
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Updated
label-new = New
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Theme
theme-light = Light
theme-dark = Dark
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirectional
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots =
En las copias de seguridad, excluye las capturas de pantalla específicas de la tienda. En este momento, esto sólo se aplica a las capturas de pantalla { store-steam } que has tomado. Si un juego tiene su propia funcionalidad de funcionalidad de capturas de pantalla, este ajuste no afectará a si esas
capturas de pantalla son respaldadas.
Expand All @@ -123,3 +133,8 @@ confirm-add-missing-roots = Add these roots?
no-missing-roots = No additional roots found.
preparing-backup-target = Preparing backup directory...
updating-manifest = Updating manifest...
saves-found = Save data found.
no-saves-found = No save data found.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions lang/fil-PH.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Games
file-size = Sukat
file-location = Lokasyon
overall = Buod
cli-backup-target-already-exists = Mayroon siyang backup target ( { $path } ). Pumili ng ibang --path o tanggalin ito gamit ang --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = Wala pang impormasyon para sa mga games na ito:
cli-confirm-restoration = Gusto mo bang i-restore sa { $path }?
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = Hindi makahiling ng kumpirmasyon.
.winpty-workaround = Pag ginagamit mo ng Bash emulator (halimbawa Git Bash), subukin mo gamitin ng winpty.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Cannot specify backup ID when restoring multiple games.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = KAPAREHO
badge-duplicated = KINOPYA
badge-ignored = DEDMA
badge-redirected-from = MULA SA: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = TO: { $path }
some-entries-failed = Mayroon mali sa proseso; hanapin mo ng { badge-failed } sa output. Paki-tiyak kung kaya mong buksan ang mga files o kung masyado mahaba ang mga paths.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = Na-redirect mula sa: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Redirecting to: { $path }
button-backup = Back up
button-preview = Preview
button-restore = Restore
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Target (bagong lokasyon)
field-backup-excluded-items = Backup exclusions:
field-redirects = Redirects:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Full:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Full:
field-retention-differential = Differential:
field-backup-format = Format:
field-backup-compression = Compression:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Level:
label-manifest = Manifest
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Checked
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Updated
label-new = New
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Theme
theme-light = Light
theme-dark = Dark
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirectional
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots =
In backups, exclude store-specific screenshots. Right now, this only applies
to { store-steam } screenshots that you've taken. If a game has its own built-in
Expand All @@ -125,3 +135,8 @@ confirm-add-missing-roots = Add these roots?
no-missing-roots = No additional roots found.
preparing-backup-target = Preparing backup directory...
updating-manifest = Updating manifest...
saves-found = Save data found.
no-saves-found = No save data found.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = no confirmation
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions lang/it-IT.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ total-games = Giochi
file-size = Dimensione
file-location = Posizione
overall = Nel complesso
cli-backup-target-already-exists = Il target di backup esiste già ( { $path } ). Scegli un altro --path o eliminalo con --force.
cli-unrecognized-games = Nessuna informazione per questi giochi:
cli-confirm-restoration = Vuoi ripristinare da { $path }?
cli-unable-to-request-confirmation = Impossibile richiedere conferma.
.winpty-workaround = Se stai usando un emulatore Bash (come Git Bash), prova ad eseguire winpty.
cli-backup-id-with-multiple-games = Impossibile specificare l'ID di backup quando si ripristinano più giochi.
Expand All @@ -18,8 +16,10 @@ badge-duplicates = DUPLICATI
badge-duplicated = DUPLICATO
badge-ignored = IGNORATO
badge-redirected-from = DA: { $path }
badge-redirecting-to = A: { $path }
some-entries-failed = Alcune voci non sono riuscite a elaborare; cerca { badge-failed } nell'output per i dettagli. Controlla se è possibile accedere a questi file o se i loro percorsi sono molto lunghi.
cli-game-line-item-redirected = Reindirizzato da: { $path }
cli-game-line-item-redirecting = Reindirizzamento a: { $path }
button-backup = Backup
button-preview = Anteprima
button-restore = Ripristina
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ field-redirect-source =
field-redirect-target =
.placeholder = Destinazione (nuova posizione)
field-backup-excluded-items = Esclusioni dal backup:
field-redirects = Reindirizzamenti:
# This appears next to the number of full backups that you'd like to keep.
# A full backup includes all save files for a game.
field-retention-full = Pieno:
Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,14 @@ field-retention-full = Pieno:
field-retention-differential = Differenziale:
field-backup-format = Formato:
field-backup-compression = Compressione:
# The compression level determines how much compresison we perform.
field-backup-compression-level = Livello:
label-manifest = Manifesto
# This shows the time when we checked for an update to the manifest.
label-checked = Controllato
# This shows the time when we found an update to the manifest.
label-updated = Aggiornato
label-new = Nuovo
store-epic = Epic
store-gog = GOG
store-gog-galaxy = GOG Galaxy
Expand All @@ -104,6 +113,7 @@ compression-zstd = Zstd
theme = Tema
theme-light = Chiaro
theme-dark = Scuro
redirect-bidirectional = Bidirezionale
explanation-for-exclude-store-screenshots =
Nei backup, escludi screenshot specifici dello store. In questo momento, questo si applica solo
agli screenshot { store-steam } che hai fatto. Se un gioco ha la propria funzionalità screenshot integrata, questa impostazione non influirà sul backup di questi
Expand All @@ -124,3 +134,8 @@ confirm-add-missing-roots = Aggiungere queste radici?
no-missing-roots = Nessuna radice aggiuntiva trovata.
preparing-backup-target = Preparazione directory di backup...
updating-manifest = Aggiornamento manifest...
saves-found = Dati di salvataggio trovati.
no-saves-found = Nessun dato di salvataggio trovato.
# This is tacked on to form something like "Back up (no confirmation)",
# meaning we would perform an action without asking the user if they're sure.
suffix-no-confirmation = senza conferma

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