financeAI is a financial management system that leverages AI (ChatGPT) to generate detailed financial reports. The project was developed using Next.js and integrates with various technologies to provide a rich and secure experience, including Stripe for payments, Clerk for authentication, Prisma ORM with PostgreSQL as the database, and Docker to streamline the development environment.
- Next.js: React framework for building full-stack applications.
- Stripe: Payment processing.
- ChatGPT: Automated financial report generation.
- ShadCN: UI component library for styling.
- Clerk: User authentication and management.
- Prisma ORM: ORM for database management.
- PostgreSQL: Relational database.
- Docker: Database containerization.
- User Authentication: User registration and login with Clerk.
- Financial Management: Expense and income tracking.
- Report Generation: Detailed financial reports generated by ChatGPT based on recorded data.
- Stripe Integration: Payment processing and integration for managing financial transactions.
- Modern Interface: Responsive design and components using ShadCN for an intuitive and user-friendly UI.
Ensure you have the following tools installed on your machine:
- Node.js (version 20)
- Docker (to run the database)
- Docker Compose (optional but recommended for orchestrating Docker)