Application to calc healthcare and nutrition metrics, but using the most over engineered as possible
"Caraca Matheus, tu Γ© idiota??? "Sim"
: REST Interface for product. Using orchestrator pattern.bmr-grpc
: gRPC Microservice to calc Basal Metabolic Rateimc-grpc
: gRPC Microservice to calc IMCrecommendations-grpc
: gRPC Microservice to summarize diet recommendations and contabilize Macrosproteins-grpc
: gRPC Microservice to calc daily protein necessitywater-grpc
: gRPC Microservice to calc daily water ingestioncalories-grpc
: gRPC to calc calories ingestion necessityfrontend
Application | Image |
health-api | fidelissauro/health-api:latest |
bmr-grpc-service | fidelissauro/bmr-grpc-service:latest |
imc-grpc-service | fidelissauro/imc-grpc-service:latest |
water-grpc-service | fidelissauro/water-grpc-service:latest |
calories-grpc-service | fidelissauro/calories-grpc-service:latest |
proteins-grpc-service | fidelissauro/proteins-grpc-service:latest |
recommendations-grpc-service | fidelissauro/recommendations-grpc-service:latest |
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"age": 26,
"weight": 90.0,
"height": 1.77,
"gender": "M",
"activity_intensity": "very_active"
} ' --silent | jq .
"status": 200,
"imc": {
"result": 28.72737719046251,
"class": "overweight"
"basal": {
"bmr": {
"value": 2011.7,
"unit": "kcal"
"necessity": {
"value": 3470.1825000000003,
"unit": "kcal"
"health_info": {
"age": 26,
"weight": 90,
"height": 1.77,
"gender": "M",
"activity_intensity": "very_active"
"recomendations": {
"protein": {
"value": 180,
"unit": "g"
"water": {
"value": 3150,
"unit": "ml"
"calories": {
"maintain_weight": {
"value": 3470.1825000000003,
"unit": "kcal"
"loss_weight": {
"value": 3123.1642500000003,
"unit": "kcal"
"gain_weight": {
"value": 5205.27375,
"unit": "kcal"
To use jaeger tracing with zipkin you can specify environment variable called ZIPKIN_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT
export ZIPKIN_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT=http://jaeger:9411/api/v2/spans
- Refactor communication lib
- Customize log lib for trace id
- Error Handling and Retries
- Implement Prometheus HTTP Endpoint
- Create Kubernetes Deployment
- Create Istio Manifests to Service Mesh gRPC Optimizations
brew install grpc protobuf protoc-gen-go-grpc
protoc --proto_path=proto/bmr --go_out=proto/bmr --go_out=plugins=grpc:bmr --go_opt=paths=source_relative proto/bmr/bmr.proto
protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:bmr bmr.proto