- Corrected polyset for Arnold-Winther element
- Added sub- and superdegree functions
- Added get_mapping function
- Link to images from correct version
- Fix readme on PyPI
- New release to test trusted publisher
- Release to test workflow changes
- Release to test new workflow
- Release to test new token
- Use pyproject.toml for installation
- Add xx,yy,zz ordering for tabulation
- Correct Lagrange variants
- Remove tdim input from mappings functions
- Bugfixes for piecewise functions on an interval
- Added HHJ on a tetrahedron
- Add inverse mapping functions
- Corrected HCT and rHCT elements
- Added caching of matrix inverses and dual matrices
- Added P1 macro element
- Added Alfeld-Sorokina element
- Corrected C1 and higher order C tests
- Allow element creation on non-default references
- Corrected Bell element
- Corrected legendre and lobatto variants of Lagrange
- Add P1-iso-P2 elemen on interval
- Added enriched Galerkin element
- Improved plotting
- Added enriched vector Galerkin element
- Fixed bug in integration of piecewise functions
- Added Huang-Zhang element
- Added adding an element guide
- Increased documentation
- Remove svgwrite dependency
- Added normalised orthogonal functions
- Added plotting of DOF diagrams
- Added P1-iso-P2 element
- Added typing
- Added plotting of basis functions
- Added plotting of entity numbering
- Added Rannacher-Turek element
- Added functions to create orthogonal polynomials on cells
- Added TeX descriptions of DOF functionals
- Corrected Bernstein element
- Added Regge element on tensor product cells.
- Added tensor product factorisation of Q element.
- Added Arnold-Boffi-Falk element
- Added Arbogast-Correa element
- Removed discontinuous elements.
- Added pictures of reference cells to readme.
- Added trimmed serendipity Hdiv and Hcurl elements.
- Added TNT scalar, Hdiv and Hcurl elements.
- New release for JOSS paper
- Added Guzman-Neilan element
- Added nonconforming Arnold-Winther element
- Wrote JOSS paper
- Started keeping changelog