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flogparse - a command line utility to parse flow logs

flogparse is a shell script utility to parse cloud flow logs into more readable and self explanatory format. The script optionally utilizes the ionos APIs to fetch interface name information from the virtual data center.

In short - this:

2 31931785 d8963239-e78b-4e18-8ee4-42b22dc83047 60890 22 6 1 60 1682968081 1682968081 REJECT OK

will be converted to something like this:

2023-05-01 19:08:38+7s: 240 bytes from to ApiLB:22 (SSH Remote Login Protocol) over TCP rejected by ApplicationLoadBalancer

the script is provided 'as is' and can be used for adhoc trouble shoouting or as an example how to parse and interpret the flow log information. See here for more information on the flow logs.


Example 1: Parse flow logs into more readable format and add protocol/port information

mkdir logs
s3cmd get --skip-existing s3://mylogbucket-123/* ./logs/ ../logs/*.log.gz
2023-04-28 05:30:18+0s: 44 bytes from to (Telnet) over TCP rejected by d8963239-e78b-4e18-8ee4-42b22dc83047
2023-04-28 05:30:34+0s: 125 bytes from to (UPnP SSDP) over UDP rejected by d8963239-e78b-4e18-8ee4-42b22dc83047

Example 2: like above but replace the interface UUID with the name/identifier on the log filename (the s3 prefix)

./ -F ApplicationLoadBalancer-1682967612.log.gz
2023-05-01 19:08:49+0s: 78 bytes from to (NETBIOS Name Service) over UDP rejected by ApplicationLoadBalancer
2023-05-01 19:08:08+0s: 40 bytes from to over TCP rejected by ApplicationLoadBalancer

Example 3: Parse flow logs and resolve the interface UUID and IP address with data from the virtual data center (requires IONOS_TOKEN env variable)

./ -i $DCID ./logs/*.log.gz 
2023-04-27 00:11:15+0s: 311 bytes from to API2_Private_NIC:68 (Bootstrap Protocol Client) over UDP accepted by API2_Private_NIC
2023-04-27 00:16:16+0s: 311 bytes from to API2_Private_NIC:68 (Bootstrap Protocol Client) over UDP accepted by API2_Private_NIC

Example 4: Fetch logs with the s3cmd and parse the logs to stdout You will need to have the s3cmd configure for your bucket

s3cmd get --skip-existing s3://mybucket-123/* ./logs/
./ -F -i $DCID ./logs/*.gz


This script parses the cloud flow logs into a more readable format by resolving
protocol number and port number into clear text. If you give a data center id
(UUID) with the '-i' option, the script will attempt to get clear text names
for interfaces and IP addresses from the APIs. 

the parsed data will look somethin like this:
2023-04-27 12:03:14+0s: 120 bytes from to ApiLB:80 (World Wide Web HTTP) over TCP accepted by ApplicationLoadBalancer

        print help

        Datacenter ID (UUID). Used to get interface information from the APIs
        (swap UUIDs and IP addresses to clear text names). The data is stored
        in dcinfo..lib file. use the '-c' parameter below to prevent
        fetching the information on every call (makes the script faster).
        Requires IONOS_TOKEN environment variable set.

        Use the locally stored cache file dcinfo..lib instead of trying
        to fetch the data from the APIs

        Use the device/interface identifier on the log file name instead of the
        UUID in the log records. See teh example above where the string
        ApplicationLoadBalancer from the filename is used as the interface
        identifier in the listed log lines. The s3 prefix can be defined when
        setting the flow log in the DCD or with ionosctl. Give for example
        's3://mybucket/myprefix' instead of just 's3://mybucket'.

        *.log or *.log.gz files that conform to the log format 2

        parse all gzipped and clear text logs in the logs directory.
        flogparse/ ./logs/*.log.gz ./logs/*.log

        replace the interface UUID in the logs with the file prefix
        flogparse/ -F myprefix.123345123345.log.gz

        get data center information from the APIs and use it to replace UUIDs and IP
        addresses with the interface names (requires IONOS_TOKEN environment variable)
        flogparse/ -i $DCID ./logs/*.log.gz

        # the same but use the cached data center information (faster)
        flogparse/ -c -i $DCID ./logs/*.log.gz

        # run without parameters to generate the flogparse.awk that can be used in pipes
        gunzip -c *.log.gz | flogparse.awk

        the script will generate a self contained flogparse.*.awk script in the
        same directory. The parselogs.qwk reads the logs from stdin and can be
        used to parse logs in data pipes. Example:
        ./flogparse.*.awk < alb.1234523423.log

        jq (if -i option is used)

Examples for configuring the flow logs and S3 tools

Configure the s3cmd for fetching the log files

# what you need for the S3 bucket is the key and the secret from the DCD S3 panel
# ionos endpoins are listed here
s3cmd --configure \
         --host '' \
         --host-bucket '%(bucket)' \
         --region de

# Change the website endpoint, which for some reason cannot be set with the command line
# parametes above.
sed -i 's!website_endpoint.*!website_endpoint = %(bucket)!g' .s3cfg

here is an example how you can set the s3 prefix when creating the flowlogs

ionosctl flowlog create \
   --datacenter-id $DCID \
   --server-id $SERVER_ID \
   --nic-id $NIC_ID \
   --name "Flowlog for NIC1" \
   --s3bucket s3://my-bucket-12322/myPrefix

now, the flowlogs system will use myPrefix instead of the interface UUID in the flow log file names