The default setup starts a RabbitMQ service, generates messages with wrk (message-generator) and calls the HTTP endpoint on amqp-producer. The producer publish the messages to RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ delivers the messages to the amqp-consumer, that calls a webhook (http-sink) to simulate message processing.
- Message generator (wrk): Service using wrk to generate HTTP requests to publish messages with content in utils/wrk/scripts/post-json.lua.
- Message producer (amqp-producer): Custom service for receiving HTTP POST requests and publishing the body to RabbitMQ queue.
- RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ instance.
- Message consumer (amqp-consumer): Custom service for consuming RabbitMQ messages and calling a webhook.
- Http Sink (http-sink): Custom service for simulating a webhook. Receives and ignores HTTP requests.
Dockerized wrk, with the possibility of adding custom scripts during compile time. For more details check utils/wrk/Dockerfile.
Scripts are available in utils/wrk/scripts/. A new docker build is required if new scripts are added.
Using official RabbitMQ Docker Image to start RabbitMQ with management console. Documentation can be found on RabbitMQ Website.
Custom service for receiving HTTP POST requests and publishing the body to RabbitMQ queue.
- PROD_RUST_LOG: Setting the log level the application. Directly
the tracing_subscriber crate is used, that in the
background is using env_logger crate. For details settings check the
documentation of env_logger crate. Default log level:
- PROD_APP_DETAILED_VERSION: Enabling or disabling detailed logging. If enabled, additional parameters are provided
by the
endpoint. Needs to be a valid boolean value. Default:false
- PROD_HTTP_ADDR: Bind address for Actix Web, in
format. Further details are available in Actix Web Documentation. Default value:
- PROD_HTTP_WORKERS: Number of worker threads for Actix Web. Needs to be a positive integer. Further details are available in Actix Web Documentation. Default value is the number of CPU cores.
- PROD_AMQP_ADDR: Connection string for AMQP (RabbitMQ) service. Default
- PROD_AMQP_QUEUE: The name of the AMQP queue that is used. If it does not exist it is created. Default
- [GET] /version provides version information about the running process (cargo build info, git hash, additional parameters). Additional parameters are only provided if environment variable APP_DETAILED_VERSION is set.
- [POST] /send puts the request body as a message to the AMQP queue.
Custom service for consuming RabbitMQ messages and calling a webhook.
- CONS_RUST_LOG: Setting the log level the application. Directly
the tracing_subscriber crate is used, that in the
background is using env_logger crate. For details settings check the
documentation of env_logger crate. Default log level:
- CONS_APP_DETAILED_VERSION: Enabling or disabling detailed logging. If enabled, additional parameters are provided
by the
endpoint. Needs to be a valid boolean value. Default:false
- CONS_HTTP_ADDR: Bind address for Actix Web, in
format. Further details are available in Actix Web Documentation. Default value:
- CONS_HTTP_WORKERS: Number of worker threads for Actix Web. Needs to be a positive integer. Further details are
in Actix Web Documentation.
Default value is
- CONS_AMQP_WORKERS: Number of worker threads for spawned for listening on messages. Needs to be a positive integer. Default value is the number of CPU cores.
- CONS_AMQP_ADDR: Connection string for AMQP (RabbitMQ) service. Default
- CONS_AMQP_QUEUE: The name of the AMQP queue that is used. If it does not exist it is created. Default
- CONS_AMQP_LOG_PER_REQUEST: Log a static text after the defined amount of messages received on an AMQP worker
Needs to be non-negative integer. Set to
to disable this log. Default value:0
- [GET] /version provides version information about the running process (cargo build info, git hash, additional parameters). Additional parameters are only provided if environment variable APP_DETAILED_VERSION is set.
Custom service for simulating a webhook. Receives and ignores HTTP requests.
Environment variables that are available beside the previously mentioned generic ones.
- SINK_RUST_LOG: Setting the log level the application. Directly
the tracing_subscriber crate is used, that in the
background is using env_logger crate. For details settings check the
documentation of env_logger crate. Default log level:
- SINK_APP_DETAILED_VERSION: Enabling or disabling detailed logging. If enabled, additional parameters are provided by
endpoint. Needs to be a valid boolean value. Default:false
- SINK_HTTP_ADDR: Bind address for Actix Web, in
format. Further details are available in Actix Web Documentation. Default value:
- SINK_HTTP_WORKERS: Number of worker threads for Actix Web. Needs to be a positive integer. Further details are available in Actix Web Documentation. Default value is the number of CPU cores.
- SINK_HTTP_LOG_PER_REQUEST: Log a static text after the defined amount of messages received on a HTTP worker thread.
Needs to be non-negative integer. Set to
to disable this log. Default value:0
- [GET] /version provides version information about the running process (cargo build info, git hash, additional parameters). Additional parameters are only provided if environment variable APP_DETAILED_VERSION is set. TBD
The provided docker-compose.yml file sets up all services to communicate with each other. All custom services are set up to provide detailed version information, and logging thresholds are set to 10000.
Wrk is running for 60 seconds, on 2 threads, 10 connections. Docker source for wrk can be found in utils/wrk/Dockerfile. Message body is defined in utils/wrk/scripts/post-json.lua
Services are waiting for available endpoints (startup and initialization) with wait-fo-it.