Hi 👋 I'm Mathieu (AKA Mr-Zwets), a passionate Bitcoin Cash developer.
Been in crypto since summer of '17, working on it full time since '22.
🌱 Cashonize Wallet - My cross-platform Bitcoin Cash Wallet with support for CashTokens, WalletConnect and CashConnect
💻 CashScript - A High-level programming language and TypeScript SDK for developing smart contracts on BCH
🧑🏼🚀 Tokenaut.cash - My showcase website for stats about the CashTokens and DeFi ecosystem on Bitcoin Cash
Here's a full list of stuff I made for Bitcoin Cash 💚
🎪 CashScript Playground - Online Playground for CashScript contracts
🗺️ TokenExplorer.cash - Website to find details about a specific CashToken by TokenId
📜 BCMR Generator - Web form to generate BCMR metadata file for tokens
🔎 Opreturn-Scanner - Website to scan for sprecific on-chain markers
🕸 Chaingraph-ts - a TypeScript library for working with Chaingraph in a fully type-safe way
🔗 BCHN API Wrapper - a Typescript wrapper for interacting with the Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) APIs
🪂 CashTokens Airdrop Tool - A Javascript program to airdrop fungible tokens to NFT holders
🔐 AuthUpdate program - A Javascript program to update your BCMR metadata on-chain
🧉 Cauldron Swap Test - Cauldron Swap Test using the CashScript SDK
✅ BestBchWallets.com - Website with info about Bitcoin Cash Wallets
🥷 Ninjas.cash - Cash-Ninja website including WalletConnect and minting logic
🔨 Minting Contract - CashScript Minting contract used for the Cash-Ninjas mint
🎨 Shinobi-art-engine - Fork of HashLips Art Engine with BCMR and AI integrations
🌎 Cashninjas-api-server - Simple API server used for the Cash-Ninjas mint
🌉 Reapers-bridge - One-way bridge for NFTs (ERC721) from SmartBCH (EVM) to CashTokens
💀 Reapers.cash - Website for the Reapers NFT Project
💎 BCH Hodl Dapp - Web application for time locking Bitcoin Cash in a smart contract
⛩️ Bridge portal - Bridge portal front-end for bridging SBCH NFTs to CashTokens
🎓 Tutorial BCH App - Tutorial Bitcoin Cash web app from my BCH coding tutorial series on Youtube.
🪄 ChainGraph TADA - ChainGraphs + Gql-tada example for a fully typed developer experience
💡 Spec upgraded-SHA-gate - Specification for an upgraded SHA-gate contract
⚙️ Demo upgraded-SHA-gate - Demo for upgraded SHA-gate contract
🧠 P2sh assurance contract - Specification for an improved method for Bitcoin Cash crowdfunding
📜 CHIP-2023-08-AuthGuard - AuthGuard standard for managing AuthChains
🧮 CHIP-2023-07-Composite-Arithmetic-Opcodes - A -now withdrawn- proposal to add composite arithmetic opcodes to BCH