ndpatch - apply diff to a structure
ndpatch [OPTIONS]
ndpatch [OPTIONS] <file> [<patchfile>]
Apply diff file to original one.
- --help|-h
Print help message and exit.
- --ifmt <JSON|YAML>
Force specified input format usage. Will be selected automatically (using file name extension) if omitted. YAML::XS should be installed for YAML support.
- --ofmt <JSON|YAML>
Force specified output format usage. JSON is used by default; YAML::XS should be installed for YAML support, see "LIMITATIONS" in App::NDTools for more info.
- --[no]pretty
On/Off pretty-print for JSON. Enabled by default.
- --verbose|-v [int]
Increase verbosity, max level is 4.
- --version|-V
Print version and exit.
Apply patch:
ndpatch struct.json patch.json
0 No errors occured.
1 Generic error code.
2 I/O Error.
8 Diff/patch related errors.
Report bugs to https://github.com/mr-mixas/NDTools/issues
Copyright 2016-2019 Michael Samoglyadov <mixas at cpan.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License 3 or later versions.