See for details
creates various financial models and relevant graphics. This project is a work-in-progress and does not promise any results. See docs for a comprehensive list of functions and functionality.
This project currently draws requested stock data through Yahoo!Finance and uses their adjusted close prices for necessary computations
Time period for data and time horizon may be adjusted within the code but is currently not accessible from main functionality
pynance may be installed via the repo:
git clone
cd pynance
pip install -e .
This is the most up-to-date version of pynance
optimizes portfolios of selected stock data using Markowitz's Modern Portfolio Theory. Portfolios can currently be optimized by maximum sharpe ratio or minimum standard deviation. A portfolio's capital allocation line may also be determined.
Retreive a dataframe of expected returns and standard deviation, or a dataframe or pie chart including stock portfolio weights with max_sharpe_portfolio()
>>> from pynance import portfolio_optimizer as po
>>> ticker_list = ['MSFT', 'PG', 'HLI']
>>> portfolio = po.PortfolioCalculations(ticker_list)
>>> risk_return = portfolio.max_sharpe_portfolio('rr')
>>> print(risk_return)
Max Sharpe Portfolio
Expected Return 27.03%
Standard Deviation 14.28%
>>> max_sharpe_df = portfolio.max_sharpe_portfolio('df')
>>> print(max_sharpe_df.head(3))
Portfolio Weight
MSFT 54.42%
PG 36.44%
HLI 9.13%
[3 rows x 1 column]
Retreive a pie chart including stock portfolio weights and a chart of portfolio weights for chosen stocks with min_std_portfolio()
>>> from pynance import portfolio_optimizer as po
>>> ticker_list = ['MSFT', 'PG', 'HLI']
>>> portfolio = po.PortfolioCalculations(ticker_list)
>>> risk_return = portfolio.min_var_portfolio('rr')
>>> print(risk_return)
Min Var Portfolio
Expected Return 22.76%
Standard Deviation 13.17%
>>> min_var_df = portfolio.min_var_portfolio('df')
>>> print(min_var_df.head(3))
Portfolio Weight
MSFT 29.23%
PG 57.19%
HLI 13.58%
[3 rows x 1 column]
Return Scatterplot of Annualized Expected Returns and Standard Deviations for Optimized Portfolios with efficient_frontier()
>>> from pynance import portfolio_optimizer as po
>>> ticker_list = ['MSFT', 'PG', 'HLI']
>>> portfolio = po.PortfolioCalculations(ticker_list)
>>> fig = portfolio.efficient_frontier()
Return Continuous Error Bars (Standard Deviation) by Portfolio ID with expected_return_range()
>>> from pynance import portfolio_optimizer as po
>>> ticker_list = ['MSFT', 'PG', 'HLI']
>>> portfolio = po.PortfolioCalculations(ticker_list)
>>> fig = portfolio.expected_return_range()
Returns Capital Allocation for selected Portfolio with Portfolio_ID
argument with capital_allocation()
>>> from pynance import portfolio_optimizer as po
>>> ticker_list = ['MSFT', 'PG', 'HLI']
>>> portfolio_ID = 56
>>> portfolio = po.PortfolioCalculations(ticker_list)
>>> portfolio_56_allocation = portfolio.capital_allocation(portfolio_ID)
>>> print(portfolio_56_allocation.head(3))
Portfolio Weight
MSFT 37.48%
PG 50.38%
HLI 12.13%
[3 rows x 1 column]
creates discounted cash flow models for selected publicly-traded firms and returns models, charts, and an estimated stock price valuation.
Coming Soon...