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Laravel Database Advisory Lock Build Status Coverage Status

Advisory Locking Features of Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB on Laravel


Package Version Mandatory
PHP ^8.2
Laravel ^11.0 || ^12.0
PHPStan >=2.0


Older versions have outdated dependency requirements. If you cannot prepare the latest environment, please refer to past releases.

RDBMS Version
Postgres >=9.1.14
MySQL >=5.7.5
MariaDB >=10.0.15


composer require mpyw/laravel-database-advisory-lock:^4.4

Basic usage


The default implementation is provided by ConnectionServiceProvider, however, package discovery is not available. Be careful that you MUST register it in config/app.php by yourself.


return [

    /* ... */

    'providers' => [
        /* ... */


        /* ... */


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface;

// Session-Level Locking
$result = DB::advisoryLocker()
    ->withLocking('<key>', function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
        // critical section here
        return ...;
    }); // no wait
$result = DB::advisoryLocker()
    ->withLocking('<key>', function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
        // critical section here
        return ...;
    }, timeout: 5); // wait for 5 seconds or fail
$result = DB::advisoryLocker()
    ->withLocking('<key>', function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
        // critical section here
        return ...;
    }, timeout: -1); // infinite wait (except MariaDB)

// Postgres only feature: Transaction-Level Locking (no wait)
$result = DB::transaction(function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
    // critical section here
    return ...;

Advanced Usage


You can extend Connection classes with AdvisoryLocks trait by yourself.


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Database\PostgresConnection;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class DatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        Connection::resolverFor('pgsql', function (...$parameters) {
            return new PostgresConnection(...$parameters);

namespace App\Database;

use Illuminate\Database\PostgresConnection as BasePostgresConnection;
use Mpyw\LaravelDatabaseAdvisoryLock\AdvisoryLocks;

class PostgresConnection extends BasePostgresConnection
    use AdvisoryLocks;

Implementation Details

Key Hashing Algorithm

-- Postgres: int8
-- MySQL/MariaDB: varchar(64)
THEN CONCAT(SUBSTR('<key>', 1, 24), SHA1('<key>'))
ELSE '<key>'
  • Postgres advisory locking functions only accept integer keys. So the driver converts key strings into 64-bit integers through hashtext() function.
    • An empty string can also be used as a key.
  • MySQL advisory locking function accepts string keys but their length are limited within 64 chars. When key strings exceed 64 chars limit, the driver takes first 24 chars from them and appends 40 chars sha1() hashes.
    • MariaDB's limit is actually 192 bytes, unlike MySQL's 64 chars. However, the key hashing algorithm is equivalent.
    • MariaDB accepts an empty string as a key, but does not actually lock anything. MySQL, on the other hand, raises an error for empty string keys.
  • With either hashing algorithm, collisions can theoretically occur with very low probability.

Locking Methods

Postgres MySQL/MariaDB
Session-Level Locking
Transaction-Level Locking
  • Session-Level locks can be acquired anywhere.
    • They can be released manually or automatically through a destructor.
    • For Postgres, there was a problem where the automatic lock release algorithm did not work properly, but this has been fixed in version 4.0.0. See #2 for details.
  • Transaction-Level locks can be acquired within a transaction.
    • You do not need to and cannot manually release locks that have been acquired.

Timeout Values

Postgres MySQL MariaDB
Timeout: 0 (default; immediate, no wait)
Timeout: positive-int
Timeout: negative-int (infinite wait)
Timeout: float
  • Postgres does not natively support waiting for a finite specific amount of time, but this is emulated by looping through a temporary function.
  • MariaDB does not accept infinite timeouts. very large numbers can be used instead.
  • Float precision is not supported on MySQL/MariaDB.

Caveats about Transaction Levels

Recommended Approach

When transactions and advisory locks are related, either locking approach can be applied.


For Postgres, always prefer Transaction-Level Locking.


Transaction-Level Locks:
Ensure the current context is inside the transaction, then rely on automatic release mechanisms.

if (DB::transactionLevel() < 1) {
    throw new LogicException("Unexpectedly transaction is not active.");

// critical section with transaction here


Session-Level Locks:
Ensure the current context is outside the transaction, then proceed to call DB::transaction() call.

if (DB::transactionLevel() > 0) {
    throw new LogicException("Unexpectedly transaction is already active.");

$result = DB::advisoryLocker()
    ->withLocking('<key>', fn (ConnectionInterface $conn) => $conn->transaction(function () {
        // critical section with transaction here


When writing logic like this, DatabaseTruncation must be used instead of RefreshDatabase.



Session-Level Locks:
Don't take session-level locks in the transactions when the content to be committed by the transaction is related to the advisory locks.

What would happen if we released a session-level lock within a transaction? Let's verify this with a timeline chart, assuming a READ COMMITTED isolation level on Postgres. The bank account X is operated from two sessions A and B concurrently.

Session A Session B
Fetch balance of User X
(Balance: 1000 USD)
Deduct 800 USD if balance permits
(Balance: 1000 USD → 200 USD)
Fetch balance of User X
(Balance: 1000 USD ❗)
Deduct 800 USD if balance permits
(Balance: 1000 USD → 200 USD ‼️)
Fetch balance of User X
(Balance: 200 USD)
Fetch balance of User X
(Balance: -600 USD ⁉️⁉️⁉️)