A Python script for comparing m3u/m3u8 playlists or directories containing audio files based on metadata, and finding duplicates or potential duplicates.
m3u-comparer is a powerful and versatile tool for managing and organizing audio file collections. It can compare two playlists or directories, and search a single playlist or directory for duplicates or potential duplicates. By analyzing metadata such as artist, title, album, length, and bitrate, m3u-comparer can detect matching or similar files, even if they have different names.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- Python packages: tinytag, tqdm, keyboard
Install the required packages (elevated privileges may be required):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Clone the repository or download the project files:
git clone https://www.github.com/mpusch88/m3u-comparer
Compare two m3u/m3u8 playlists or directories:
python comparer.py /path/to/input1 /path/to/input2
Search a single directory for duplicates or potential duplicates:
python comparer.py /path/to/m3u8-input1
The script will prompt for additional options like searching directories recursively or copying potential duplicates.
The program generates the following output files:
- diff.txt: Differences between the two inputs.
- similar.txt: Potential duplicates with matching metadata but different names.
- matches.txt: Exact duplicates with matching metadata and names.
- errors.txt: Errors encountered during processing.
- 'duplicates' folder: optional output folder that holds subfolders containing possible duplicates.
Warning: Output files are overwritten each time the program is run. If the user chooses to copy potential duplicates, the target duplicates folder will be emptied.
Use the settings.py file to configure the script's behavior. You can set variables for output file names, output directory names, and strict mode (which forces the script to only consider files with exactly matching metadata as possible duplicates).
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, create a new branch for your feature or bugfix, commit your changes with clear and concise messages, and open a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
This project uses a modified version of https://github.com/mpoon/gpt-repository-loader to maintain up to date code context for use with ChatGPT / GPT4.
To use the context loader, clone the following repository into the same folder containig your m3u-comparer repository:
git clone https://github.com/mpusch88/gpt-repository-loader
Then, navigate to the gpt-repository-loader folder and run the gpt_repository_loader.py script with the following arguments:
python gpt_repository_loader.py ../m3u-comparer -p ../m3u-comparer/.preamble -o ../m3u-comparer/context/context.txt -t 4000 -m 10
Note: if you don't have access to GPT 4, using -t 2000 is recommended.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.