- Moved SSH agent functionality to https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-sshell.
The 1.0.0 release is targeted specifically at Windows PowerShell 5.x and (cross-platform) PowerShell Core 6.x, both of
which support classes, enabling the enhanced structure of $GitPromptSettings
and writing prompt strings using ANSI escape sequences /
Console Virtual Terminal Sequences (supported since Windows 10 version 1511).
Consequently, this release introduces BREAKING changes with 0.x. If you are still on Windows PowerShell 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0, please continue to use the 0.x version of posh-git.
- Renamed
- Split
(' [DBG]:'
), which is rendered if a debugger is attachedDefaultPromptSuffix
('$(">" * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) '
), which is rendered last (or returned fromprompt
, for terminals that don't support escape sequences)
- Renamed
with significant improvements:$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle
is now set on everyprompt
, not just when inside a Git repo.- To prevent setting
, set$GitPromptSettigs.WindowTitle
. - The
update has been moved from theWrite-GitStatus
command to the built-inprompt
function. $GitPromptSettings.WindowTitle
is now fully customizable:- As a
, it will be processed withExpandString
. - As a
(default), it will be executed with two parameters:$GitStatus
- As a
- When a color setting is specified by a
(color name), it is parsed as an HTML color (on platforms that supportSystem.Drawing.ColorTranslator
) before being parsed as aConsoleColor
. To force usingConsoleColors
, use static member syntax (e.g.[ConsoleColor]::Cyan
). (PR #536) PoshGitVcsPrompt
errors now show details if$GitPromptSettings.Debug
(PR #560)
- New command
which formats the path displayed in the prompt and window title. This command honors$GitPromptSettings.DefaultPromptAbbreviateHomeDirectory
.- A path exactly matching
is now shown in full, rather than abbreviated to~
(PR #567)
- A path exactly matching
- New
values (default):PathStatusSeparator
(' {0}ms'
property has been addded to the$global:GitStatus
object returned byGet-GitStatus
.- Added
; accepted values are$null
), "all", "no", and "normal" (#556) (PR #557) Thanks David Snedecor (@TheSned) - Exported
for use with custom tab expansion (#562) (PR #563)
- Fixed
should not affectGet-GitStatus
by adding-Force
parameter. (#475) (PR #535) - Fixed PowerShell Core bug where we were using
Get-Content -Encoding Byte
when processing profile scripts during Chocolatey install/uninstall. That encoding doesn't exist in PowerShell Core. Switched toGet-Content -AsByteStream
on PowerShell Core. (PR #532) - Fixed ANSI rendering bug: when both
colors are$null
(default), we were emitting an unnecessary terminating escape sequence"$([char]27)[0m"
. (PR #532) - Fixed issue where setting
to 0 (Black) rendered the default color instead. - Updated Git subcommand lists (#561) (PR #571)
- Drop support for PowerShell 2.0 (#163) (PR #427)
- Drop support for PowerShell 3.0 and 4.0 (#328) (PR #513)
- Remove public
and its??
alias (#93) (PR #427)
Changed the
hashtable to a stongly typed object. Here is one example of the impact of this change:$GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol = '#' $GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::DarkRed
Changes to:
$GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol.Text = '#' $GitPromptSettings.LocalWorkingStatusSymbol.ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::DarkRed
to return a string rather than write to host when the host supports ANSI escape sequences.
- Implement support for ANSI escape sequences for colored output - support System.ConsoleColor, System.Drawing.HtmlColor
(if available on the platform) and 24-bit color. NOTE: this is a breaking change since
will now return a string rather than write to the host when the host supports ANSI escape sequences. (#304) (#447) (#455) - $GitPromptSettings is now a strongly typed object using PS classes (#344) (PR #513)
- Provide more granular commands than just
. (#345) (PR #513) We now export the commands thatWrite-GitStatus
uses internally which are:- Write-GitBranchName
- Write-GitBranchStatus
- Write-GitIndexStatus
- Write-GitStashCount
- Write-GitWorkingDirStatus
- Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary
- Fixed Get-AuthenticodeSignature not on PS Core. (PR #487)
- Provide DefaultPromptPrefixColor and DefaultPromptSuffixColor options (#474) (PR #520)
- Fixed posh-git prompt makes PowerShell transcripts less readable (#282) (PR #447)
posh-git now exports the variable
which contains the code for the default prompt. (#501) (PR #513)If you need to execute your own logic in your own prompt function but still want to display the default posh-git prompt, you can execute this scriptblock from your prompt function e.g.:
# profile.ps1 function prompt { Set-NodeVersion &$GitPromptScriptBlock } Import-Module posh-git
Fixed 'Write-Prompt' to be able use Black as foreground color. (#470) (PR #468) Thanks Vladimir Poleh (@vladimir-poleh)
Pass "git.exe" instead of "git" to Get-Command. (PR #478) (PR #479) Thanks Mike Sigsworth (@mikesigs)
Squash ssh agent warnings if
. (PR #484) Thanks Refael Ackermann (@refack) -
Fixed directory names that contain [brackets] cause GitPrompt to fail. (PR #502) Thanks Duncan Smart (@duncansmart)
Add-PoshGitToProfile -AllUsers
support (PR #504) -
Fixed duplicated branch completion for git checkout (#505) (PR #506) (PR #512) Thanks Christoph Bergmeister (@bergmeister)
Fixed PSScriptAnalyzer warnings in the source (PR #509) Thanks Christoph Bergmeister (@bergmeister)
Fixed errors added to $Error collection by
command (#500) (PR #514) -
Clean up wording for work dir local status in help file (PR #516)
(default:'Administrator: '
) (#537) (PR #538) Thanks Eric Jorgensen (@nebosite) -
; accepted values are$null
), "all", "no", and "normal" (#556) (PR #557) Thanks David Snedecor (@TheSned) -
errors now show details if$GitPromptSettings.Debug
(PR #560) -
for use with custom tab expansion (#562) (PR #563) -
Add code coverage to Coveralls.io (#416) (PR #461) Thanks Jan De Dobbeleer (@JanJoris)
- Fixed tab completion issues with duplicate aliases (#164) (#421) (PR #422)
will no longer modify a signed$PROFILE
script; it also learned-Confirm
(PR #428)- Overwrite pre-0.7 posh-git prompt on import (PR #425)
- Fix Chocolatey deprecation warning with dependency on 0.9.10 (PR #426)
- Don't rerun Pageant if there are no keys to add (PR #441)
- Improve (and hide for Chocolatey) profile.example.ps1 deprecation messaging (#442) (PR #444)
- Quote tab completion for remote names containing special characters (PR #446)
- Fix signed $PROFILE detection for PowerShell v2 (#448) (PR #450)
- Create $PROFILE parent directory if missing (PR #449) (PR #452)
- Add -verbose parameter to install.ps1 (PR #451)
- Write-Prompt now correctly handles $null color parameters; the prompt now also uses DefaultForegroundColor when appropriate (PR #454)
- Add error handling to Write-GitStatus (PR #170) (PR #453)
This release has focused on improving the "getting started" experience by adding an Add-PoshGitToProfile
command that
modifies the user's PowerShell profile script to import the posh-git module whenever PowerShell starts.
When posh-git is imported, it will automatically install a posh-git prompt that displays Git status summary information.
Work was also done to improve performance of Get-GitStatus
when inside large Git repositories.
Work was begun to eliminate some obvious crashes on PowerShell on .NET Core but more work remains to be done.
- Performance of
on large repos has been improved (PR #319) - Fix prompt and tab completion with non-ASCII characters (#64) (PR #223) (PR #359) (#374) (#389) (PR #397) (PR #403)
- Fix incorrect tab expansion for
git push --option <remote>
(#234) (PR #379) - Fix support for bare repository (#291) (PR #370)
- Fix syntax error on setenv calls (PR #297)
- Fix temp path issue with ~ in 8.3 filenames (#298) (PR #299)
- Fix problem on open source PowerShell, missing
(#301) (PR #312) - Fix/simplify Chocolatey install and add uninstall (#358)
- Remove invalid branch from tab expansion when
is detached (PR #367) - Fix PowerShell Core error on
(#317) (#369) (PR #318) - Fewer errors generated in global
collection (PR #370) - Remove error thrown by
git symbolic-ref
andgit describe
(PR #307) - Export command Write-VcsStatus to improve module auto-loading (PR #284)
- Update module import so that it sets the prompt function iff the user does not have a customized prompt function (#217) (PR #349)
- Update profile.example.ps1 to remove prompt function and tweak how module is imported (PR #349)
- Add tab completion for AVH git-flow commands (PR #231)
- Add new commmand Add-PoshGitToProfile (PR #361)
- Add about_posh-git help topic (PR #298)
- Add new settings for default posh-git prompt:
- Add ahead/behind count to prompt
(PR #256)
- Add
setting to control count display (Full (default), Compact, Minimal)
- Add
- Fix empty
issue (PR #268) - Add new settings for prompt status summary text:
(PR #277) - Add tags to 'push' tab-completion (PR #286)
- Add new branch status to indicate upstream is gone (PR #326)
- Add tab completion support for shorthand force-push syntax (
git push <remote> +<tab>
) (#173) (PR #174) (PR #343) - Add tab completion of unique remote branch names for
git checkout <tab>
(#177) (PR #251) (PR #352) - Add
git worktree
tab completion (PR #366) - Add alias support for TortoiseGit commands (PR #394)
- Add support for tab-completion of Git parameters, long and short (PR #395)
- Switch
type fromPSObject
. On PowerShell v5 and higher, this preserves the definition order of properties in$GitPromptSettings
making it easier to find properties. - Fix prompt status in worktree (#407) (PR #408)
- Quote tab completion for items containing special characters (#293) (PR #413)
Thank you to the following folks who contributed their time and scripting skills to make posh-git better:
- Keith Hill (@rkeithhill)
- Pester test infrastructure
- Triage of open issues and PRs
- Many README and help improvements
- Many of the fixes enumerated above
- Marcus Reid (@cmarcusreid)
- Use GitStatusCache when it's installed (PR #208)
- Report UpstreamGone from GitStatusCache response (PR #372)
- Jason Shirk (@lzybkr)
- Ralf Müller (@seamlessintegrations)
- Add support for tab-completion of Git parameters (PR #395)
- Aksel Kvitberg (@Flueworks)
- Add Worktree tab completion (PR #366)
- Eric Amodio (@eamodio)
- Add aliasing support for TortoiseGit commands (PR #394)
- Kevin Shaw (@shawmanz32na)
- Add DefaultPromptAbbreviateHomeDirectory setting (PR #387)
- KanjiBates (@KanjiBates)
- Fix link to git-scm.com in README.md (PR #396)
- Joel Rowley (@hjoelr)
- Fix syntax error on setenv calls (PR #297)
- Hui Sun (@JimAmuro)
- Josh (@joshgo)
- Add tags to 'push' tab-completion (PR #286)
- Rebecca Turner (@9999years)
- Add new settings for prompt FileAddedText, FileModifiedText, FileRemovedText and FileConflictText (PR #277)
- Jack (@Jackbennett)
- Export command Write-VcsStatus to improve module auto-loading (PR #284)
- Brendan Forster (@shiftkey)
- Paul Marston (@paulmarsy)
- INOMATA Kentaro (@matarillo)
- Fix branch names using UTF8 characters do not display correctly (PR #223)
- Luis Vita (@Ivita)
- Fix typo in git commit parameter --amend in tab exansion (PR #405)
- Skeept (@skeept)
- Fix debug prompt breaking posh-git prompt on PowerShell v4 (PR #406)
- @theaquamarine
- Jan De Dobbeleer (@JanJoris)
- Remove errors thrown by
git symbolic-ref
andgit describe
(PR #307)
- Remove errors thrown by
- Dan Smith (@dozius)
- Add tab completion for AVH git-flow commands (PR #231)
- @drawfour
- Add ahead/behind count to prompt (PR #256)
- Dan Turner (@dan-turner)
- Add tab completion support for shorthand force-push syntax (
git push <remote> +<tab>
) (PR #174)
- Add tab completion support for shorthand force-push syntax (
- Mark Hillebrand (@mah)
- Add tab completion of unique remote branch names for
git checkout <tab>
(PR #251)
- Add tab completion of unique remote branch names for
- Jeff Yates (@somewhatabstract)
- Don't rerun Pageant if there are no keys to add (PR #441)
- Tolga Balci (@tolgabalci)