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139 lines (128 loc) · 19.6 KB


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
cloudamqp ~>1.14.0


Name Version
cloudamqp ~>1.14.0


No modules.


Name Type
cloudamqp_alarm.connection_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.consumer_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.cpu_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.disk_space_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.memory_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.notice_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.queue_alarm resource
cloudamqp_alarm.server_unreachable_alarm resource
cloudamqp_custom_domain.custom_domain resource
cloudamqp_instance.instance resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.cloudwatch resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.datadog resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.logentries resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.loggly resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.papertrail resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.splunk resource
cloudamqp_integration_log.stackdriver resource
cloudamqp_integration_metric.cloudwatch resource
cloudamqp_integration_metric.datadog resource
cloudamqp_integration_metric.librato resource
cloudamqp_integration_metric.newrelic resource
cloudamqp_integration_metric.stackdriver resource
cloudamqp_notification.recipient resource
cloudamqp_plugin.plugin resource
cloudamqp_plugin_community.plugin resource
cloudamqp_security_firewall.firewall_settings resource
cloudamqp_vpc_peering.vpc_accept_peering resource
cloudamqp_webhook.webhook resource


Name Description Type Default Required
alarm_connection_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool false no
alarm_connection_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_connection_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number null no
alarm_connection_value_threshold An alarm will be sent when the number of connections are more than the value threshold for more than number of seconds in the time threshold number null no
alarm_consumer_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool false no
alarm_consumer_queue_regex Regex for which queue to check string null no
alarm_consumer_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_consumer_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number null no
alarm_consumer_value_threshold The value to trigger the alarm for number null no
alarm_consumer_vhost_regex Regex for which vhost to check string null no
alarm_cpu_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool true no
alarm_cpu_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_cpu_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number 600 no
alarm_cpu_value_threshold The value to trigger the alarm for number 90 no
alarm_disk_space_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool true no
alarm_disk_space_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_disk_space_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number 600 no
alarm_disk_space_value_threshold The value to trigger the alarm for number 5 no
alarm_memory_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool true no
alarm_memory_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_memory_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number 600 no
alarm_memory_value_threshold The value to trigger the alarm for number 80 no
alarm_notice_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool true no
alarm_notice_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_queue_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool false no
alarm_queue_message_type Message type (total, unacked, ready) used by queue alarm type. string null no
alarm_queue_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_queue_regex Regex for which queue to check string null no
alarm_queue_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number null no
alarm_queue_value_threshold The value to trigger the alarm for number null no
alarm_queue_vhost_regex Regex for which vhost to check string null no
alarm_server_unreachable_enable Enable or disable the alarm to trigger bool true no
alarm_server_unreachable_recipients Identifier for recipient to be notified list(number) null no
alarm_server_unreachable_time_threshold The time interval (in seconds) the value_threshold should be active before triggering an alarm number 150 no
cloudamqp_customer_api_key API key needed to communicate to CloudAMQP's API string n/a yes
custom_domain Custom domain for the CloudAMQP instance string null no
firewall_rules An array of rules, minimum of 1 needs to be configured
description = string
ip = string
ports = list(number)
services = list(string)
{} no
instance_name Name of the CloudAMQP instance string n/a yes
instance_no_default_alarms Set to true to discard creating default alarms when the instance is created bool true no
instance_plan The subscription plan. See available plans string n/a yes
instance_region The region to host the instance in. See Instance regions string n/a yes
instance_rmq_version The Rabbit MQ version. Note: There is not yet any support in the provider to change the RMQ version. Once it's set in the initial creation, it will remain string null no
instance_tags One or more tags for the CloudAMQP instance, makes it possible to categories multiple instances in console view list(string) [] no
instance_vpc_id The VPC ID. Use this to create your instance in an existing VPC string null no
instance_vpc_subnet Creates a dedicated VPC subnet, shouldn't overlap with other VPC subnet, default subnet used NOTE: extra fee will be charged when using VPC string null no
integration_aws_access_key_id AWS access key identifier string null no
integration_aws_region Region hosting the integration service string null no
integration_aws_secret_access_key AWS secret access key string null no
integration_datadog_api_key The integration API key string null no
integration_datadog_region Region hosting the integration service string null no
integration_datadog_tags Tag the integration, e.g. env=prod, region=europe string null no
integration_librato_api_key The integration API key string null no
integration_librato_email The client email registered for the integration service string null no
integration_logentries_token Token used for authentication string null no
integration_loggly_token Token used for authentication string null no
integration_newrelic_api_key The integration API key string null no
integration_newrelic_region Region hosting the integration service string null no
integration_papertrail_url Endpoint to log integration string null no
integration_splunk_host_port Destination to send the logs number null no
integration_splunk_token Token used for authentication string null no
integration_stackdriver_client_email The client email registered for the integration service string null no
integration_stackdriver_private_key The private access key string null no
integration_stackdriver_project_id The project identifier string null no
notification_recipients Recipients to receive alarm notifications
type = string
value = string
name = string
[] no
plugin_activaction The set of names of the Rabbit MQ plugins
name = string
enabled = bool
[] no
plugin_community_activaction The set of names of community the Rabbit MQ plugins
name = string
enabled = bool
[] no
vpc_peering_aws_vpc_peering_id Peering identifier created by AWS peering request string null no
webhook_concurrency Max simultaneous requests to the endpoint number null no
webhook_queue A (durable) queue on your RabbitMQ instance string null no
webhook_retry_interval How often we retry if your endpoint fails (in seconds) number null no
webhook_uri A POST request will be made for each message in the queue to this endpoint string null no
webhook_vhost The vhost the queue resides in string null no


Name Description
instance_id The identifier (instance_id) for this resource, used as a reference by almost all other resource and data source
instance_name Name of the CloudAMQP instance
instance_plan The subscription plan
instance_region The region to host the instance in
vpc_id The VPC ID
vpc_subnet The VPC Subnet