This document provides tutorials to develop CenterNet. lib/src/opts
lists a few more options that the current version supports.
Basically there are three steps:
- Convert the dataset annotation to COCO format. Please refer to src/tools/ for an example to convert kitti format to coco format.
- Create a dataset intilization file in
. In most cases you can just copysrc/lib/datasets/dataset/
to your dataset name and change the category information, and annotation path. - Import your dataset at
Current folder: [CenterNet Root]/src
cd src
[dataset]: the name of custom dataset Folder structure:
- ../data/[dataset]/annotations: coco annotation json (train.json, val.json and test.json)
- ../data/[dataset]/images (dataset images and cvat coco annotation json)
- ../exp/ctdet/[experiment_name] (folder of the training model and logs)
Steps to prepare dataset:
- Download cvat coco annotation json ([annotation_name].json) into data/[dataset]/images
- Copy images to data/[dataset]/images/[annotation_name] if the CVAT task is image annotation
- Extract images from video to data/[dataset]/images/[annotation_name] if the CVAT task is video annotation by using this command:
python tools/ [input_video.mp4] ../data/[dataset]/images/[annotation_name] [framestep]
- Modify annotation json files ../data/[dataset]/images/*.json to use relative path of images
python tools/ ../data/[dataset]/images/[annotation_name].json
- Copy modified annotation json files to annotation folder
cp ../data/[dataset]/images/*_correct_output.json ../data/[dataset]/annotations/
- Create train, val, test dataset
python tools/ ../data/[dataset]/annotations/ ../data/[dataset]/images/
- Prepare mean and std dev of images: python tools/
python tools/ ../data/[dataset]/annotations/train.json
- Prepare dataset class, copy the to [dataset].py and modify the file according to the comment (Search for "Custom Dataset")
cp lib/datasets/dataset/ lib/datasets/dataset/[dataset].py
- Train
python ctdet --exp_id [experiment_name] --arch resdcn_101 --dataset [dataset] --batch_size 8 --master_batch 3 --lr 1.25e-4 --gpus 0
If need resume from experiment, add --resume
python ctdet --exp_id [experiment_name] --arch resdcn_101 --dataset [dataset] --batch_size 8 --master_batch 3 --lr 1.25e-4 --gpus 0 --resume
- Test
python ctdet --exp_id [experiment_name] --arch resdcn_101 --dataset [dataset] --load_model ../exp/ctdet/[experiment_name]/model_best.pth --trainval
- Try Inferencing
python ctdet --dataset [dataset] --demo [image or video] --load_model ../exp/ctdet/[experiment_name]/model_best.pth --arch resdcn_101 --debug 2
You will need to add files to src/lib/datasets/sample/
, src/lib/datasets/trains/
, and src/lib/datasets/detectors/
, which specify the data generation during training, the training targets, and the testing, respectively.
- Add your model file to
. The model should accept a dictheads
of{name: channels}
, which specify the name of each network output and its number of channels. Make sure your model returns a list (for multiple stages. Single stage model should return a list containing a single element.). The element of the list is a dict contraining the same keys withheads
. - Add your model in