Please refer to this document when updating applications using the Path Framework to newer Path versions.
- Bootstrap 4.x update (from Bootstrap 3)
- Angular 8.x update
- Button groups are supported
- Breadcrumb is supported as a GUI model element
- Form default values are supported
- File Upload field on forms added
- Font Awesome 5.x update
- Include the all.min.css Font Awesome CSS file in your application
- Include v4-shims.min.css if you need legacy icon support
- Compare with Path Example Application commit
- Breadcrumbs are refreshed after a form save
- Refactor your path classes imports
- Exclude path unit tests from compilation
- Angular 6.x migration:
- Migrate file .angular-cli.json to angular.json
- Update karma.conf.js if unit tests are used
- Update package.json: node 8.12 / npm 6.4 or later are required, update path, typescript versions
- Update angular-cli now requires dependent libraries to be included in the build explicitly
- Compare with Path Example Application commit
- Path Framework uses TSLint to check code style. You may use TSLint in your application as well.
- Update tslint.json
- Include tslint-angular dependency in package.json
- Check and update your code according to tslint
- Compare with Path Example Application commit