Parallel MPI application to compare two files or to recursively compare files with same relative paths within two different directories.
dcmp provides functionality similar to a recursive :manpage:`cmp(1)`. It reports how many files in two different directories are the same (or different).
.. option:: -b, --base
Do a base comparison.
.. option:: -v, --verbose
Run in verbose mode. Prints a list of statistics/timing data for the
command. Files walked, started, completed, seconds, files, bytes
read, byte rate, and file rate.
.. option:: -h, --help
Print the command usage, and the list of options available.
Compare two files in different directories:
mpirun -np 128 dcmp /src1/file1 /src2/file2
Compare two directories with verbose output. The verbose output prints timing and number of bytes read:
mpirun -np 128 dcmp -v /src1 /src2
:manpage:`dbcast(1)`, :manpage:`dchmod(1)`, :manpage:`dcmp(1)`, :manpage:`dcp(1)`, :manpage:`drm(1)`, :manpage:`dstripe(1)`, :manpage:`dwalk(1)`.
The mpiFileUtils source code and all documentation may be downloaded from <https://github.com/hpc/mpifileutils>