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(1/408 fail) Add typeclass info to state
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Next I need to look up typeclass functions in the frontend checker
at the point where I resolve terms. Then I can update `stateSources`
with links to the instance sources for each term.

That should be all that is required. In the generator all that matters
is the inferred general type (which is stored in the SAnno object) and
the index to the source.

A little additional work will be needed if I want to validate the
correctness of any given or omitted typeclass constraints.
  • Loading branch information
arendsee committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 30990f2 commit 32aded7
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 32 deletions.
157 changes: 125 additions & 32 deletions library/Morloc/Frontend/Treeify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Morloc.Frontend.Treeify (treeify) where
import Morloc.Frontend.Namespace
import Morloc.Data.Doc
import Morloc.Pretty ()
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import qualified Control.Monad.State as CMS
import qualified Morloc.Frontend.AST as AST
import qualified Morloc.Monad as MM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,29 +125,6 @@ term --<i>--.--<
`------------------------n--> General Signature

:: MVar
-> ExprI
-> [(m, e, Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes]))]
-> MorlocMonad (Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes]))
linkTypeclasses _ e es = do
cls <- findTypeclasses e
Map.unionsWithM mergeTypeclasses (cls : [x | (_,_,x) <- es])

findTypeclasses :: ExprI -> MorlocMonad (Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes]))
findTypeclasses _ = return Map.empty

:: (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes])
-> (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes])
-> MorlocMonad (Typeclass, EType, [TermTypes])
mergeTypeclasses (cls1, t1, ts1) (cls2, t2, ts2)
| cls1 /= cls2 = error "Conflicting typeclasses"
| t1 /= t2 = error "Conflicting typeclass term general type"
-- here I should do reciprocal subtyping
| otherwise = return (cls1, t1, ts1 <> ts2)

-- in each scope (top of a module or after descending into a where statement)
-- 1 collect all type signatures (Map EVar [EType])
-- 2 find all equivalent appearences of a given term across modules (including across aliases)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,16 +465,17 @@ collectSExpr (ExprI i e0) = (,) <$> f e0 <*> pure i
f (IntE x) = return (IntS x)
f (LogE x) = return (LogS x)
f (StrE x) = return (StrS x)

-- none of the following cases should ever occur
f (AnnE _ _) = error "impossible"
f (ModE _ _) = error "impossible"
f TypE {} = error "impossible"
f (ImpE _) = error "impossible"
f (ExpE _) = error "impossible"
f (SrcE _) = error "impossible"
f (SigE _) = error "impossible"
f AssE {} = error "impossible"
f ClsE{} = undefined
f IstE{} = undefined
f AnnE{} = undefined
f ModE{} = undefined
f TypE{} = undefined
f ImpE{} = undefined
f ExpE{} = undefined
f SrcE{} = undefined
f SigE{} = undefined
f AssE{} = undefined

reindexExprI :: ExprI -> MorlocMonad ExprI
reindexExprI (ExprI i e) = ExprI <$> newIndex i <*> reindexExpr e
Expand All @@ -521,3 +500,117 @@ newIndex i = do
i' <- MM.getCounter
copyState i i'
return i'

:: MVar
-> ExprI
-> [(m, e, Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))]
-> MorlocMonad (Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))
linkTypeclasses _ e es
-- Merge the typeclasses and instances from all imported modules
-- These are inherited implicitly, so import terms are ignored
= Map.unionsWithM mergeTypeclasses [x | (_,_,x) <- es]
-- Augment the inherited map with the typeclasses and instances in this module
>>= findTypeclasses e

:: ExprI
-> Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
-> MorlocMonad (Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))
findTypeclasses (ExprI moduleIndex (ModE moduleName es0)) priorClasses = do
-- typeclass definitions live only at the top-level, so need to recursively
-- descend into the expressions in a module

-- first we collect all typeclass definitions in this module
localClasses <- Map.unionsWithM mergeTypeclasses
. map makeClass
$ [(cls, vs, sigs) | (ExprI _ (ClsE cls vs sigs)) <- es0]
-- then merge them with all prior typeclasses and instances
allClasses <- Map.unionWithM mergeTypeclasses priorClasses localClasses
-- find instances in this module
let instances = [(cls, ts, es) | (ExprI _ (IstE cls ts es)) <- es0]
-- fold the instances into the current typeclass map and return
moduleClasses <- foldlM addInstance allClasses instances

mapM_ (linkVariablesToTypeclasses moduleClasses) es0

return moduleClasses

-- make a map of all terms that are defined in a typeclass (these will all
-- be general term)
makeClass :: (Typeclass, [TVar], [Signature]) -> Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
makeClass (cls, vs, sigs) = Map.fromList $ map makeClassTerm sigs where
makeClassTerm :: Signature -> (EVar, (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))
makeClassTerm (Signature v _ t) = (v, (cls, vs, t, []))

:: Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
-> (Typeclass, [TypeU], [ExprI])
-> MorlocMonad (Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))
addInstance clsmap (_, _, []) = return clsmap
addInstance clsmap (cls0, ts0, es) = mapM f es |>> Map.fromList where
f :: ExprI -> MorlocMonad (EVar, (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]))
f (ExprI srcIndex (SrcE src)) =
case Map.lookup (srcAlias src) clsmap of
(Just (cls1, vs, generalType, otherInstances)) -> do
when (cls1 /= cls0) (error "Conflicting instances")
when (length vs /= length ts0) (error "Conflicting class and instance parameter count")
let instanceType = generalType { etype = foldl (\t (v,r) -> substituteTVar v r t) (etype generalType) (zip vs ts0) }
let newTerm = TermTypes (Just instanceType) [(moduleName, Idx srcIndex src)] []
let typeterms = newTerm : filter (noInstanceInLang (srcLang src)) otherInstances
return (srcAlias src, (cls0, vs, instanceType, typeterms))
Nothing -> error "No typeclass found for instance"
f _ = error "Only source statements are currently allowed in instances (generalization is in development)"

noInstanceInLang :: Lang -> TermTypes -> Bool
noInstanceInLang lang otherTerm = lang `notElem` (map (srcLang . val . snd) . termConcrete $ otherTerm)

:: Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
-> ExprI
-> MorlocMonad ()
linkVariablesToTypeclasses = link where
link :: Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]) -> ExprI -> MorlocMonad ()
-- The following may have terms from typeclasses
-- 1. variables
link m (ExprI i (VarE v)) = setClass m i v
-- recurse into assignments, allow shadowing of typeclass functions (TODO: warn)
link m (ExprI _ (AssE _ (ExprI _ (LamE ks e)) es)) = do
-- shadow all terms bound under the lambda
let m' = foldr Map.delete m ks
mapM_ (link m') (e:es)
-- modules currently cannot be nested (should this be allowed?)
link _ (ExprI _ (ModE v _)) = MM.throwError $ NestedModule v
-- everything below boilerplate
link m (ExprI _ (AccE e _)) = link m e
link m (ExprI _ (LstE xs)) = mapM_ (link m) xs
link m (ExprI _ (TupE xs)) = mapM_ (link m) xs
link m (ExprI _ (LamE vs e)) = link (foldr Map.delete m vs) e
link m (ExprI _ (AppE f es)) = link m f >> mapM_ (link m) es
link m (ExprI _ (AnnE e _)) = link m e
link m (ExprI _ (NamE rs)) = mapM_ (link m . snd) rs
link _ _ = return ()

setClass :: Map.Map EVar (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes]) -> Int -> EVar -> MorlocMonad ()
setClass m termIndex v = case Map.lookup v m of
(Just (cls, _, t, ts)) -> do
s <- CMS.get
let newMap = GMap.insert termIndex moduleIndex (cls, t, ts) (stateTypeclassTerms s)
CMS.put (s { stateTypeclassTerms = newMap } )
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
findTypeclasses _ _ = undefined

:: (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
-> (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
-> MorlocMonad (Typeclass, [TVar], EType, [TermTypes])
mergeTypeclasses (cls1, vs1, t1, ts1) (cls2, vs2, t2, ts2)
| cls1 /= cls2 = error "Conflicting typeclasses"
| t1 /= t2 = error "Conflicting typeclass term general type"
| length vs1 /= length vs2 = error "Conflicting typeclass parameter count"
-- here I should do reciprocal subtyping
| otherwise = return (cls1, vs1, t1, ts1 <> ts2)

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