All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Resource relationships for Customer, Invoice, Subscription and SubscriptionPlan.
- Support for Guzzle 7 (required by Laravel 8)
- Invoice and invoice lines API endpoint.
- Transactions API endpoint.
- Unit tests for all resources.
- Resource type is now integrated in endpoint implementations.
- ID not present in payload for update subscription.
- PostalCode not set for Customer.
- Changed vendor name from Marissen to Mooore.
- PHP version check to make sure we're running on the right version.
- Passing extra attributes to Customer::createSubscription and SubscriptionPlan::createSubscription() is now possible.
- Moved status values from inplace strings to class constants in resource Subscription.
- Initial release.