POSDash is an inventory management system website. Here user can create an account with email and password. User can also use social media like Google and GitHub to login. After creating the account user is redirected to the page from where he was taken to login page. User can add items to inventory, they can update items stock. User can delete items from inventory. User can add items to their profile. These items can be viewed from My Items page. User can delete their items.
Website Link: https://posdash-37746.web.app/
Client Side Code: https://github.com/montasim/warehouse-management-client
Server Side Code: https://github.com/montasim/warehouse-management-server
- Authentication (Firebase, JWT)
- Email verification
- Reset password
- Display user image when login with social media
- User profile
- Manage products (CRUD operations)
- Dashboard
- Admin panel
- Firebase hosting
- 7 Pages
- Can update item stock
- When Deliver an item stock reduces
- User can add item.
- User items can be found in My Items Page
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- TailwindCSS
- React Icons
- React Firebase Hooks
- AOS Animation
- React Toastify
- Client-side hosting: Firebase
- Server-side hosting: Heroku