WeatherApp was developed as part of the CodersCamp course in the academic year 2019/2020.
It is a simple weather application that allows users to check the current weather forecast for different locations.
The application was originally deployed on heroku, but since it was no longer free, I moved it to render.
The website is in Polish.
- Using environment variables.
- Webpack to optimize the project structure and enhance performance.
- Collect current weather and forecast data from OpenWeatherMap.
- Skycons library for animated weather glyphs.
- Displaying a different thermometer based on the temperature in a given location.
- Location suggestions using Azure Maps and Typehead (it stopped working due to an outdated Azure key; a similar feature is described here -> medium)
The tech stack includes HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Webpack.
Follow these steps to set up and run the app on your local machine:
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
To get started with this project, simply download the code and run:
npm i
to install all the dependencies for the project- and
npm start
to start the app on your localhost (default http://localhost:8080/).