In this Big Data Analytics project, we are finding the language trend analytics and its effect on the interview process using the data from Github API, Stackoverflow API and Indeed API
Data: Static Archival
Type of file Download: XML Download
In /Dataprofiling/StackOverflow
- Parse the XML File of Dataset using code in Data Transformation folder.
-, and is the code for profiling data.
- Output is a text file.
Data: Static
Type of file Download: JSON format using Indeed API
In /Dataprofiling/Indeed
- The JSON dataset file is converted to text file by including only the required fields.
-, and is the code for profiling data.
- Output is a text file.
Data: Static
Type of file Download: JSON format using Github API
In /Dataprofiling/Github
- Only some fields of the json dataset are stored like event_id, event_repo_languages, event_repo_id,event_repo_name, payload etc.
-, is the code for profiling data.
- Output is a text file which contains json records and fed into CleanMap.
In /DataCleaning/StackOerflow
- Parse the XML File of Dataset from profiling code.
- Use the output of this file as input for
- and is mapreduce code for cleaning the data.
- is the driver code for mapreduce
- Output for this is a text file.
In /DataCleaning/Indeed
- The JSON dataset file is converted to text file by including only the required fields.
- Use the output of this file as input for
- and is mapreduce code for cleaning the data.
- is the driver code for mapreduce
- Output for this is a text file.
In /DataCleaning/Github
- In the JSON dataset is parsed. Each line from STDIN represents an event. Some events contain no languages at all. We filter for events having atleast one programming language.
- The Output from is (event_id, cleaned_json_record_of_event_id) ie. it outputs cleaned records with key as event_id and value as the json record.
- splits the key and value, and stores the value (record) line by line. Output is a text file with json records.
/DataAnalytic/StackOverflowAnalytics.scala - This code finds the Language Ranking on the basis of number of records.
Also , outputs new files for tags with each language from Github Rankings
/DataAnalytic/StackOverflowPairingtop20.scala - This code finds the ranking of pairing of top 20 languages from the dataset. The top 20 languages are collective ranking for Analytic iteration 1.
/DataAnalytic/StackOverflow_answercount-score.hql - This is a hive file which ranks top 20 languages from StackOverflow Dataset on the basis of questions answered and the score received. The top 20 languages are from Analytic iteration-1.
/DataAnalytic/IndeedAnalytic2.scala - This code finds the Language Ranking on the basis of number of records i.e. Job description for respective Languages.
/DataAnalytic/IndeedAnalytic1.scala - This code outputs pair count of respective language with each of the other languages found together in Job descriptions of all jobs.
/DataAnalytic/IndeedPairingTopLanguages.scala - This code finds the ranking of pairing of top 20 languages from the dataset. The top 20 languages are collective ranking for Analytic iteration 1.
/DataAnalytic/ - This code finds Language ranking on the basic of number of events from 15th nov till 30th nov
/DataAnalytic/ - This code finds language ranking/daily trends for each day from 15th nov till 30th nov
/DataAnalytic/ = This code finds the ranking of pairing of top 20 languages that were common to each event from the data set.