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- [cheatsheet-math.pdf]() - [Monotonic Queue.pdf]() - [secuences.pdf]() - []() - [TeamBook.pdf]() ---------------------- - [Codes]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Math]() - [String]() - [Data Structures]() - [Misc]() - [Graph Theory]() - [Dynamic Programming]() - [Matrix]() - [Geometry]() - [Flow & Matching]() - [Game Theory]() - [Auxiliary Code]() ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- - [.Nim Game Example.tex.ini]() - [One Pile Grandy(normal).cpp]() - [Nim Game.tex]() - [Hackenbush (simple).cpp]() - [Nim Game Example – Suhendry’s Blog.pdf]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Sample Code.cpp]() - [Header File.cpp]() - [Bitset.cpp]() - [Bit Magic.cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Map (BST).c]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Strongly Connected Component.cpp]() - [Stable Marriage Problem.cpp]() - [Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's).cpp]() - [Articulation Point.cpp]() - [Minimum Spanning Tree (kruskal).cpp]() - [Dinkelbach Algorithm (Spanning tree ratio (min_max)).cpp]() - [Dijkstra Second Shortest Path.cpp]() - [Articulation Bridge.cpp]() - [Dinkelbach Algorithm (Spanning tree ratio (min_max)).cxx]() - [Topological Sort (lexicographically).cpp]() - [Heavy-Light Decomposition.cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Edit Distance.cpp]() - [Longest Increasing Subsequence with Print.cpp]() - [Longest Common Subsequence with Print.cpp]() - [Knuth Optimization (Iterative).cpp]() - [Longest Common Substring.cpp]() - [Divide & Conquer.cpp]() - [Longest Common Substring with Print.cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Matrix Exponentiation.pdf]() - [Gaussian Elimination.cpp]() - [Matrix Exponentiation.cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Convex Hull ( monotone chain).cpp]() - [Convex Hull(Monotone_chain).cpp]() - [Convex Hull (Graham Scan).cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Biparted Machting.cpp]() - [Dinic (Maxflow).cpp]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [.Nim Game Example.tex.ini]() - [One Pile Grandy(normal).cpp]() - [Nim Game.tex]() - [Hackenbush (simple).cpp]() - [Nim Game Example – Suhendry’s Blog.pdf]() ---------------------- ---------------------- - [Sample Code.cpp]() - [Header File.cpp]() - [Bitset.cpp]() - [Bit Magic.cpp]() ---------------------- ----------------------