Releases: mongodb/mongo-csharp-driver
.NET Driver Version 2.23.1 Release Notes
This is a patch release that addresses some issues reported since 2.23.0 was released.
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The list of JIRA tickets resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
There are no known backwards breaking changes in this release.
.NET Driver Version 2.23.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.23.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.23.0 include:
- General driver bug fixes and improvements
- Support for bitwise operators in aggregation pipeline - CSHARP-4486
- Support for $out to Time-series collections - CSHARP-4706
- ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent aggregation stage added - CSHARP-4633
- LINQ3 bug fixes and improvements
- Additional logging messages
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
.NET Driver Version 2.22.0 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.22.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.22.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.22.0 include:
- LINQ3 bug fixes and improvements
- Support for $set aggregation stage
- Added synonym support for Atlas Search
- Support for $vectorSearch aggregation stage
- Reduced memory allocations when using encryption
- Additional logging messages
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
.NET Driver Version 2.21.0 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.21.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.21.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.21.0 include:
- LINQ3 bug fixes and improvements
- Atlas Search sort, tracking, score details options added
- Atlas Search embeddedDocuments operator support
- Atlas Search index mangement API added
- Anonymous types added to default AllowedTypes in ObjectSerializer
Atlas Search minor breaking change
All Render
methods in Atlas Search builders have a new signature:
Render(IBsonSerializer<TDocument> documentSerializer, IBsonSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry)
Changed to
Render(SearchDefinitionRenderContext<TDocument> renderContext)
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
.NET Driver Version 2.20.0 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.20.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.20.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.20.0 include:
- Support for MongoDB server version 7.0.0
- Support for equality query types in Queryable Encryption GA
- LINQ3 bug fixes and improvements
- Serialization bug fixes and improvements
- Logging improvements
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
.NET Driver Version v2.19.2 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.19.2 Release Notes
This is a patch release that addresses some issues reported since 2.19.1 was released.
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The list of JIRA tickets resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
There are no known backwards breaking changes in this release.
.NET Driver Version 2.19.1 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.19.1 Release Notes
This is a patch release that addresses some issues reported since 2.19.0 was released.
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The list of JIRA tickets resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
There are no known backwards breaking changes in this release.
NET Driver Version 2.19.0 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.19.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.19.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.19.0 include:
- Atlas Search builders
- Default LinqProvider changed to LINQ3
- ObjectSerializer allowed types configuration
- Bucket and BucketAuto stages support in LINQ3
- Support Azure VM-assigned Managed Identity for Automatic KMS Credentials
- Native support for AWS IAM Roles
This version addresses CVE-2022-48282.
ObjectSerializer allowed types configuration
The ObjectSerializer
has been changed to only allow deserialization of types that are considered safe.
What types are considered safe is determined by a new configurable AllowedTypes
function (of type Func<Type, bool>
The default AllowedTypes
function is ObjectSerializer.DefaultAllowedTypes
which returns true for a number of well-known framework types that we have deemed safe.
A typical example might be to allow all the default allowed types as well as your own types. This could be accomplished as follows:
var objectSerializer = new ObjectSerializer(type => ObjectSerializer.DefaultAllowedTypes(type) || type.FullName.StartsWith("MyNamespace"));
More information about the ObjectSerializer
is available in our FAQ.
Default LinqProvider changed to LINQ3
Default LinqProvider has been changed to LINQ3.
LinqProvider can be changed back to LINQ2 in the following way:
var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost";
var clientSettings = MongoClientSettings.FromConnectionString(connectionString);
clientSettings.LinqProvider = LinqProvider.V2;
var client = new MongoClient(clientSettings);
If you encounter a bug in LINQ3 provider, please report it in CSHARP JIRA project.
An online version of these release notes is available here.
The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.
.NET Driver Version 2.18.0 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.18.0 Release Notes
This is the general availability release for the 2.18.0 version of the driver.
The main new features in 2.18.0 include:
- Snappy compression now uses a managed implementation
- ZStandard compression now uses a managed implementation
- Cache AWS credentials when possible
- New cross driver standard logging support
- Support for $documents aggregation pipeline stage
An online version of these release notes is available at:
The full list of JIRA issues resolved in this release is available at:
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found at:
.NET Driver Version 2.17.1 Release Notes
.NET Driver Version 2.17.1 Release Notes
This is a patch release that fixes a potential data corruption bug in RewrapManyDataKey
when rotating encrypted data encryption keys backed by GCP or Azure key services.
The following conditions will trigger this bug:
- A GCP-backed or Azure-backed data encryption key being rewrapped requires fetching an access token for decryption of the data encryption key.
The result of this bug is that the key material for all data encryption keys being rewrapped is replaced by new randomly generated material, destroying the original key material.
To mitigate potential data corruption, upgrade to this version or higher before using RewrapManyDataKey
to rotate Azure-backed or GCP-backed data encryption keys. A backup of the key vault collection should always be taken before key rotation.
An online version of these release notes is available at:
The list of JIRA tickets resolved in this release is available at:
Documentation on the .NET driver can be found at:
There are no known backwards breaking changes in this release.