git clone git checkout develop
included physics_monan directory
update Makefile for gfortran
update Registry.xml of init_atmosphere
update Registry.xml of core_atmosphere
update Makefile of core_atmosphere
Changes in physics a) mpas_atmphys_control.F b) mpas_atmphys_driver.F c) mpas_atmphys_driver_cloudiness.F d) mpas_atmphys_driver_convection.F e) mpas_atmphys_init.F f) mpas_atmphys_interface.F g) mpas_atmphys_packages.F h) mpas_atmphys_todynamics.F i) mpas_atmphys_vars.F
changes in dynamics a) mpas_atm_time_integration.F
changes in core_atmosphere a) mpas_atm_halos.F