π² Vintage Poker Game
- Wallet Integration: Users can create wallets, deposit and withdraw funds, and view transaction history.
- In-Game Currency Management: Players can use their wallet balance to place bets and enter tournaments.
- Real-Time Gameplay: All transactions are processed instantly during gameplay.
- User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design for easy navigation between poker tables and wallet management.
- Security Measures: Enhanced security protocols to protect user data and transactions.
- Compliance: Adheres to online gambling regulations, including KYC/AML policies.
- Testing Framework: Comprehensive testing for all functionalities, including unit and integration tests.
- This snapshot shows only the cmrpoker directory and its contents.
- Files over 2000 lines are truncated.
- Binary files and dependencies are excluded.
- bcryptjs: ^2.4.3
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.5
- cors: ^2.8.5
- dotenv: ^8.2.0
- express: ^4.17.1
- mongoose: ^5.10.2
- socket.io: ^2.3.0
- pokersolver: ^2.1.4
- nodemailer: ^6.4.11
- concurrently: ^5.3.0
- nodemon: ^2.0.4
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
cd client
npm run build
NODE_ENV=production node server.js
Prepared for: David Santiago Florez Diaz, Texas, US
Wallet Integration
- Wallet Creation
- Deposit Funds
- Withdraw Funds
- Transaction History
Security Requirements
- Use encryption protocols for data transmission.
- Implement anti-fraud measures.
User Interface Requirements
- Design an intuitive user interface.
- Include wallet balance indicators.
Compliance Requirements
- Ensure compliance with online gambling regulations.
Testing Requirements
- Conduct thorough testing of all functionalities.
βββ client/
β βββ public/
β βββ routes/
β βββ socket/
β βββ config.js
β βββ server.js
βββ package.json
βββ README.md
- Generated using repository-content-printer.
- Node modules and build outputs excluded.
- See config.mjs for the complete ignore list.