- Upgraded the agora_rtc_engine to v4.0.6
- New method of initialization
- Added all the event handlers
- Fixed disabled video widget for grid view
- Added video render mode
- Upgraded the agora_rtc_engine to v4.0.5
- Black Screen Fix
- Remove unnecessary null checks
- AreaCode bug fix
- Added roadmaps to README.md
- Update README
Agora Flutter UIKit Release. Features:
- Automatically layout all video streams
- Builtin floating and grid layouts
- Display the active speaker in the larger display while using the floating layout
- Allowing you to pin any stream to the larger display while using the floating layout
- Default buttons for disabling camera or microphone, switch cameras, end call
- Add, remove or customize buttons
- Auto hide buttons after a fixed period of time
- Icon for signalling the local and remote user microphone and camera state
- Display number of users in the channel
- Automatically fetch token from a given token server
- Subscribing to high or low-quality video streams