This is a Simple Django project based on the Fashion Designing.
Where the admin want to add the products and Customer wants to see those products in Store.
Designers role is to do the Design requested by the customer.
- After downloading and unzipping the project folder
- Open the project folder in Visual Studio Code or PyCharm.
- After open the CMD at that folder.
- Then create a virtual env by using command "python -m venv venv"
- .\venv\scripts\activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
- python runserver
- python createsuperuser
- give username
- password
- confirm password
It will create a super user.
Go to admin module that is
The Admin wants to add the products here
- Sasi Kiran Vullaganti - Front End
- Mohandeep Atmuri - Back End