Creating a complete recipe application that allows users to explore, search, and save their favorite recipes, with additional features such as video playback and user authentication.
The Recipe App is designed to provide a seamless cooking experience, allowing users to search for recipes, view details, watch recipe-related videos, and save their favorites. The app includes multiple fragments for user authentication, recipe exploration, and user profile management, with an easy-to-use bottom navigation bar.
- Splash Screen: A splash screen using the Lottie library for animation.
- User Authentication: Login and registration screens to manage user sessions.
- Recipe Search: Search for recipes from TheMealDB API.
- Favorites: Save and manage your favorite recipes.
- Video Playback: Overlay video player for YouTube-like recipe videos.
- Fragment Navigation: Smooth navigation between different app sections using a Bottom Navigation component.
- About Page: Information about the app creator and app synopsis.
- Upon launching the app, the Splash Screen will appear.
- New users must register or log in.
- Once logged in, users will be directed to the Home Fragment where they can explore recipes.
- Use the Bottom Navigation to switch between the Home, Favorites, and Search screens.
- Click on a recipe to view details in the RecipeDetailFragment.
- Save a recipe to favorites by clicking the "Save to Favorites" button.
- Watch video instructions on recipes using the integrated video player.
SignInFragment & SignUpFragment
- Local Database: Room database is used to store all the data about the user.
- Database Operations: Handle save, update, delete, and fetch operations for Registration, Login and favorites.
- AuthActivity: Manages the SplashFragment, LoginFragment, and RegisterFragment.
- RecipeActivity: Manages the remaining fragments, allowing navigation through the Bottom Navigation.
- Bottom Navigation: Includes tabs for Home, Search, and Favorites, facilitating easy access to all features.
- Shared Preferences: Used to store user login status and track whether the user has logged in before.
- API Configuration: Integrate TheMealDB API for fetching recipes.