🚀 I’m currently using MERN, Laravel
💬 Ask me about: Data Structures, Algorithms and Web development
📫 Reach me: mohammad.abdelkhalek.dev@gmail.com
🙂 Interested in: Books 📖, Podcasts 🎧 & Sports 🤾♀️
⚡ Committing code and chasing dreams, one branch at a time! ✨
Connect with me | Discord | |||
Crafting digital solutions with passion and precision ✨
Bootstrap |
Express |
Laravel |
React |
Redux |
Sass |
Tailwind CSS |
MariaDB |
MongoDB |
MS SQL Server |
SQLite |
Oracle |
PostgreSQL |
Android Studio |
Arduino |
Figma |
Firebase |
Git |
Photoshop |
Postman |