This is a repo of custom Ashita 4 addons for the CatsEyeXI server.
Blocks the server messages sent by "Apururu" and not the Unity chat like if you were to try and use the filters. Also some players said the filters don't work for them and some say it does but it didn't work for me so I made an addon to do that.
Type /stfuapu help or /apu help for a list of commands. Can also display the DI server message in a simplified single line of text (/stfuapu simple on).
This is a Lootwhore profile for the Ashita 4 plugin. To use it put it in the '\catseyexi\catseyexi-client\Ashita\config\Lootwhore\profiles' directory and with Lootwhore loaded type the command '/lw profile di' and this will load the profile as is. You'll want to edit the XML and add 'lot' or 'pass' to the ones you want (or not). Each item is marked to let you know what item it is.
This is for the current Ashita 4 and works on the CatsEyeXI Private Server.