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Jackson Wood edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 2 revisions


public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ModfileIdPair,,string>> IterateInstalledMods(IList<int> modIdFilter);


Name Description
modIdFilter Mods to include in the enumeration. A value of NULL includes all results in the enumeration


IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ModfileIdPair,,string>>: An enumerator of all the detected ModfileIdPairs and their accompanying directory paths. A folder name with an unparseable mod identifier element generates a ModfileIdPair with a modId set to ModProfile.NULL_ID and a modfileId set to Modfile.NULL_ID. If only the modfile identifier cannot be parsed, the mod id will be set to the parsed value and the modfileId will be set to Modfile.NULL_ID.


Returns the data of all the mods installed.

Iterates over all of the folders in the mod installation directory and parses the folder name to generate the accompanying ModfileIdPair to return as a KeyValuePair.

NOTE: It cannot be assumed that the Key of the KeyValuePair is unique as there can be directories that cannot be parsed as mod and modfile identifier pairs.

See also: ModIO.ModManager.GetInstalledModDirectories, ModIO.ModManager.GetInstalledModVersions

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