This repository includes some interesting data structures and algorithms.
Collect basic funny code files that I did before in different programming languages
- design_patterns introduces famous design patterns with related code;
Design Patters
- 6 sorts algorithms (Bubble, selection, Assersion, quick, merge, Radix) Sorts
- trie data struction (Funny, it can contain the whole English words)
- other simple ones
- examples include creating (Package, Procedure, Function, Trigger, Profile, Tablespace, User, Password_verify_function, and Dynamic SQL)
- DBAcommands shows multiple commands for DBA
- Basic SQL stuff (SQLsummary, SQLsummaryDBA)
- Debug stuff (How to install Oracle 12c on Linux, How to fix connection issue)
- CybersecurityStrategy introduces important points to set up security policies;
- Big_Tools includes tcpdump, nmap, gpg, netcat, gdb, dd, ramdisk, pipe, etc;
- concepts show basic concepts related to network security, Data Assurance;
- network_commands focuses on the high level network commands
Big Tools
Cybersecurity Strategy
Network Commands