- The Goal is too high. (不可达到的目标)
- The plan is too specific to follow. (无法执行的计划)
- Too poor resources (贫乏的项目资源)
- Requirement changes too much. (失控的变更管理)
- Follow customers too much or never listen to them (缺乏态度和立场)
- Bad team building (无能的团队建设)
- Bad award rules (奖罚不清)
- Lack risk management (缺乏风险管理)
- Custom PM without work expierence (经验不足的乙方PM)
- Bad Developer team PM (经验不足的甲方PM)
- Not follow Agile basic method - iteration (run it like Waterfall), lost Customer trust
- Software Performance control should be checked periodly.
- Team lead does not listen to members' advise.