Testing docker containers for VO Applications, using a sampbridge (jsamp) to make possible for the application containers to communicate via SAMP
Docker repository:
TOPCAT link: http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/
SPLAT-VO link: http://www.g-vo.org/pmwiki/About/SPLAT
JSAMP link: http://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/~mbt/jsamp/
Ideas to improve it are welcome.
To build the containers:
docker build -t splat splat_docker
docker build -t topcat topcat_docker
docker build -t sampbridge sampbridge_docker
To be able to access files from and save to the host machine (config, datafiles to open, ...)
create/choose a local directory that will be mounted by the docker container
mkdir <path-to-common-directory>
put data you want to access there; from the container, save data in /root/
To make the GUI run:
in a MacOs machine, you need to install a X server (XQuartz) Open XQuartz Preferences -> Security, check ‘Allow connections from network clients’ on a shell window, type
xhost +
You'll need to pass the ip address of the host machine to the container when you run it. Depending on the OS, there are several ways to get the ip address:
MAC: HOST_IP=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0) LINUX: HOST_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') WINDOWS: ??
To communicate using SAMP, they need to be in the same network (needs to be done only once):
docker network create samp-network
Run SPLAT, TOPCAT in the samp-network:
docker run -v <path-to-common-directory>:/root -e DISPLAY=$HOST_IP:0 --network samp-network -t splat docker run -v <path-to-common-directory>:/root -e DISPLAY=$HOST_IP:0 --network samp-network -t topcat
Run sampbridge container in same network (it has to be started after Topcat and SPLAT):
docker run -v <path-to-common-directory>:/root --network samp-network -t sampbridge