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Using PyObjects directly

Momtchil Momtchev edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 8 revisions

A PyObject can be used from JavaScript as follows:

for a slightly more readable interface that omits the .get()/.call() part at a small performance cost refer to Using proxified PyObjects

import { pymport } from 'pymport';

// Python: import numpy as np
// np is a PyObject
const np = pymport('numpy');

// Python: a = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)
// a is a PyObject
const a = np.get('arange').call(15).get('reshape').call(3, 5);

// Python: a = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=int16)
// np.get('int16') is a PyObject
// (if the last argument is a plain JS object, it is considered a kwargs argument)
const b = np.get('ones').call([2, 3], { dtype: np.get('int16') });

// Python: print(a.tolist())
// PyObject.toJS() converts to JS

A PyObject can be used directly by calling

  • .toJS() returns a native JavaScript copy - see the section on conversions for more details

  • .get() to use the Python member operator .

  • .call() to invoke a Python callable

  • .item() to use the Python subscript operator []

  • .length is defined for Python iterables

  • .type contains the Python type

  • .toString() calls the Python builtin str() and returns a JavaScript string

  • A PyObject referencing a Python iterable can be iterated from JavaScript

    let sum = 0;
    const list = PyObject.list([8, 9, 3]);
    for (const i of list) { sum += +i; }  // i is a PyObject, +i is a number
  • Refer to Python specific features for how to express Python-specific features absent from JavaScript such as operator overloading, lvalues, slices and using objects as subscript indices.